Help finding my paternal line through Fuller

+3 votes
I have found Fred Fuller’s death certificate from Mohave county, Arizona. It lists only initials for his father’s name (C. A. Fuller). The death certificate was filled out by Fred’s father-in-law, Sherman Wilson. I have also found newspaper articles from Mohave county that talk about the train accident that killed Fred, but they only mention that Fred is survived by his wife, a son and his father. I have been beating my head against this brickwall for over 10 years. I believe the Fuller line I am looking for is through the northern Fullers from the early 1800s or before. I have searched over different genealogy sites looking for information and I even contacted the locomotive brotherhood to see if records from the early 1900s were still available (sadly, the contact back from the brotherhood was negative for records before 1920 because of fire and flood in the storage room of records). What information I do have or know is Fred and his father joined the brotherhood of locomotive engineers and trainmen around 1902-1904, Fred’s father was born in either the Ohio or Kansas State area at least 20 years before 1883, Fred’s father was also a trainman with the AT&SF and part of the locomotive brotherhood, there is a possibility that Fred’s given name was Charles Frederick Fuller as I have been told over my growing up years that by my dad and paternal grandfather (Fred’s son), there is a possibility that Fred has a sister, Alice Laurina, who married Dr. Charles Markham Hensley in 1909 (but I have no proof positive of that theory yet). Any assistance would be greatly appreciated as I am at my wits end with following out Fred’s line.
WikiTree profile: Fred Fuller
in Genealogy Help by Hannah Harms G2G Crew (520 points)

2 Answers

+3 votes

I did find a military registration dated Sept 7, 1918 for him. Gives his birth date as Sept 5, 1883 but no location.

And here is another document showing his military assignment to railway transportation. Camp Custer Michigan in 1918. His number is 2047032

This one is dated March of 1919

I wonder if you did a search for his military records with the Arizona Military Archives if it would turn up anything about his parents?

by Lorraine Nagle G2G6 Pilot (222k points)
+3 votes
Fred appears in several census records with his family. I've added the info to the profile. His parent's names were Charles and Mary and they were both from Ohio. Married about 1880. And yes, there was a sister Alice, also one called Margaret. The birth certificate of Fred's son Leland is also available.
by Maria Castro G2G6 Mach 1 (12.1k points)
I have firsthand knowledge of Leland’s birth certificate. I grew up calling Leland by his middle name and he is my paternal grandfather, Fred’s son. Unfortunately, Grant died in 1994 and I do not have access to his genealogical research that he had done prior to his illness and death. I do not see the addition of Fred’s parents to his profile. I might be looking in the wrong spot.

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