Fixing missing inline citations.

+3 votes
I have on my suggestions page, a missing inline citation. I am not sure how to fix this a.The profile was like this when I adopted it. HELP?
in Genealogy Help by Fran Nolting G2G6 (7.1k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

2 Answers

+5 votes
Fran, can you post the profile ID and I think I can help. Sounds like it is missing the citation marks either before or after the actual citation.
by Virginia Fields G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
+4 votes

Hi Fran!

If it's the Sarah Corsen profile, one thing missing is the <references /> tag that needs to go right below == Sources == 

Once you correct it, be sure to mark the status "corrected" in your Suggestions list.

Perhaps someone else can see something else but that's all I see.

by Nelda Spires G2G6 Pilot (582k points)
If a missing <references /> tag is described as "missing inline citation" then this is a serious error in the error message.  The <references /> tag is *NOT* an inline citation!!!

Nelda, the profile you linked does not have any inline citations, so perhaps the error message is referring to a different profile that does have inline citations that are incorrect in some way.  Until Fran responds and identifies the profile for us, I suppose we won't know.
Gaile, I just quickly scanned through Fran's contributions and saw the profile I referenced as "adopted" so I was taking a stab in the dark. Yes, I agree--it didn't match up to an "inline citation" error so we don't have enough information. Perhaps I should sit on my hands instead of trying to be helpful.
Oh, Nelda, get those magic hands back on the keyboard real fast!  We need your wonderful insights.  I did not intend to suggest that there was anything wrong with your answer.  I was just suggesting that if your detective work in taking a good guess at the profile in question is correct (as I believe it is) then there is something very wrong with the error message.  I also wanted - almost as a postscript - to allow for the remote possibility that it was a different profile that did have inline citations with an error in them.

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