Profile Changes - Boldface

+5 votes
This is a small thing, but does anyone else dislike the recently added boldface in certain data section items?  Not a disaster, just strikes me as unaesthetic.  Also, why the added birth/death years at the top of the page?
in The Tree House by Fred Remus G2G6 Mach 4 (44.4k points)
Hate it.  If I had something at the top of the page that was easy to read, I would want the profile number.
It reminds me of one of those letters a blackmailer sends with all the words clipped out of magazine advertisements and glued together to disguise the handwriting.
I love the dates at the top, but do find the bolded information a little distracting. Unaesthetic is a good word for it. It feels a little unbalanced.
I concur with Anne B. I like the birth-death years in headline. I do not like the boldface for the same reasons Anne states.

2 Answers

+1 vote

Chris just posted about this yesterday.  See here:

You might want to pipe in with an opinion either there or here:

by Darlene Athey-Hill G2G6 Pilot (557k points)
+1 vote
by Kitty Smith G2G6 Pilot (656k points)

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