I see that the Wikitree help page on sources recommends bracketing the URL. For example, to source website, it suggests:
Wikipedia contributors. "[
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Washington George Washington]." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Accessed 1 Jan 2016.
And that ends up looking like this:
Wikipedia contributors. [1] Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Accessed 1 Jan 2016.
It is kind of like having a source within a source. Too much maybe?
Today, I was editing a profile wherein the profile had multiple sources to the same source but for different topics. At first I thought that as different researchers entered sources, someone missed the <ref name= > mark and created a duplicate source. Once I opened all the pages, I could see that there were to different pages but for the same source.
The only way I could figure this out was to open each link (or hoover over each one with my cursor) and try to sort it out. If each source had its URL exposed, it would have been clear immediately as each URL had differences.
I can see the appeal of bracketing a URL as it (sometimes) can make the sources look more "clean." But really, the sources are more like the garage and serve a more utilitarian purpose. If you want the bio to look clean - like the inside of the house, sure, bracket away - but in the garage, its OK to have the tools on the peg board - exposed - for easy identification.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on the subject - yay or nay. thanks
Edit to add: I wasn't adding the place name inside the brackets; the "1" seems to be just a placeholder on the page.