How to explain the 500 to 1000 pound expense for a marriage license.

+2 votes
Henry Castleberry married three times in North Carolina between 1830 and 1849.  He paid 500 pounds for two of the licenses and 1000 pounds for the third.  I feel like I am missing something.  I would appreciate an insight why that costly.
WikiTree profile: Henry Castleberry
in The Tree House by Lynn Hemrick G2G6 Mach 2 (20.5k points)

2 Answers

+9 votes
Best answer
This question has shown up before and it appears that it was not the cost of the license, it was a kind of a monetary bond to be paid if there was a legal reason one of the involved members really couldn't get married.  Mostly it was promised by the groom or a father.  I wonder how many were, in reality,
required to be paid.  I may be wrong but I feel it was more often something done it the southern part of the United States.
by Beulah Cramer G2G6 Pilot (578k points)
selected by Susan Laursen
I've seen it on some English marriages too.
+8 votes
He was committing to a "marriage bond " rather than securing a marriage licence. Perhaps the proposed spouses or their parents had some concerns about him as the amounts do seem to be a bit on the high side. They were usually $100. Marriage bonds were common practice in the 18th. and early 19th. century in English speaking countries.
by George Churchill G2G6 Pilot (100k points)
edited by George Churchill

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