Does this record actually exist? [closed]

+2 votes

I've found a record on FamilySearch that matches much of what is known about 3 people being researched.

"Recensement du Canada de 1911," database, FamilySearch ( : 16 March 2018), Jas Maxwell, 1911; citing Census, Calgary Sub-Districts 1-59, Alberta, Canada, Library and Archives of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario; FHL microfilm 2,417,651.

The problem is I am unable to verify the information. Searches of the 1911 Canadian census have failed to locate a matching record. Suggestions?

closed with the note: Kerry found the answer!!!
in Genealogy Help by Living McCormick G2G6 Mach 6 (60.6k points)
closed by Living McCormick
Might your McCormick line be connected to Cyrus McCormick whose line traces back to Ulster, Ireland.?
My McCormick line does go to Ulster but unknown as to Cyrus connection. My intention at the outset was to trace the McCs as far back as possible but I have mostly gone sideways with an abundance of new branches discovered and so have only verified back to circa 1800. My McCormick research can be summarized thusly : I went looking for the dead and came back with the living
Did you do the search under both Jas and James? I have seen it change in both directions.
Yes, George, I tried both Jas and James. Then I got desperate and tried Jim and then sunk to a new low by typing in Jimmy. Turns out the surname was the problem. Thanks for your reply.

2 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer

This is an Automated Genealogy link to the census record you're seeking:

by Kerry Larson G2G6 Pilot (239k points)
selected by Living McCormick
Thank you so much, Kerry. That's it!!

The link shows bac-lac has it as MaRwell rather than MaXwell. I can see why they made the transcription error as it's a dreadful reproduction. However, I can see enough to feel some confidence in the FS record. Now to use a photo editor to have a better look.

There's a link on the entry page for each person in the census records so you can report mistranscription to LAC. I've used it so many times they probably dread hearing from me. wink

+3 votes
You may get some Help from by clicking on Help at their site, which will take you to their Help Center.  

You can send them a message, or do a live chat or call their 866 phone No.

Maybe a look at the FHL microfilm 2,417,651 would verify the accuracy. You might be able to order the microfilm and look at it at one of their library centers.
by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
Thanks Frank and Happy New Year
microfilm is no longer orderable to a Family History Center. If it hasn't been digitized and isn't already in a local FHC, you have to go either to Salt Lake or one of the FHCs that kept a copy. they gave up on ordering/shipping film in August of 2017.

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