Can Option to Show Full URL Be Added to Sourcer App?

+7 votes
While many of my fellow WikiTreers prefer source links to be displayed via templates, I prefer to see the actual URL in citations. Displaying the URL is useful when printing a profile page. Using the URL is useful, too, when working outside WikiTree, as I can add the citation to other websites.

Can this option be added to the Sourcer app?
in WikiTree Tech by Lindy Jones G2G6 Pilot (260k points)

2 Answers

+6 votes
Best answer

I could add an option like that. I have not so far because I was under the impression that using the WikiTree link templates was prefered by WikiTree.

Which sites would you like this for? Ancestry, FamilySearch and FindAGrave?

Currently I have an option under Citation > GRO that allows you to select different ways of linking for that site (which doesn't have a template). It sounds like you would like something similar for Ancestry etc - with the option of either using the WikiTree external link format (with square brackets) or a visible URL.

by Rob Pavey G2G6 Pilot (227k points)
selected by Susan Laursen

I mainly want this feature for printing purposes, but I also want to be able to add citations to sites like FamilySearch when a record is missing a citation (like much of the 1950 US census at FS), without having to add the links myself.

I would prefer the URL be placed inside parentheses, as I want the URL to be visible.

edit: I mostly use FS for sourcing, but would want this feature available for all of the sites for which the Sourcer app creates citations.

It's not just templates. What about the [URL anchortext] and [[WikiTreeID|name]] formats?

I don't know about the internal links, but I suppose that all external links could be included in my request, Jim. enlightened

Hi Lindy,

Most the 1950 sources just take a couple more clicks to get to- if I remember correctly, click on the 1950 census on the left side and maybe another click, then there is a copyable link.  The 1940 census is changing to this style also, and I ran across it on 1930 already, hate it...

The 1950 census at FS is just an example of when I might  need to create a citation, Rick.

Again, my main reason is to have the relevant source URLs visible when I print a copy of a profile. The templates don't show the information that I would need to find the records' information quickly. I would need to redo all my work again, wasting my valuable time wink .

I will put this on my list to implement.

For the case of printing things out, a more complete solution would be to have all the templates, external links and person links in a biography modified to show the URL (or WikiId) just when printing. Perhaps the official WikiTree Browser might be made to do this. That seems a better solution than permanently modifying the profile just so that it contains the URL when printed out.
Thanks, Rob!

You know best!!
+3 votes
I agree, this would be helpful.
by Peggy Watkins G2G6 Pilot (866k points)

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