I looking for a george eggy laroche or could be larush he was married to a native american named sophia

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in Genealogy Help by

4 Answers

+2 votes

You need to include any dates or approximate dates that you might have.  Can't tell if this person is from 1650's or 1890's!

Also - if you have a more specific location - I am guessing the US - because you say Sophia is native American - such as the State of birth, marriage or death include that.

You can click edit to the right of your question when you are logged in and add any details that you might have.

by Chris Hoyt G2G6 Pilot (871k points)
+1 vote
George eggy larush  was born sometime in early 1800's ,can only find him with Indian wife and child. Found on Indian census record with his daughter in 1885 . His daughter name was Meline Larush /Laroche marriage name is Bellanger.
+1 vote
The English quit using the De and La prefix, most whithin a century after the survey where lands were meted out to the nobility that fought at the Battle of Hastings.  Laroche is almost certainly a French name.  Almost as soon as the French got off the ship in the New World, they cohabitated with the Indians as we call them.  They would take Indian Maidens into their homes to train them in the French customs.  A little latter they were sent to be trained in France or by Nuns in a Convent.  The product of these unions of French and Indian were called Metis (halfbreed in our terms) There is a genealogy section online just for this group.  Remember,  before the Rev War the French controlled the Major Water Routes on this Continent.  It was not until after the War of 1812 that the French were pushed North of the Great Lakes and we got our current Northern boundry.  The Louisiana Purchase moved our boundry West to the Mississippi River.  So you see the area we are talking about is huge and there are 400 yrs of possible people.  If you could narrow it down to say a decade or even a century and a possible area, our ability to assist you increases accordingly.  This is not intended as a lecture but to help you understand the overwelming volume of data that has to be sifted.  Please, help us help you.
by Living Butchino G2G6 Mach 4 (44.2k points)
George Eggy Larush/Laroche,  indian wife was Sophi Chingwahnahquodo Chingwanahquodoq Laroc, she was  born 1833 at or around this places White Earth Reservation and Red Lake Reservation. I dont know where he was born I find a lot of Laroche/Laroque/Larush around both areas but can't find him other than with his daughter on White Earth Reservation in 1885 on an Indian Census done by the government. I think he is a Metis or may have been a full blood that choose to be known as a frenchmen, because he may not have understood the questions being asked of him, like some of the other full bloods at the time.If you think you have any information please contact me at my email address. I do have a list of his children with Sophi. He may have had another wife in canada, because I understand some of them did that back then. Thanks for any
+1 vote
I would be VERY interested in talking to you about him. Date line fits with someone I have been searching for . There were 3 brothers that came from France with my 3xGrGrandfather one of them was possibly Your man. Possibly because of the name Greggio ? Could he had been Eggie ? Don't know where he went except North possibly to Canada. The other brothers were Guion possibly Gerald, Sejour , and there was a 4th man as cousin but only by itials R.D.  all by Delaroche and later changed last name to LaRoche
by Cheri LaRoche G2G1 (1.1k points)
Im very interested in talking with you and comparing are relatives you can email me at puffballpc1@hotmail.com, i also have my family tree on Familysearch.org
its best not to include an email address you will probably be swamped with scammers now. you can send a private message to Cheri LaRoche

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