How do I add people to my Nott One Name Study?

+10 votes
I have an excel spread sheet with approximately 1,000 Nott/Knott last names. Some of them are my family, but in the process of tracking down "where" my Nott's originated, I started the spread sheet. What is required to add them to my One Name Study on WikiTree?

This is my g grandfather on WikiTree

Thanks, Wendy Jones
WikiTree profile: Joseph Nott
in The Tree House by Wendy Jones G2G6 Mach 2 (20.8k points)
retagged by Keith Hathaway
If your NOTTS One Name Study is in a Google Doc spreadsheet ( you can upload an Excel spreadsheet to Google Docs ) , you can share it publicly.  Link it to your One Name Study here at WikiTree by creating a One Name Study space page and link it to the Google Docs spreadsheet now to get started. This is what I did with my One Place Study.

Here is an example of how I did with my One Place Study ( a work always in progress) but I also use categories ( you need to have the One Name Study leader help you set up your One Name category) on individual profiles here too. If I had the time, I would put my spreadsheet people up here.


Hi Wendy,

Thank you for creating the Nott Name Study! I created the category for the Nott Name Study so you can start adding it to your profiles. We also have a template you can add to your profiles that will also add the category for you. See the link for the One Name Studies project provided by Guy below to review our project instructions and find the template. If you have any questions for me or my co-leader, Doug, please don't hesitate to ask. Welcome to the project!

Alison Andrus, Co-leader, One Name Studies Project

4 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer
Here are links to help you:

One name study project:

by Guy Constantineau G2G6 Pilot (389k points)
selected by Maggie N.
+4 votes

Here how one can link a One Name or One Place Study to WikiTree .

1) Create a Free space page by using

2) Then share your Google Docs spreadsheet publicly :

3) Link your spreadsheets to your WikiTree One Name Study freespace





by Maggie N. G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
+3 votes

ALSO .....( I am full of ideas, aren't I ? )

You can CONVERT your spreadsheet to a gedcom. Then upload that gedcom to WikiTree.

I have used the coverter done by Orba and it works great; however, very simple columns are exported:

A lot of One Namers use this converter, although I have no experience with it.


by Maggie N. G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
+3 votes

Derenk, Hungary One Place Study Index is linked to the WikiTree Free Space page.

If you need help, private message me (-:

by Maggie N. G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)

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