13 profiles accuracy in 13 weeks.

+9 votes
1. Does wikitree immediately Identify that we have completed improving the accuracy of 13 profiles in 13 weeks. If not how do we report what we have done?

2. Can we consider the profiles we do in challenges as included in the 13 profiles in 13 weeks or must they be seperate?
in The Tree House by Alice Thomsen G2G6 Pilot (385k points)
I haven't heard of any challenge that deals with updating a number of profiles in a certain number of weeks or months.

2 Answers

+6 votes

Alice, you should tag your question with 52_accuracy instead of 51_accuracy. I hope the following will help answer your question.

To participate & get a badge, you need to answer the original question on G2G Are you participating in our 2021 52 Weeks of Accuracy/52 Weeks of Photos Challenges? There is a weekly prompt for the type of profiles to post. Some of them have been First, In the Kitchen, and Power. The current weekly challenge is here: Profile Accuracy Theme of the Week: Multiples. You choose what profile fits the theme, it can be one that you do in another profile. Simply answer the weekly question, include a bit about the person and why you picked them. 

To get the 13 in 13 or 26 in 26 badges, you need to participate in 13 or 26 consecutive weekly challenges during the week they are asked. Then post again in the original question that you have reached that milestone in the challenge. The 13 or 26 weeks can start anytime during the year. 

There is also a Help page that will hopefully answer any other questions. 

by Emily Holmberg G2G6 Pilot (174k points)
I went to site, answered that I am participating in both 52 weeks of accuracy and photos. Again thank you.
+5 votes
Yes I am participating in 52 Weeks of Photos Challenge and have been for several weeks.  I must have commented instead of answered. (Still Learning)

I am also participating in 52 weeks of accuracy and have been for several weeks.

Thank you helping me realize I also stated 51 instead 52. I will make correction.

I responded to th one First, I responded to the one Valentine with picture of parents married on Valentines Day.

Yes I am participating in Multiples. I have two sets of twins by same father two different wives.

So does the 13 or 26 begin now or can it go back to January when I was participating at least for accuracy?

Does participating also in the Weekly Challenge and doing accuracy there give credit for number of weeks?

I will also review the pages you indicated.?
by Alice Thomsen G2G6 Pilot (385k points)
Alice I didn't think about it before, but if you look at your badges you will see you do have the 52 Weeks of Accuracy & 52 Weeks of Photos badges. These indicate you are participating in those challenges.

My understanding of the 13 in 13 is it can be any consecutive 13 weeks that you participated. There isn't an automated tracker of the people participating, you just have to keep track yourself then post an answer to the original question that you have completed 13 weeks in a row.

Lots of people comment instead of answer - it took me a while to get the hang of it when I first started.
Emily thank you very much.

So is there a category that we can post on top of the profile that indicates it is part of the 52 for accuracy or 52 for photo and especially if it relates to category such as this week multiples?

Alice, I'm not aware of a category or sticker for the profiles that are chosen to be featured.

Regarding multiple births, there is a sticker you can add. For twins under the Biography heading insert {{Multiple Births|2}} and for triplets, it's {{Multiple Births|3}}

To see the sticker, you can check out my cousin's profile: Ray Riley

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