How am I related to the late Queen Elizabeth II Windsor?

+5 votes
Let me preface this by saying that i don't now how to do genealogy, however, Wikitree says that I am related to the late Queen of England Elizabeth II Windsor.  Recently I came across knowledge that said I am a Member of the House of Stewart (this is all I know about that?) and that House is supposed to have a royal aspect?

  Actually, I thought that I was of the Scottish Clan Mac Gregor but now I hear that I am a Stewart... this is interesting!
in Genealogy Help by Living Foster G2G6 Mach 2 (28.3k points)

4 Answers

+13 votes
Okay Michael, so you have posted several questions along these lines.

May I ask where you are finding all of this information? (Especially the different House of Stewart, Clan Mac Gregor, etc. information). In order to become a successful genealogist, you must evaluate your sources carefully.
by Liz Marshall G2G6 Pilot (112k points)
+14 votes

At the bottom of the profile for Queen Elizabeth II there is a link "your genealogical relationship." If you will click on that link you will see the most direct relationship step-by-step you have with the late Queen according to the genealogy contributed so far by WikiTree users.

I have significant amount of Scottish ancestry and have discovered descent from several different clans so it is possible you may be both a MacGregor and a Stewart!

by Nelda Spires G2G6 Pilot (566k points)
... and bear in mind that :

* Over 27 million profiles (as of today) in WikiTree are *connected* to each other, and in particular to the late Queen Elizabeth II.

* You, Michael, are 20 steps from QEII by one of the shortest paths. But there are thousands of other possible paths, the same length or a bit longer.

* Out of the quoted 27 million, about 13 million are at 20 degrees or less from QEII. I am at 17 degrees. This is just a regular situation.

So, you, Michael Foster, are just a standard profile at a standard distance of QEII, or anybody else. I am currently 25 degrees from you. That's an average distance in WikiTree.

We are one big family, where you and me and QEII are just connected dots. No more no less. No one is exceptional.

Ever heard of the mediocrity principle? One of the most important principles of Science. If you have not, take a few minutes to read this piece :, and the rest of your life to think about it.


+8 votes
Michael, I just took a look at your profile page and noticed in your Sources that you refer to yourself as "Noble Sir Foster". I'm curious as to what Letters Patent you are possessed of which confer upon you the nobility and the title "Sir". Even hereditary nobility is accompanied by Letters Patent in order that the noble status can be proven. If a person ever questions your nobility, like I am doing now, it is just a matter of making your Letters Patent present (showing the document) in order to settle all doubt.

To answer your question (which I also did in the other question that you posted to the G2G forum)... Being descended from a common ancestor shared with the modern-day Royal Family does not make you a member of the Royal Family... Being descended from a medieval Plantagent does not make you a Plantagent (unless you descend down an unbroken male line and your LNAB is Plantagenet)... Having royal ancestors 10, 15, or 20 generations back in time does not afford you the rights and distinction of the nobility.

Most people (more than 99.99% of us) are descended from one-or-more medieval king and-or queen. If you think that this makes you royal or noble, then we are all royal or noble and the status of being royal or noble becomes voided.
by Roy Pope G2G6 Mach 1 (15.5k points)
+2 votes
I just checked you against the Scottish Royals and you have the same line of descent as me. You descend from James IV, King of Scots, through his illegitimate daughter, Margaret (Stewart) Drummond (same as me). Millions of others have the same. So we are not unique. Unless you are technically within 3 steps of the current Royal Families, your connection is just a distant connection. And because you and I descend from an illegitimate daughter of James IV, we couldn't claim anything even if we were within 3 steps. The most Margaret may have gotten out of being an illegitimate daughter was a good marriage.
by Shonda Feather G2G6 Pilot (412k points)

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