Help us find and improve next week's Connection Finder profiles: Rabbits

+21 votes

We're refereeing a battle of the bunnies as we head into Easter.

We will look at rabbits in the Connection Finder next week.

Here is who we're starting on:

Who else should we feature? We have room for 12 individuals. We can't feature everyone who is nominated, but if we don't feature a profile you work on, we may use it sometime in the future. And, of course, all contributions help improve our shared tree.

Our choice of features will depend partly on the notable person's CC7, i.e. their connection count within seven degrees. The more connections they have, the more likely it is for all WikiTree members to find a close and interesting connection to them. So, if you nominate someone, please help grow their CC7.

Suggestions are more likely to be considered if you provide a link to the person on WikiTree, some information about who they were or why you're nominating them, and if their profile is in good condition with a connection, image, and well-written and well-sourced biography.

We'll make a final decision on which ones to feature early next week.

Please reply here with what you're working on so that we don't duplicate our efforts. Thank you!

Take note that this is not the place to discuss why you think we shouldn't feature someone if those reasons are due to politics, actions, or opinions of those being suggested. Mentioning things like their not being connected, their biography still needing work, erroneous information, etc. are all suitable for discussion here and an opportunity to correct those situations.

Help us choose themes for 2024 Connection Finder themes here. 

in The Tree House by Abby Glann G2G6 Pilot (760k points)
reshown by Chris Whitten

24 Answers

+14 votes
John Updike, author of Rabbit, Run (1960) Rabbit Redux (1971) Rabbit is Rich (1981) Rabbit at Rest (1990). He is on wikitree, Updike-155, with a 247 connections
by Richard Rosenberger G2G6 Mach 3 (36.8k points)
Thanks, Richard.
+9 votes

On behalf of Canada Project, I nominate Marty Krofft who co-produced and wrote children's television shows in Hollywood for decades. He wrote an episode of his Lidsville show called "Take Me To Your Rabbit" in 1971.

by Dave Rutherford G2G6 Pilot (133k points)
Thanks, Dave.
+7 votes
Roger Rabbit  character voice actor is Charles Fleischer B 1950 wikipedia

Buster Baxter PBS cartoon character from ‘Arthur’’ love watching this show. Voice are Daniel Brochu Canadian wikipedia also under Conway Bruce. Same person

Br’er Rabbit by Joel Chandler Harris 1848-1908 wikipedia.
by Anne Fiordalisi G2G6 Mach 7 (78.4k points)
Thanks, Anne. It's a huge help if you can find their WikiTree profiles and link to them here.
+8 votes
by A. Murphy G2G6 Mach 2 (23.7k points)
Thanks, A.

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