A category for Palatine Migrants

+4 votes
Could we please have a category for Palatine Migrants? Many thanks in advance.

Edited question and title for clarity.
in WikiTree Tech by Isabella Macy-Angell G2G6 (9.5k points)
edited by Isabella Macy-Angell

3 Answers

+10 votes
Best answer
We have a Palatine Migration Project for Palatine Migrants and they are the only ones who should be placed in that category. To enter someone as a Palatine Migrant use the project template which is {{Palatine Migration}}.

There is no category for all descendants of Palatine migrants as there would be so many as to make the category of little use. However, there is a category for the children of a Palatine Migrant which is here: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Category:Palatine_Migrants%27_Children

Anyone who is a descendant can use the {{Palatine Migration Descendant}} sticker.
by Dave Rutherford G2G6 Pilot (133k points)
selected by Isabella Macy-Angell

I regret having asked for a Palatine Migrants Category "and their descendants" <-- the part I regret. Not sure why I added that.

I am well aware of what can be used or not used for Categories and stickers.

All I wanted was a Palatine Migrants Category. I do not need a sticker, we have stickers for descendants and for that I am grateful.  I simply wanted a Category for the Migrants is all.  I am aware there is Palatine Migrant Project which at some point I would like to join as I am a descendant of several Palatine Migrants. 

I apologise for asking my question wrong.  I hope it is clarified now.  Thank you for your help. 

All you need to is put [[Category:Palatine Migrants]] on the profile, it and the sticker, in terms of categories, are identical.
As a project leader, I would prefer if folks added the {{Palatine Migration}} template rather than the category. Easier to track them for the project that way.
Makes sense!
+3 votes
by S Stevenson G2G6 Pilot (258k points)
Thanks.  I know this. I am asking for a category, not a sticker.
your original question and response says Category, i provided a Category.

are you asking for a sticker?
+1 vote
You could also use the [[Category:German Roots]] to mark your porfiles.
by Richard Barton G2G6 Mach 2 (24.3k points)

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