Team Roses Chat 2017 Source-A-Thon

+18 votes

Team A Rose By Any Other Name is ready to go for the 2017 Source-A-Thon!!

All links are on the team page. 

Link to Hangouts

Link to Prizes Giveaway G2G

Link to Tally Tracking



Otherwise, feel free to cheer each other on and have a generally good time.  

Ed, this is the place for you to chat to your heart's content ;-)

in The Tree House by Emma MacBeath G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
edited by Emma MacBeath
Nooo. This is not the place for me to chat to my heart's content. This is a place of decorum and etiquette. I can't bring John Cleese and Eric Idle into a place like this....
Well darn.  I was hoping there was somewhere you could let loose! :-)

13 Answers

+14 votes
Best answer

We are the champions... my friends.. :D

Way to go team!! Way to rock it out. :D

by Charlotte Shockey G2G6 Pilot (992k points)
selected by Emma MacBeath
Thank you everyone for 110% participation and amazing amazing teamwork and making this fun!!
So much fun working with you all! Go get some rest! ;)

Roses go out to a Great team!  

Beautiful!  Thank you for always encouraging us!


Its my pleasure.

+15 votes
Do I get to be the first to post something? Yea! I have nothing to ask about, just wanted to be first...
by Lisa Roberts G2G6 Mach 2 (29.1k points)
LOL.  You are so funny Lisa.  You get a ribbon for being first!  No not really :-)
Somebody get Lisa a ribbon.

Here ya go!


A harbinger of good things to come.  But does WikiTree have a size limit on photos? :-)

Thanks, David.

Lisa, you're number 1!

RE: Size limit on photos. I'm not certain, but I've found that a max width of 550 pixels will generally fit into any G2G discussion. For example, when we're readying our game-faces on Friday:


You betcha... If it is too many pixels it will not upload!  There are multiple sites on the web that allow you to submit an image and they will resize or alter per your request.  

That is if the INTERNET IS NOT FULL and then we all have to log- off...

Actually Edison, I'm number 1 :-D

Oh boy! I feel so special!
Your bibs. Give them to me.
Edison, What??

Upstream; six posts. Terminator meme: "Your clothes. Give them to me." Context, context, context...

LOL! :-)
+14 votes
So.. about Tonya Harding.... ;) LOL
by Charlotte Shockey G2G6 Pilot (992k points)
She sends her regards, and reminds us all once again to try that sugar-free Red Bull and double espresso combination; says we can easily go three days without eating, but restroom-break frequency will increase.
Does she give any ideas for those of us who don't like coffee stuff? :D LOL

Darn on the bathroom breaks! :(

She just texted me back and mentioned an energy drink called Bang Energy. I've never heard of it. Worst case, she says, you can take two tablets/caplets of NoDoz or Vivarin; she says that's about the same amount of caffeine as in a 20-ounce Dunkin' Donuts Coffee with Turbo Shot. I've never had one of those, either. Reminding us of the value of caffeine over the SAT weekend, she notes again:

"Proper caffeination and you'll be so alert and have such a laser focus that you can see every move a mosquito makes from all the way across a 20-foot room...even if there's no mosquito there."

Edison, and you said you weren't a writer.  Pshaw!
I know! I think he seriously needs to write that Steven King genealogy book during the Nano! I'd totally buy it! :D
You've been challenged now, Ed.  Are you up for it?
Hmmm he responds about tattoos but not about this... thinking maybe he isn't up for that challenge!

You mean the take-off on the book Misery, where a long-suffering genealogist is chained to a desk, force-fed Red Bull and double espressos, whose captor plays the Beatles Revolution 9 with the amplifier cranked up to 11 whenever the genealogist starts to doze off...all while forcing him to work 24 hours a day sourcing other peoples genealogical records?

No. I have no idea what you're talking about.

Yes!!! :D Totally would buy it! And I want to be in the movie they make of it. :D
I don't think I could ever channel Stephen King. I did channel a Tralfamadorian once, though. So it goes.
Well I have a feeling yours would be more hilarious than scary. :-)
Sorry; I can't write in any genre that begins with the letter "H": heroic fantasy, history, horror, humor, etc. In fact, I've only ever written in one genre: ergodic, extranoematic, dystopian wuxian cyberpunk. Why I've never landed an agent has baffled me for decades.

