G2G tag for specific db_error

+7 votes

I did the dberrors report on Olsson-1224

Got magic error 106 Duplicates between global tree and unconnected with a hyperlink to the error page!!! Thanks 

I have got no feedback on creating more templates but as this gets more and more complex (magic/useful....) my suggestion is that we add tags in G2G also with the error number ex. db_error_106 

On the help page we add a template {{db_errors_G2G|106}} use the error number as the argument

The template generate some text/header (please suggest) and a link to G2G and all G2G entries tagged with db_error_106

==> users how got this error can with a click see other how has added questions about this error....

in WikiTree Tech by Living Sälgö G2G6 Pilot (308k points)
retagged by Dorothy Barry

1 Answer

+1 vote

Hi Magnus,

Thanks for implementing this new {{db_errors_G2G}} template!

I agree with your suggestion to use error-specific G2G tags. The current threads on db_errors are getting way too long to be really useful.

Just a few questions from a Dutch dummy:

  • By help page you mean the Space:DBE_nnn pages?
  • Why would the template generate text/header? Isn't it just invoking a g2g search with tag db_error_nnn?
by Living Terink G2G6 Pilot (306k points)

A version 1 Template:Db_errors_G2G is done please give me a better text or no text....... or.... ;-)


A) By help page you mean the Space:DBE_nnn pages?

Yes maybe we also could get a column in the report if its useful.... I feel this project I thought was brilliant when I read about it and now I feel its a magic as it also start suggesting possible duplicates.... you have a release cycle that is magic fast and agile ==> we start to learn new things all the time about the reports, about the errors in the database, about the Wikitree users skill level.... etc...

Maybe next will be suggestion what people should do DNA tests and a phone number ;-) or that we have more or less possible matches based on DNA matches from FTDNA... using the same sources from Family Search.... feels like the sky is the limit.... 

B) Why add a text in the template

The lesson I learned is if you repeat something on more pages ( I assume we will have this on maybe 50 pages) then If we get a change we (you or I or someone else...) just update the template....

My guess is that we start with something like this (please come with better suggestions)

== Ask/discuss this error 106 ==

This error has been discussed in G2G with the tag db_error_106 please dont hesitate to ask a question G2G or read what other people has asked about....

B-1) As we have a speed developer faster than the light in Mr Trtnik maybe it would be cool to have a link to his reports for profiles where this error has been fixed?!?!? ==> then we add a text as see the following profiles where the db_errors software found the same issue and how they fixed it link

B-2) Maybe we do some video when this type of error is explained ==> we add a parameter for the Url to the video..... and then the template add the URL and an icon.... in a standard way...... layout is important as this make it easier for users to read the page....

Repeating text is always a candidate for templates. A fast moving tool like db_errors is even more a candidate for templates as we have continuous delivery of new versions every hour.....

I added the template to error 106 please see Special:Whatlinkshere and take it away if it adds no value or change the template.... 

I see what you mean now. As a former IT-professional I am fully aware of the negative aspects of redundancy, both in data and in functions. I am just having a bit of a problem envisaging template implementations.

My preference for a text is the one you already implemented, only a different heading:

== Questions and discussions on this error ==

This error has been discussed in G2G with the tag db_error_106. Please don't hesitate to ask a question in G2G or read what other people have asked about this error ....or share your experiences....

I will start adding the template to all DBE_nnn pages.


If we like this approach with templates one approach is to create templates that call other templates....

I did that with Template:SPC_Gen_Parish that called the following templates

* {{SPC_WikiParish|socken= Lillkyrka}}
* {{SPC_Dm|socken= Lillkyrka+socken+Närke}}
* {{SPC_RAÄ|snkod=2448|lan=N%C3%A4}}
* {{SPC_SOFI |socken=Lillkyrka |kod=1tx001/324213c1}}
* {{SPC_NAD|socken=Lillkyrka}}
* {{SPC_NAD-ort |socken=Lillkyrka}}
* {{SPC_Portrattfynd|socken=Lillkyrka |cat_id=90}}
* {{SPC_FamilySearchSwedParish |socken=Örebro:_Lillkyrka}}

 ==> you get more layout in the template and its easy to add new sections that maybe use the same arguments as you already have

On page Category:Lillkyrka_(T) the template is called like below


One limitation with the wiki version we have is string manipulations on a later versions of wiki a template could use part of the page name and use that as arguments...

I am fine with whatever you two decide. I already used header include to add link to project. I will make one also for latest errors, that I will put on all pages.

Magnus I see you are experienced with wiki so can we put HTML FORM tag <form>...</form> on wiki page? Or can we include external page in wiki like http://www.sdms.si:92/wikitree/ShowErrors.htm or simillar. Or any other way to put editbox and GO button on page to show users errors.

Jan maybe we should add to the Template:Db_errors_G2G a section about flag an error as a false error .... like  Aleš Trtnik explaines see link

=== Mark an error False error/ Temp Hide ===

False error flags the profile that it should never be flagges with this. Temp Hide - hides the error 

Or use the text from Project:Database_Errors#Description_of_errors or just link to that page...

False errors

If you encounter an error, that isn't an error, you can click a link on the right to tell the system that it is not an error. Error will disappear at latest on next recalculation (on monday).

Temporary hidden errors

If you encounter an error, that you cannot fix and you posted a message to profile manager or you proposed a merge, you can click a link on the right to tell the system to ignore this error for a month. If profile manager will correct the error, it will no longer exist, otherwise error will reappear after 31 days so other actions can be taken. Error will be hidden at latest on next recalculation (on monday).


A) put HTML FORM tag <form>...</form> on wiki page? 

Not an expert but not my understanding.....Feels like a Chris thing. 

Normally wikis has some server based javascript and CSS in common.css and common.js if that can help. I would like to have it to get consistent layout and avoid inline css are not mobile friendly or not consistent with Wikitree layout. Server based javascript would help create support for simple things like hide/expand sections on a wiki page....  to use in navigational templates (see Template:Slovenia_topics used in).... but havnt heard of any plans in Wikitree....

B) Or can we include external page in wiki like

You mean Iframe?!?! Also a Chris thing....

@Magnus: Text to be produced by template Db_errors_G2G

My proposal:

== Special processing of errors ==
You may find reported errors to be false, or unable to fix them.
The report provides (at the end of each error line) two links for this purpose.
=== False errors ===
If you are certain a reported error is false you can click the link labeled False Error to tell the system that it is not an error. Error will disappear from report at latest on next recalculation (usually on monday).
=== Temporarily hiding errors ===
If you encounter an error, that you cannot fix and you posted a message to the profile manager(s) or you proposed a merge, you can click the link labeled Temp Hide to tell the system to ignore this error for a month. If the profile manager corrects the error, it will no longer exist, otherwise the error will reappear after 31 days so other actions can be taken. Error will be hidden at latest on next recalculation (on monday).
=== Retaining position on error report ===
It is best to open the links in a new tab, by using CTRL-click. That way you won't lose position in the error report.
== Questions and discussions on this error ==
This error has been discussed in
G2G with the tag db_error_nnn. Please don't hesitate to ask a question in G2G or read what other people have asked about this error ....or share your experiences....

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