Can some kind person tell me how to eliminate lengthy duplicate sources?

+5 votes
Here is a prime example:

I use Mayflower Births and Deaths, Vol 1 & Vol 2 twice. I know there is a way to only do it once.
WikiTree profile: Naomi Warren
in WikiTree Tech by Bill Elmer G2G6 Mach 1 (10.9k points)
recategorized by Ellen Smith

5 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer

When you want to insert the exact same footnote more than once, you can give your note a name and cite it by name. If you named your footnote "Mayflower" instead of <ref>Footnote text.</ref>, your first citation to the named footnote would be <ref name=Mayflower>Footnote text.</ref>. Subsequent citations can use the form <ref name=Mayflower/> instead of the full note.

The first use of the note needs to include the opening tag with the name, the complete text of the note, and the closing tag. There's no harm in repeating that full note in subsequent citations to that note -- as long as you use the name, the page display will come out the same whether you repeat the full note or simply use the short form.

If you give your footnote a name with a space in it, you need to put quotation marks around the name -- for example, <ref name="May Flower">.

by Ellen Smith G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
selected by Charlotte Shockey
Ellen, You are definitely a heavy hitter. Thank you for making this link worth saving. HERB TARDY gets the main prize tho because he went and fixed the Profile FOR ME. Herb you're still a ROCK Star. I hope you see ths. - I know, I can copy it and paste it in a comment to Herb!!!
Thanks, Bill!  It's great to be appreciated.  :)  Also, I know you only have to see it once, and you've got it!
+6 votes
First time, you add a name to the <ref> tag.  After that, you use the name.  Easier to show, so I took the liberty of editing the profile you cited.


by Living Tardy G2G6 Pilot (773k points)
Ellen, You are definitely a heavy hitter. Thank you for making this link worth saving. HERB TARDY gets the main prize tho because he went and fixed the Profile FOR ME. Herb you're still a ROCK Star. I hope you see ths. - I know, I can copy it and paste it in a comment to Herb!!!
+5 votes
the first time you use it, do <ref name="something">sourcelisting</ref>

the next time just use <ref name="something"/>

for each source, give it a different "something" name

now when you see the sources/references instead of seeing it 2, 3, more times, you will see 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, etc for each usage and the source only shows once,
by Keith McDonald G2G6 Pilot (101k points)
You all made this page worth saving. Oodles of thanks (born in 1932)!
+4 votes
You could also put a single back around the urls and add the word link before the second bracket, eg
[ Link]  
I don't like like long Source citations in my text, so I do something like the following:
This a biography.<ref>[[#C1840]]</ref>
== Sources ==
<references />
* <span id='C1840'>1840 US Census...yada yada.. </span>
by G. Moore G2G6 Mach 3 (39.3k points)
Hi G.  Thanks for your answer just now. Hope it helps out. By the way did you get my message about our Source-A-Thon?? Please let me know if you are registering this year. Thanks, Dorothy B.
You all made this page worth saving. Oodles of thanks (born in 1932)!
+3 votes

Hey there, William,

The Advanced Sourcing section of the sources help page explains the process quite nicely. There is a lot of other info on how to format different types of sources on the page. I bookmarked it early on and have found it extremely useful.

Hope it helps.

by Deb Durham G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
You all made this page worth saving. Oodles of thanks (born in 1932)!

What makes yours pretty special is the Advanced Sourcing link, thus enabling me to be closer to the wisdom of Wikitree!!!

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