I do not initially see anything that connects these two people. What is your source for believing that they are connected.
I did find a death certificate for Samuel and Catherine's daughter Melissa which is now linked from the Research Notes in the profile. This gives the place of birth of both parents and herself as Boyd County, Virginia. I don't see that a Boyd County, Virginia has existed (can a Virginia historian weigh in on that, please) and so am wondering what this was supposed to be. The easy options are Boydton (Mecklenberg County) or Boyd's Ferry (now South Boston) in Halifax County though both are two or three counties away from Franklin County currently listed as Samuel's place of birth. As the only written documentation, though written 100+ years later, of the place of birth of Samuel and Catherine, I would suggest looking for him in these other counties. There is always the question of whether any records have survived. It's worth noting that daughter Melissa moved to Tellico Plains, Monroe, Tennessee about 1887.
Edit: I've made a new G2G just for the location question:
Boyd County could perhaps be Boyd County, Kentucky however it was not formed until 1860.