Do you come across profiles prior to 1400 with an incorrect name in the last name at birth (LNAB) field?

+19 votes
One of the large tasks that the European Aristocrats Project (aka EuroAristo) faces is to get the last name at birth (LNAB) field in the profiles to conform to the naming standards.  If you are the profile manager for profiles that fall within the EuroAristo project, please read the guidelines ( and work on getting the profiles in compliance.
If you aren't the profile manager, but you come across profiles that aren't  in compliance with the naming standards, we have added a category that you can place on the profile to identify it as needing someone (profile manager or leader) to correct the LNAB field.
At the top of the 'biography' section of the profile, please add:
[[Category:EuroAristo - Profiles with incorrect LNAB]]
Please let me know if you need any clarification.  Thanks.
Darlene (Athey-67) - Co-Leader, European Aristocrats Project
in Policy and Style by Darlene Athey-Hill G2G6 Pilot (555k points)
retagged by Keith Hathaway
I'm starting in to add your Category. I've been wandering about in the depths of the approved (usually by default) profiles ready to complete a merge. I just scratched my head, told myself "I can't do this", as in I hadn't a clue to the LNAB.

I'll mark both sides of the proposed merge, and it will give you lots of new candidates to clean up. I've seen quite a lot of them, IIRC
Thank you, Darlene, for a great question that will help make wikiTree more accurate. On this subject I have a question, why do some profiles not have an Edit button to hit for clean up purposes?

Thank you
If you're not seeing an Edit button for the Last Name at Birth, it's because you aren't the profile manager for that profile or the profile has a Project Protected status.

Sometimes a profile is locked because there are no dates entered for them (i.e. no birth or death date).  In that case, Wikitree doesn't know the age of the person and therefore keeps it locked.  When you know it's for a person who lived a few or several hundred years ago, you can post a note on the profile asking the profile manager to enter a date which will unlock the profile.

As to the LNAB field, Julie is correct that only a profile manager or leader can change the LNAB.  That's why I've asked people to add the above mentioned category to the biography of a profile when they come across ones with an incorrect LNAB.  There are thousands out there, and we need all the 'eyes' we can get to identify them so I and my fellow leaders can correct them.  laugh

2 Answers

+7 votes
Well that is a good idea.
by Maryann Hurt G2G6 Mach 9 (91.7k points)
+5 votes
Maybe we need to have another "certification" for this level of profile like we have for the pre-1700s???
by Julie Ricketts G2G6 Pilot (493k points)

Julie, indeed we do.  I'd prefer to see it more than multiple guess 'til you get it right, though...  cheekyOtherwise it's basically useless/worthless.  Right now if I can get people to help identify the profiles with the LNAB not in compliance, it will be a huge help.

That sounds like an excellent idea.

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