Need information on Thomas Nelson b 1710 and his NC wife

+2 votes
We've been working on my friend's Nelson tree and found Thomas Nelson b1710 in Plymouth son of Thomas Nelson and Hope Huckins

From records in and we are seeing he had two wives-one listed as Agnes "Cherokee Indian" m 1735 in North Carolina and son Abraham b 1735.  Then it appears he returns to Plymouth and then marries Judith Peirce,

His cousin Samuel, son of Samue Nelson and Sarah Holmes went to North Carolina with his wife Elizabeth Warren where they raised their family so it does make sense that the cousins all went to North Carolina together.

Abraham Nelson had a son he named Thomas Burton Nelson which we figure that would fit if he were related to the Thomas Burton Nelson in Plymouth.

So--we're trying to find anything showing Thomas Nelson and "Agnes" in North Carolina or Thomas going to and leaving North Carolina.  My friend has a book of Nelson history which shows Thomas Nelson leaving land in North Carolina to his son Abraham who then leaves it to his son Abraham and so forth.

I feel like the answer is right before my eyes but I just can't find it.  Any ideas, help, answers, good wishes are appreciated.
in Genealogy Help by
Do you know where your friend got the Nelson family history book? Thanks

2 Answers

+1 vote
yes, she got it from her great aunt but there is a copy of it out of in the genealogy section.
+1 vote
My aunt saw an original record on Ancestry years ago showing that Agnes/Cherokee Indian was divorced from Thomas Nelson, in North Carolina, and the only issue was a son, Abraham, born  in 1736,  We have looked and cannot find that original document on any site.  

Now I found a web site about a Nelson (Google "Nelsons distinctly English with a dash of Cherokee") whose son became one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence (not our Nelson line) and there is a story that a Cherokee Indian named Agnes found him shipwrecked and nursed him back to health (same story as ours).  Interesting?

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