How to delete from preview page

+4 votes
I am trying to delete sources above the source/references as the sources that I want to keep are below the Sources/references ,these other ones just show the link address. They only show when in preview mode. I have followed instructions on wikitree but nothing works also refer to buttons that don't exist. This is a England project profile Gulliver-373
WikiTree profile: George Gulliver
in Genealogy Help by Andy Carter G2G6 Mach 1 (12.3k points)

4 Answers

+4 votes
1. You cannot delete from a preview

2. Contact your Trailblazer for assistance
by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.3m points)
+6 votes
Andy, there are a few things wrong with the way citations are entered in the profile.

First, you do not have sources entered above the Sources heading, but there are numbers in brackets (like "[1]") entered as text, in places that look like where you want the footnote number links to appear.  You do not enter these numbers manually - they will be automatically entered by the software when the inline citations are properly entered.

Second, if you look at the edit page, you can see that all the coded inline citations are located below the Sources heading.  Again, you do not manually place these where you want them to appear.  You enter them in the Biography section, where you want the numbered link to them to appear.  On the edit page, you have a line with the code "<references />" below the Sources heading.  That is the place where all the citations will appear on the view page when they are correctly coded.
by Gaile Connolly G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
It's not a bad idea to ask here though, as someone may explain it differently :)

Edit: Spelling!!!!!
Ros, I don't know this.  All I know is that he is a member who asked a question in G2G that I was able to answer, so I tried to be of assistance.  There are bound to be mistakes for all members as they learn - that's why members who have more WikiTree experience try to help by answering questions in G2G.  If Andy is not supposed to be asking questions here then someone (perhaps who you call a Trailblazer) should so inform him.
I think it's great that other people can answer. Trailblazers can't always explain in a way that's easy to understand, so a second opinion is good, and may lead to a better understanding.
Many THANX for the exoneration, Gill.

WikiTree has become so vast in so many different areas that require as many different skills to know what to do and how to do it that no one person could possibly know everything that is of relevance to working on genealogy here.  Fortunately, members tend to be drawn to different aspects of WikiTree based on their interests and expertise.  Some specialize in particular geographic areas, others in particular time periods; some have encyclopedic knowledge of where and how to find sources, others know the complexities of markup languages used for code, and still others are very knowledgeable about WikiTree policies.

I believe it is unreasonable to expect any one member to know everything about everything.  The beauty is that we all offer our respective expertise to others who have different expertise that we may one day need to lean on.

This case is a prime example of that concept in action.  I know stuff about coding and about the portion of WikiTree policy that deals with profile structure, but I know nothing about England - neither the country nor the project.  I don't think it is incumbent on me to know all about England in order decide whether to answer a question about how to code inline sources.
Thank you Gale for trying to help Andy. Its great that Andy asked here.  The orphan trail is about more than working on England Profiles, its about getting to know WikiTree, and that includes G2G.
+5 votes
The preview is just to show you what it will look like after you save it. If you add a citation between ref tags in the biography, it will appear with the correct number in preview. Preview is only there for you to check that you've done everything correctly :)
by Gill Whitehouse G2G6 Pilot (203k points)
+1 vote
Hi Andy,

I'm glad we were able to work this out.  Thanks for persevering and asking here - sorry I wasn't about on Discord when you were asking :)

You can close this question now, as we've worked it out - well done.

Best wishes

Susie (Andy's Trailblazer)
by Susie Officer G2G6 Mach 4 (46.0k points)

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