Genealogy Goodies

+16 votes

The Events Committee is brainstorming door prize ideas for the WikiTree Symposium on Friday, November 3rd and 4th.  Tell us your favorite things for making genealogy more productive, comfy, and fun.  Think of these as WikiTree stocking stuffers.  Thanks in advance for sharing your suggestions!

in The Tree House by Betsy Ko G2G6 Pilot (151k points)

17 Answers

+15 votes
Paper plates and disposable cutlery.  Then you don't have to waste good WT time doing the washing up! :)
by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)
+13 votes


 Can we have magnetic signs made for our car doors?wink

I'm busy working on a complete list of door prizes!

(not really)

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.1m points)
+16 votes
flask with ice and a cold drink dont need to fill it so often and keeps cold for ages
by Suzy Cairns G2G6 Mach 3 (30.7k points)
+14 votes
That beautiful round logo will look great on a set of absorbent drink coasters.
by Star Kline G2G6 Pilot (731k points)
+12 votes
Organic coffee and fruit basket.  Subscriptions to Fold3 and/or Newspaper archive services. Family Book Creator software.  Photo organizing software. Supersized bags of trail mix, M & M's, Reese's peanut butter cups.  Wikitree goodies that don't have specific dates or events on them, maybe a tree of life style instead of the logos.  I liked the old 'I heart WT' styles, but don't see them anymore. I'd like to see the home items offered (for purchase or prizes) again-beach towels, blankets, pillows.  Maybe a gift certificate to design our own items with personal family photos at Walgreens.  Maybe WT could pay for memberships to small local county historical/genealogical societies of winners' choice.  Class or consult on how to get more out of your Big Y-DNA results (or similar idea).  Any gift certificate that lets you get just about anything you choose.
by LaMyra Morton G2G6 Mach 4 (46.5k points)
+6 votes
How about a Wiki 'Tree' that comes with the logo on the planter.
by Marty Franke G2G6 Pilot (801k points)
+5 votes
by Melissa Maynard G2G6 Mach 4 (43.9k points)
+8 votes

A Biscuit Kit! We Appalachians can attest to their value!! smiley

by Cynthia Crafton G2G6 Mach 1 (17.7k points)
+8 votes
I love my WikiTree T-shirt!  'Bout ready for another one!
by Bartley McRorie G2G6 Pilot (169k points)
+4 votes
What about dna kits as prizes? Just a thought?
by Leigh Chester-Master G2G6 Mach 7 (76.8k points)
+5 votes

Do we have WikiTree magnets? I'd love to have some different WT magnets. I'd put them all over my houselaugh

by Emma MacBeath G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
+6 votes
A wikitree fold up bag. For carrying all our snacks.

by Stephanie Hill G2G6 Mach 4 (49.3k points)
+4 votes
A WikiTree branded small soft cooler bag to take with me when surveying and photographing Cemeteries. And a stainless steel tumbler to put in it.
by Sandy Patak G2G6 Pilot (253k points)
+7 votes
I think a nice loose leaf notebook (with the logo) with dividers, a set of hanging file folders, paper clips, plastic page protectors and other storage ideas would make great prizes.

No matter how wonderful the computer is, I still have paper.

The logo would make a really nice sticker or decal for a car window, too.
by Kristina Adams G2G6 Pilot (363k points)
I was thinking something very similar. I use a big expandable folder and a notebook with tabbed dividers to keep notes and all sorts of information tidbits gathered during my research. I recently received a photocopied letter from an 82yr-old second cousin. It was written to her mother by my grandmother (who died when I was 3) on her nursing school letterhead. It offered the first clue about when and where my grandparents married. Sure it's not the original, and I could scan in the photocopy, but there's something special about it. Also, when I visit libraries and courthouses, it's easier to gather information on an old fashioned notebook than to lug an electronic something with me.
+6 votes

Two answers come to me with regards to this question:

For WikiTree-branded giveaways, CafePress (where I have put up some WikiTree-inspired designs) lets you put designs on a huge variety of items (want a WikiTree shower curtain? Not a problem.) I assume that similar sites do the same. So it’s just a matter of generating enough different designs that there will be something to interest everyone.

If you’re talking about other kinds of goodies, things that would appeal to me would be subscriptions to FindMyPast,, or a few other sites, or a copy of Evidence Explained.

by Greg Slade G2G6 Pilot (703k points)
+6 votes
How about a subscription to Family Tree Magazine (or a renewal for those who already have one).

I could also list several dozen genealogy books on my wish list.
by David Randall G2G6 Pilot (376k points)
+6 votes
How about a stuffed bunny - something we can reach for when down a bunny trail or have too many tabs open and need calming.
by Cindy Cooper G2G6 Pilot (340k points)
If I received a stuffed bunny, I'm sure it would just head down some rabbit hole, and who knows when I'd see it again!  There are so many rabbit holes...  but liking the idea anyway!

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