We have a new pilot: 100,000+ G2G points - Congratulations to K Smith, and thank you from all of us!

+24 votes

Time to pin some new wings, we have a new pilot - K Smith!! Congratulations, 100,000+ G2G points, WOW!! 

Members like K. make us look good on a daily basis; keeping WikiTree a friendly and respectable genealogy site for all.

Thank you, K., for your more than 5,300 contributions to WikiTree! In addition to his contributions he is a member of the United States Project, Community Star and Pre-1700 certified.

On behalf of us all, the G2G Integrators extends a huge thank-you and a big pat on the back to K Smith!

Thank you so much for all you do, we really appreciate it!

WikiTree profile: K Smith
in Appreciation by Dieter Lewerenz G2G Astronaut (3.2m points)
Hey Dieter, thank you kindly! I'll talk to cousin Pip about G2G Integrators. Might be right up my alley.

17 Answers

+19 votes
Best answer

    Congratulations K Smith on becoming a Pilot!!      

You are always dedicated to making others feel appreciated. Glad to appreciate your work on WikiTree.

Dieter, thank you for recognizing K Smith. 

by Alexis Nelson G2G6 Pilot (872k points)
selected by Mark Williams
ANWW- congrats on your best answer! Remember, it's people like you that keep me hanging around. Thanks-kevin
+18 votes
Well done K. Smith. Super impressive effort.
by William Maher G2G6 Pilot (674k points)
Thanks William. I guess I'm headed for phase two, I just haven't quite got that figured out yet. Eight months ago, I was curious who my 4th gr grandpa was. Now I know, and then some.
+16 votes

Congratulations K!

You are now the 331st pilot on G2G.

by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)
Thanks Tommy. and thank you for all you do
+17 votes
Well done K!
by Lorraine Nagle G2G6 Pilot (215k points)
Thanks Lorraine
+18 votes

Well done and congratulations!

Thanks to Dieter for recognizing K Smith's accomplishments!
by Eileen Robinson G2G6 Pilot (210k points)
Thanks Eileen, but I gotta admit, it's kinda weird to be recognized for doing something you enjoy. I forget the source, but, somewhere I learned that if youdo something you enjoy you will never have to work.
+14 votes
Congratulations on becoming a Pilot!  Well deserved!
by Tammie Cochran G2G6 Pilot (411k points)
Thanks Tammie. I guess now is as good of time as any to learn navigation, FAA Rules and Regulations and nomenclature.  I am to Wikitree what barnstormers were to aviation. I've gone as far as dead reckoning will allow!.
+15 votes
Congratulations, K, and thank you for all you do for our tree.  Thank you, Dieter, for bringing K's accomplishments to our attention.
by Mark Weinheimer G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
Thanks Mark for letting me play. I appreciate all the work you have put in before I arrived. It's people like you, not me, that makes Wiki work. Wiki on!
+16 votes
Congratulations K Smith!
by Liza Gervais G2G6 Pilot (410k points)
Thank you Liza. It's been fun.
+16 votes
Nice job, K. Thank you for all of your contributions to WikiTree. They are greatly appreciated.
by Mark Williams G2G6 Pilot (501k points)
Hey Mark, thanks. Eight months ago, if asked, I would have figured I'd be done by now. But, now that I know where a lot of my ancestor came from, now I want to know why.
I know. It seems the more I find out, the more questions I have.
+13 votes
Congrats K on getting your wings.
by Luther Brown G2G6 Pilot (571k points)
Thanks Luther- just having some fun.
+14 votes
Congratulations K! Thanks for all you do!
by John Vaskie G2G6 Pilot (229k points)
Thanks John- waiting for the fish to start biting!
+15 votes
Keep it up!

I see your name over and over again...

by Rick Morley G2G6 Pilot (181k points)
Grandma always said, "Fools names as fools faces, often seen in public places"
Oh no, that's a negative comment on what you've done for us, no way!

Thanks for what you've done, even if it did put you in "public places", keep it up...
+14 votes

Kevin is my 22nd cousin once removed!  Great job Kevin! Thanks for all you do!

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.1m points)
Your connection finder is askew. Mine says 17c1r.
+14 votes
K so glad you are getting this recognition!  I always enjoy your posts.
by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (848k points)
Thanks Laura, trying to live up to standards set by my predecessors.
+13 votes
K Smith, congratulations on reaching this amazing milestone.  Your contributions and involvement in projects are greatly appreciated.
by Robert Clark G2G6 Pilot (975k points)
Thanks Rbt, I've yet to do much besides sign up for the Project yet. I have found conflicting information that needs attention, thought I might as well go All In!
+11 votes
Congratulations to a risiing star on Wikitree!
by Anonymous Reed G2G6 Pilot (190k points)
This is temporary. Fish will be bitin' soon enough. Probably won't be able to fish this year without thinking about Harold Enseley.
+7 votes

Congratulations on obtaining your wings Pilot K!
The Sky is yours.

by Roy Tonkin G2G Astronaut (3.8m points)
Thank you Roy.

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