Who were the parents of Leander Spring (b. 1815 in Washington, Massachusetts)?

+2 votes

Hi everyone,

I'm wondering if you can help me find information on Leander Spring's parents? 

Leander was born in 1815 in Washington, Massachusetts and he moved to Medina, Michigan. 

While I can't find any sources that state this is the case, geographically (and on the right timeline), it seems Leander may be the son of Ciril Spring and Rosetta Dibble. Rosetta and Ciril were living in Washington at the time of Leander's birth, and they registered several other children born in the area.

If you are able to access any records that show Leander's parents, and share them with me, I would be most grateful.

Many thanks,


WikiTree profile: Leander Spring
in Genealogy Help by Clare Spring G2G6 Mach 7 (79.0k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

2 Answers

+6 votes
Best answer
I found his death registration on Ancestry:

Name: Leander A Spring

Gender: Male

Race: White

Marital status: Married

Age at first marriage: 24

Parent of 6 children, of whom 4 are living.

Occupation:  Farmer

Death Age: 85

Birth Date: 4 Dec 1815

Birth Place: Massachusetts

Death Date: 4 Mar 1901

Death Place: Medina, Lenawee, Michigan, USA

Father: Cyril Spring, born Massachusetts

Mother: Roxana Dibble, born Massachusetts

File Number: 206

Source Citation:  

Michigan Department of Community Health, Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics; Lansing, Michigan; Death Records

Ancestry.com. Michigan, Death Records, 1867-1952 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2015.

{{Ancestry Record|60872|3083339}}
by Jill Claus G2G6 Mach 2 (21.5k points)
selected by Clare Spring
Wonderful sleuthing, thank you Jill! And my instinct played out!!
Well done!
+4 votes
Did Ciril leave a will? If so, it may answer the question.
by George Fulton G2G6 Pilot (669k points)
Thanks George! Where do you think I could go about finding Ciril's will?
The first place I would look is for probate records for the Massachusetts county he died in at Family Search. If they are not there, then I would try Ancestry.com. Also, for Massachusetts records, American Ancestors would be a good place to check. If you do not have a subscription to either of these last two, you can use them for free at any LDS  Family History Center. Public libraries often have subscriptions to Ancestry, and sometimes American Ancestors. I would also look at FamilyTree (part of Family Search), with luck the family will be there, and the family will be sourced. Be sure to look at the sources and don’t take them at face value.

Hi George,

Much appreciated - I will see if I can find the Massachusetts county probate records online (I'm not a subscriber, but perhaps there will be previews). I'm not an Ancestry.com subscriber currently, but I'll see if I can jump on the library version soon too. 

I absolutely love FamilySearch - Leander is on there, but unfortunately with no linked parents. But I don't think there is an LDS Family History Center near me, I live in Canberra, Australia.

There is a FHC in/near Canberra. The address is

Canberra Australia Family History Center


Hopefully it is not too far from where you live. The information seems a bit dated. You can get their telephone number from the Help/Contact us links on the Family Search home page.

Best of luck.
Hi George, it is really close to where I live! Thank you so much. I didn't see it when I looked up :)

I have a subscription to NEHGS/AmericanAncestors. There is an 1872 will for one Cecil Spring of Washington, Mass but I believe he is a generation or two after Leander's father Cecil. If Leander was born in 1809, his father  was likely born in the 1780s or earlier. 

The will males bequests to Cecil's grandchildren.  Sons and daughters are named.  I see no Leander. Here's the link to the first of several images:


A Cyril Spring, age 70, of Washington, Mass, widow, married 43?-year-old Anna Post in Hinsdale, Mass in 1847.  He's a likely candidate for father of your Leander. 


Rosetta's death was also recorded in Washington. This one includes the cause: 


A Connecticut Nutmegger article suggests Rosetta/Rosanna Dibble was daughter of Abraham Dibble Jr and Phoebe Cosmitt. Private message me and I'll email you the details.

I take it back about the probate record.  If Find a Grave is accurate, the 1872 testator is likely Leander's father.  There's a photo of him:


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