Is there a way to mass import from family search?

+3 votes
I have a lot of my family on family search and is there a way to import it all
in WikiTree Help by Luke Mislow G2G Rookie (250 points)

You can use various apps to assist with data transfer, but profiles are created one at a time. WikiTree no longer allows mass importation of profiles.

2 Answers

+10 votes
Best answer
I think you mean one click and transfer all over to WikiTree.

When I first came to WikiTree I wondered if I could do this too.

I do use the Sourcer browser app, to save person data as Gary mentions.  I find it very handy.   

Also as Gary mentions many sources and people attached that are not accurate.

Now.  I much prefer entering one profile at a time, after being a WikiTreer member for a few years now.

I almost always find either new information or an error on my part when I re research the individuals before I create a Biography.  Which helps each individual the biography represents gets the attention they deserve.

The more I do this the more I learn about WikiTree which always reinforces to me the need for accurate and reliable sources.


And I do have 30 years of work and thousands of individuals in my database yet to add.

I prefer to enter ONE AT A TIME.


You could use GedCompare via a Gedcom upload. I find Gedcompare too cumbersome to use and every time I have attempted to try it, It would have been quicker for me to add individually.

Plus I have my own personal hatred of GedCompare.
by NG Hill G2G6 Mach 8 (88.2k points)
selected by Ashley Thrash
FamilySearch does not allow for GEDCOM downloads.

There is a round about way to do this with a deluxe version of Legacy family Tree, which I do use occasionally.

My explanation will probably confuse rather than clarify but here goes. The Family Search intergration feature opens a new screen which logs into family search where you can share data both ways or one way to and from family search.   Also there is a feature of this screen that can upload ancestors and descendants to various generation levels.  

Unfortunately you have no control on what is download or how large, and can take hours resulting database bloat.

Then a gedcom file could be created from the results in Legacy family tree.     No source details are downloaded. so again work needed to find the sources at FamilySearch.


Too many problems for me, no detailed sources and a  corrupted database.

So  it is possible to get a gedcom from FamilySearch sort of,  I also suspect this feature will soon be disabled.

I was tossing up even to mention this at all,  as it is not a great method but it does exist so I have mentioned it.

+4 votes
Using Sourcer extension there is an option to transfer a FamilySearch profile complete with data and all sources in one transfer, it does pay to vet the FS profile for dodgy sources and remove them, before or after transfer.
by Gary Burgess G2G6 Mach 9 (90.5k points)

More info on using Sourcer for this in this G2G question.

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