Join us for October's WikiTree Basics Zoom!

+40 votes

Are you new/newish to WikiTree and finding that certain things keep tripping you up?  Bring your specific questions to our real time WikiTree gathering.

We host these sessions on Zoom.  This allows us to screen share and speak directly as we work through things you have questions about.

In October, we'll hold two sessions:

This month we'll walk through all the steps to create a WikiTree profile together.  Time permitting, we'll also show how to add a photo to a profile.  Of course, bring your questions on other WikiTree topics.  Fruitful tangents are always welcome!

Hope to see you there and please spread the word to others who might be interested in attending!

in The Tree House by Betsy Ko G2G6 Pilot (152k points)
Thank you for offering such a wonderful service!!
Thank you so much for doing this for us. I am ready to learn.
This is a much needed service. Thank you for doing this Zoom Class.

14 Answers

+14 votes
How long is the session?  1 hour?

Thank you!
by Daniel Volkmann G2G6 Mach 3 (34.4k points)
Hi Daniel,

It will be for an hour.

Hope to see you Thursday or Sunday!

+8 votes
Excellent, Betsy! Your last Zoom session was terrific. You're a natural.

Quick clarification: Are the two sessions meant to go together, i.e. does the second one start where the first one leaves off? Or will they cover the same material?
by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Thanks, Chris and that's a great question.  The two sessions will cover the same material.  We wanted to make sure that there was a time option that was more convenient for our members in the UK and Europe.  Hope to see everyone Thursday or Sunday!
+10 votes
I want to watch this session. Do I need to register?
by Lisa Holden G2G Crew (740 points)
No need to register; just join us at the Zoom link.  See you then, Lisa!
+8 votes
Just what I need - I have a family tree built up 30 years ago but I haven't a clue where to start with Wiki. Looking forward to Sunday.

Phil Reeks, Lincoln UK
by Phil Reeks G2G Crew (740 points)
You might benefit from joining the England Project
Thank you Hilary. I'll follow up your suggestion.

+8 votes
Thank you!! I would love to join in and learn.
by Rory Rafferty G2G6 Mach 1 (10.6k points)
+8 votes
looking forward to the seminar
by Harold Stapleton G2G Crew (440 points)
+8 votes

I would like to have more idea in general about referencing and cross referencing information from documents that I want to add.  I'd also like to add in-laws to my family tree who do not come from a document based society but I'm not sure how to go about this,  I think I should be able to attribute them to family lore and oral tradition but I don't know if WikiTree allows that.
by Judith Brooksbank G2G6 Mach 1 (17.9k points)
Hi Judith--This sounds like a very interesting topic.  Looking to seeing you and discussing tonight!
Hello Betsy,

Thanks.  I hope to join the session on Sunday.

+9 votes
Will it be recorded for later viewing?
by Stuart Awbrey G2G6 Mach 9 (90.6k points)
Hello Stuart--Yes, tonight's session was recorded and should be up on WikiTree's YouTube channel in a few days.
Great because I totally forgot about it and missed it.
+6 votes
I had to look up UTC, never heard of it. For those who wonder - that's noon eastern time. I hope to hear that fixing my tree(that others have messed up) is easier than I think. It's the reason I don't use this site.
by Sharee Solow G2G1 (1.0k points)
Hi Sharee--We'll be glad to see you on Sunday!  It would be great to look at some of your profiles that are troublesome as a group.  If that's okay with you, then just be ready to tell us the WikiTree profile ID(s).
+6 votes
On Thursday night there was a question about citing collections from other services, especially Ancestry. While you have an image of an original doc indexed by a third party , have these facts been bent to fit your services agenda, or just misinterpreted like many indexed records?

The basic point is the Ancestry citation does not match the NYS filing of the film. The facts won't change but finding them may be impossible without visiting the originals.