But for those playing along in this topic, we've so far had tacit references to a 1984 rock band mockumentary, and a popular 1969 novel that took place partly in Dresden, Germany. First to name them both gets a blue ribbon from David.  :-)
This Is Spinal Tap - band
Slaughterhouse Five?

Woo hoo! Charlotte!

+12 votes
So ummm...about this tattoo -- are you guys all healed up?
by NJ Penny G2G6 Pilot (154k points)
As I told Edison, you can't pay me a million dollars to get tatted.  Mine is a stick on.
LoL I'm a procrastinator. I'm getting it done after work Fri before the SAT. Yikes! Hope it doesn't itch too much or my fingers will be so slipper from the lotion I might miss keystrokes!
I'm right there with you! No willing interaction with needles on my end ever! :D
Well... I know tattoos are like chips.. can't just have one. ;) LOL
Haha so I've heard Charlotte! Since Edison started last week he's probably up to a full rosebush now!
Bwahahahaha! That seriously made me LOL! :D Good one! Maybe a whole arm?! :D
The red, irritated area around mine is all but gone. No longer keeping a gauze pad over it.

But I overheard Emma and Charlotte talking about wearing their SAT T-shirts and giggling uncontrollably. Something tells me that I was completely duped into believing that the team tattoo was mandatory, and that I may be the only one that got that rose inked onto my forearm. But joke's on them: I kinda like it.
you'll have to talk to Charlotte if you want one of the elite team t-shirts

Naw. I'm going to Prison Break Tattoos and getting this on my back:

Oooh boy! :) Can't wait to see the photo of that! LOL
OMG!! Bahahahahahaha!
For people who don't get the reference, I'll tell them the tattoo artist was eating a Milky Way and misspelled "Thrones."
Now that's even funnier than having "No Regerts"
+11 votes

Where's that profile I just found this!


by David Wilson G2G6 Pilot (125k points)
edited by David Wilson
I don't see anything. :-/
That's because the Internet is full.
Drats!  Disappearing ink
LoL! So that's what happened to the image?! :-D
Have you ever been sourcing along and several profiles later you realize that you've stumbled upon the perfect image of a primary source for a profile you edited just awhile back? <Mind Run-On>

After pounding on the contributions History function for too long and finally finding that profile you were looking for...  Suddenly, that excellent source from your device's clipboard just disappears?

Uh oh! :) LOL
+12 votes












by Emma MacBeath G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
edited by Emma MacBeath
Too bad we can't post the video.
Ah, but we can :-)

All for one and one for all!!
LoL meant more like embedded. :) especially our space page
We are the 20 musketeers!
Yeppers.  I edited it so now we are 20 :-)
+12 votes
I had a really cute meme but I can't do it on my phone....
by Lisa Roberts G2G6 Mach 2 (29.1k points)
+13 votes

Go Team Roses!

by Rod DuBois G2G6 Pilot (196k points)
Nice Rod :-)
+14 votes
You asked for team motivators...My biggest one is that I learn so much! WikiTree is huge! It takes a while (for me, a long while) to learn the ins and outs. But participating in the Thon with this team has helped me learn and be a better WikiTreer.

Go, Roses!
by L Sauls G2G6 Mach 2 (23.8k points)
I agree.  I have learned so much from other team members this month.  I am proud to be a part of such a collaborative team :-)
+12 votes

Go, Roses!


by Deb Durham G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
Was that song in the movie?  I don't remember it...
Nice theme song by the way!
Hmm..I don't remember if it was in the movie.
+12 votes
Biggest motivator is team interaction and getting me out of my loner shell. And this is how I learn to use new collaborative tools like Google Hangout and some of the other stuff I learned this past couple of weeks.
by Mary Jensen G2G6 Pilot (133k points)
You were a super star Mary!! :-)
+13 votes

Congratulations Team Roses ! 

All Hats Wave Roses in Your Spectacular Success !

C'est Tres Bien Magnifique ! 

by Stanley Baraboo G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Merci Beaucoup Jerry!  The hat is magnifique et parfait!
+13 votes
Awesome job everyone! You guys rocked!
by Lisa Roberts G2G6 Mach 2 (29.1k points)

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