Which member of royalty are you most closely connected to?

+38 votes

We're celebrating King Charles III's recent coronation ceremony by looking at royalty in the Connection Finder this week.

Here are members of royalty from around the world to check your connection to:

Which one is most closely connected to you? If you're one of the 29.5 million of us who are connected to each other on our big tree, you can check with the Connection Finder.

In addition to the above and our many Featured Connections, you can check your connections to any category on WikiTree, such as Royalty of the United Kingdom and Featured Royalty. Click the green MyConnections button in the upper right hand corner of the category page.

Let us know how you're related below. If you want to share your connection on social media with cousins and friends, click the "get shareable image" below the results, e.g. Carrie Fisher and King Charles III. Then just upload it along with the URL of your direct connection. (Please refrain from sharing your connection on the featured profiles themselves, though. It clutters conversations on research and collaboration. Thanks!)

Help us find and improve the profiles for next week's DNA feature.

in The Tree House by Abby Glann G2G6 Pilot (752k points)
reshown by Chris Whitten
King Charles lll 11th cousin once removed.

Ian Mcarthur 19th cousin 3 times removed.
My closest degree of kinship to King Charles III of which I am aware is due to a common descent from William, 1st Lord Ruthven. Charles is descended from Lord Ruthven's son William, Master of Ruthven, while I have a descent from William's sister Elizabeth, wife of William Hay, 5th Earl of Erroll. King Charles line goes from the Ruthvens through the Drummonds and the Lyonses and Bowes-Lyonses, while mine goes through the Campbells and the Stewarts of Glenbuckie and the Stewarts of Gartnafuaran, then through the Andersons, Linns, and Shaws (my mother's family). This common descent makes me a 15th cousin once removed of King Charles.
My closest Royal relation was her late Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II who was my 8th cousin. We share 7th great grandparents. Currently, His Majesty King Charles III is my closest living Royal relation, being my 8th cousin once removed.

FYI this function is still not working correctly: My Connections: Featured Royalty

For example, when I click on the connection finder buttons to see the exact relationships they are often extremely different from the ones which come up as a list. [Plantagenet-70] for example comes up on the list as someone with a 27 generation gap, and no direct connection. Clicking connection finder shows him to be a direct ancestor, only 21 generations back.

Andrew, you're almost right, and there is a discrepancy. See Andrew Lancaster's Connections: Featured Royalty which says 27 generations versus Direct Relationship Found: 21st great grandson which says 23 (not 21) generations. It would be a good idea to start a new G2G question about this, and include the tag  bugs  .

81 Answers

+3 votes
The Others Princess Argyll is my 16th Cousin 1X Removed, King Alfonso I of Portugal is my 24th Gg'father, Mary Stuart is my 6th Cousin 11Xs Removed, King Stanislaw of Poland is my 13th Cousin8Xs Removed, King Valdemar is my 17th Cousin 25Xs Removed, NO Relationship w/the Japanes Empress or the Hawaiian Queen! Jack.
by Jack Hilton G2G6 Mach 3 (39.2k points)

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