If an annulment was granted [closed]

+3 votes
is there a record of it somewhere/somehow?  Is an annulment only performed by churches or can/will the government grant an annulment?  How can you find out.   

Have a profile on Wikitree of a lady in my tree. (I have a tree on Ancestry.)  On her Ancestry profile there is another husband.  She married him 29 May 1941 and she then married Robert Richard Turk 4 April 1942.   

My mom, who did the original ancestry tree I now work on also has a note that the couple actually celebrates the anniversary on November 20th.  I also found a marriage record for them, performed at Brooks AFB 20 April 1941.  I wanna fix it if I can but can find nothing about an annulment or anything.  (I have not placed the first spouse on Wikitree yet.

This is what ya get when you try to connect "unconnected" people.  LOL

WikiTree profile: Mary Turk
closed with the note: Question answered
in Genealogy Help by Betty Tindle G2G6 Mach 8 (88.4k points)
closed by Betty Tindle
I am confused about the dates. The profile shows that she married Robert Turk on 20 April 1951, not in 1941 or 1942.
Ellen. I had a document there from their marriage on base too.  Accidentally deleted it in my own confusion, forgot I put that date in there.  He was in the Air Force when they married and then retired.  My fault about the date on there.  Since I deleted it, which was today, I have wondered if it was a renewal of their wedding vows maybe.  On the record her name was Mary Turk.  (No maiden name given) Just caused me more confusion.

1 Answer

+5 votes
Best answer
To answer one of your questions…

There are both civil and religious annulments. A civil annulment is granted by a court/judge, thus there would be a record of that legal proceeding. I would assume there are privacy considerations about releasing this information from both the courts and the church.
by George Fulton G2G6 Pilot (670k points)
selected by Betty Tindle
I got a civil divorce, but the church granted me an annulment which is not civilly recorded.

Thank you.  I wasn't sure how annulment works!  Needed to know a bit more info.  Thanks again.
Hi Marion,

That is what I was wondering.  I knew a church would do annulments of course, but I didn't know if there was a record outside the church or not.  Thank you!


This Wikipedia article https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annulment and it’s links will explain a lot about annulments and the aspects of family law connected with it.


Thank you George!

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