How can I be sure that someone will always be able to contact me with info and/or questions about my tree?

+7 votes
Have you ever tried to contact someone who looked like they had some great info on your ancestors, but their email account didn't work any more?!!!   You don't want that to happen to someone trying to contact you either! It's really a good idea when posting your genealogy info online, to setup and use an email address specifically for your genealogy work. And it's even more important that your email address is not tied to your internet service provider!  Choose a free email service like gmail, yahoo, or hotmail  for example.  

 I've moved over a dozen times in the last 15 years, and my internet provider changed at each location, but since I have both a yahoo and a gmail email address, I've never lost contact with anyone, and  folks can still reach me regarding queries and posts I've made to genealogy boards a decade ago.!
in Genealogy Help by Tami Mize G2G6 Mach 4 (43.0k points)

1 Answer

+5 votes
Best answer
I've never gone with an e-mail address from my ISP for this very reason. Every time I move, I get stuck with a different proprietary ISP, and am forced to change my address.

I've had the same Yahoo e-mail address since 1995, and the same Gmail address since Gmail began. Other contact info might come and go, but everyone I know has at least one good e-mail contact for me. :-)
by Heather Brown G2G4 (4.3k points)
selected by Deborah Mayes

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