married in 1699 but children in 1680

+2 votes
i have an ancestor married in 1699 but children in 1680.

Im pretty sure i have gone wrong i just dont know where. need some advice.
in Genealogy Help by Missy Little G2G1 (1.0k points)

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Missy, do you mean the couple William Littell and Sarah Poxwell? If so, what source do you have showing they were married in 1699?

2 Answers

+3 votes

I see the marriage record for 1699 here;

The marriage took place in Thornford, Dorset in 1699.  The children were born in Swanage, Dorset in the early 1680's, some 19 years before their wedding. The dots are not lining up. Tthere is no maiden name recorded for Sarah given in the birth registrations for the kids. They are not likely the same persons as William Little and Sarah Poxwell. Can you place your William Little and Sarah Poxwell in Swanage in 1680? And can you say there is no other William Little in the same area? Without more proof, you cannot say those two children belong to your William Little and Sarah Poxwell. 

by Lorraine Nagle G2G6 Pilot (215k points)
Also the surname should be "Little" not "Littell", this from the records that I have added to the profiles
Spelling of names was fluid, and depended on the scribe's understanding of what they heard, or what they believed was the spelling.
thank you

i think im going to retrace.

They are not in the same area. The 1699 marriage took place  at Thornford. William was described as 'of Leigh'. This is about five miles from Thornford; easy walking distance.  Leigh didn't have a parish church, it was a chapelry in the parish of Yetminster so baptisms are recorded in that register. A William was father of at least one child  baptised in Yetminster in the early 1700s; Elizabeth Oct. 1705 (note 1705 not 1704 ad indexed ). It's a horribly written register so I expect that there are lots of missed and mistranscribed entries in the index.

There was also a large family of Littels/Littles in Ryme Intrinseca which is nearby. 

 Swanage, is on the coast, over forty miles away.  A long way to walk and an unlikely place to visit. It was at the time mostly involved in fishing and quarrying of Purbeck stone.

+1 vote
I have placed an Ancestry link on the profile.  This links to an image of the parish register (free to view), where it is clearly written that William and Sarah married on 30 August 1699.
by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)

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