The page at Evidence explained is the following LONG URL.*F&c[0]=AT2fbYMEAQ0YL5di-mqmWm88ZOpgX_5oK6UShEBdn2jBZVyVUk5xv_m67uX2X_f4z9pZ3SPU9eQRKsc38r4q1wM85FpdSdVcQmFhn_4c-JHlreeV7OiIFShk_kh5BXCNDjERU0KnWwyDjx0t18_Gb31UqblHT_cUfXZvvbPwjcqelVlaHqwIHAeA-8DbF4wTWT8ejUncje5lPwquWQ
by Steve Ostrom G2G1 (1.5k points)
Hi Steve--Thanks for making this very important point and for sharing the example of citing the NY prison census.  (I studied it and then bookmarked it for future reference!)  I think we always have to take great care in our consumption of information, especially when we are using it in the service of proving something.  Not everyone has their antennae up, so to speak, when obtaining records from third party services, so it's worthwhile to remind folks that merely copying and pasting an auto-generated citation may not accurately lead another researcher to the correct record.  This level of nuance with creating citations is probably beyond the scope of the WikiTree Basics sessions, but I'll remember to reinforce this point when it's relevant.

By the way, we are 28th cousins!

Steve, thanks for the link. I think the following rather shorter URL should go direct to the same Evidence Explained page, without Facebook tracking:

+4 votes
It would be helpful to post the Youtube link after it is created.  Most people that might see this g2g would not know how to find the youtube link or would lose interest trying to search to find it.
by Linda Peterson G2G6 Pilot (804k points)
Good idea, Linda.  I’ll post the YouTube link here where I find out what it is.
It's my understanding that there is NO YouTube.

This is done on Zoom. Zoom links are listed in the top post.
In an earlier answer, it was stated that there would be a recording on YouTube.  If no recording is posted, then it is even more unfortunate since this supposed to be helping people. Everyone does not do Zoom calls and everyone is not available at the times specified or might forget about it or have other things to do at the time of the meeting.
I'll be uploading both sessions to YouTube this morning.
Although we're doing the sessions by Zoom so that participants can speak directly, these are recorded and then uploaded to YouTube (thank you, Eowyn!).  Here's the link for Thursday evening:

I'll post again with Sunday's link when it's available.
Sunday's YouTube link is:
+3 votes
Thank you for an interesting session yesterday. As discussed (briefly), it would be good to 'do' stickers and categories (plus possibly other related areas) in the next session.
by Ruth Jowett G2G6 Mach 4 (44.3k points)
it would be good to 'do' stickers and categories (plus possibly other related areas) in the next session.

 by Ruth Jowett 


Explaining the difference between the Unsourced categories (and stickers/templates) and the "needs x record" categories would also be good.

+2 votes
Here are the YouTube links for our two New Member sessions from last week.  

Thursday, October 6:

Sunday, October 9:

Thanks to all who joined us on either day!
by Betsy Ko G2G6 Pilot (152k points)
edited by Betsy Ko

For future occasions — regarding the location dropdown not showing the entire width (if you use the FamilySearch dropdown).
You can see the broader locations by clicking the little location icon on the left.  (Source = Jamie)

Nice, thanks Melanie!

Part II (Sunday's) -- {{Died Young}} (and other stickers) go beneath the == Biography == header, not above it.

As I noted you intend to address stickers and categories in another session — in addition to the DY sticker, you can add a mortality category (infant up to 12 months, child after that) that is location related to the child.  As an example

So helpful; thanks, Melanie!  In the past, I had simply overlooked those location icons.
Yes, you're absolutely right.  I just went back corrected the profile where I added that sticker on Sunday.  

Had a look at your Paul-5454 profile.  I like your image for a child who died young without a photo.  Thanks.

Not everyone, not even those who read g2g, is aware of those icons.  I simply remember Jamie saying that's what you can do, and I took the screencap back in March for the purpose of visual explanation.  (Feel free to use it any time.)

There are lots of images on WT for people to use for babies and children.  My page for the Remember the Children Project has some I paired with backgrounds (which often look like nothing as a stand-alone, because they're meant to be tiled as background, not used for anything else).   

+1 vote
Rats! I missed this event. Will there be another one?
by Lecia Dorfler G2G3 (3.3k points)

You can watch them on YouTube:

Thanks, Tommy. Was traveling today and am just now catching up with messages.  

Lecia, we hope you can join us for the November Wiki Basics Zooms: Thursday, November 3 at 8 pm EST and Sunday, November 6 at 4 pm UTC.

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