What are these “Pop-Up” and “Show & Tell” posts that have been appearing lately?

+27 votes

Perhaps you've noticed the expressions "Pop-Up" and "Show & Tell" appearing a lot lately around G2G and Discord.  And maybe you've thought, "Hmmm, that sounds fun .... but what is it?" 

Pop-Ups are usually one day challenges that coincide with an event or day such as St. Patrick's Day or the Kentucky Derby.  These events are to encourage WikiTreers to take some kind of action on profiles, such as adding sources, improving a bio, etc.  As always, the goal is to keep our tree growing and healthy and the Pop-Ups give us an excuse to do that while focusing on something timely, fun, meaningful or all of the above. Recent Pop-Ups themes have included Siblings Day, the Titanic and Anzac Day.  

You have a chance to get in on an exciting  Pop-Up later this week!  In honor of Star Wars Day, there will be a Pop-Up Challenge running May 5 through 8 with the goal of building branches for Star Wars franchise voice actor Christopher Sean.  Pop-Ups are also a wonderful way to meet other WikiTreers.  You never know who will be inspired to get in on the action.  Participants can interact both on G2G as well as on a dedicated Pop-Up channel on Discord.  

Show and Tell events help us recognize a specific day by sharing something with the community.  For example, we had a fantastic time celebrating Genealogy Day on March 11 by showing off cherished items that had been passed down in time from ancestors.  June will feature two Show and Tell events you won't want to miss: WikiTreer Pet Show and Tell running June 4 through 10 and Loving Day (spotlight on marriage) on June 12.   Be sure that you're following the "wikitree_events" tag for G2G and then you won't miss any of the fun we're having with these quick events.

A lot of these are hosted by members of the Events Committee but several projects also do mini-challenges like these often as well so if you like these be sure to watch for those too and help support our projects.

Do you have an idea for a pop-up or show and tell? Share it in an answer below!

~Eowyn and Betsy (Events Committee Co-Chairs)

in The Tree House by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
Thank you for the great explanation, Eowyn.

3 Answers

+12 votes
Ok, now I get it.
by David Randall G2G6 Pilot (379k points)
+10 votes
These short-term challenges are interesting. Thanks!
by Sally Kimbel G2G6 Pilot (107k points)
+6 votes

 - - Far out ! - - First week in November is my choice, in the colony of Victoria, is the Melbourne Cup, so this is an advance warning to all down under, and elsewhere to get ready for it. = ? Story of the 'Melbourne Cup' - just run - Cross Counter has won the 2018 Melbourne Cup - WikiTree G2G = and there is a = Category: Melbourne Cup (wikitree.com) = to check out.

Prior to this national event is a Grand Final match for the AFL football game, held in late September / Oct. . . enjoy

by John Andrewartha G2G6 Pilot (117k points)

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