I need to list as a source a link to a page at Ancestry.com.

+1 vote
I want to link to: https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?dbid=61389&h=1559586&indiv=try&o_vc=Record:OtherRecord&rhSource=61389 but I can't get a link to work. I have tried the suggestions at https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:Links_to_Ancestry. There is not an existing tree for this person at ancestry that I can link in to. This particular link give me info about Ulmer-621, and I need to document it. I have a number of these in this tree.
WikiTree profile: Johannes Ulmer
in WikiTree Help by Richard Ulmer G2G Rookie (200 points)

What I do for these type records which don't have the numbers in the URL to use the Ancestry Image template, I copy the full URL, come back to my WikiTree profile, type a square bracket - [ - then paste the full URL, skip one space, key in the words "Image for Ancestry.com subscribers" (omit the quotes) then type the square bracket to close the link - ]. It will look like this in edit:

[https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/61389/1569160-00674?pid=1559586&backurl=https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?dbid%3D61389%26h%3D1559586%26indiv%3Dtry%26o_vc%3DRecord:OtherRecord%26rhSource%3D61389&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true&_ga=2.237732160.1963461299.1582593285-2027854908.1578095883 Image for Ancestry.com subscribers]

Then I type the word "or" 

Then I go back to Ancestry.com, click on the tools, click on share, then click on Facebook. After the window opens, I close it. Another window will pop up--I copy the URL in that window. I come back to WikiTree, type another square bracket - [ - ,paste the URL, erase all the URL starting with the first ampersand (&) (this is the same as what Alex gave you in her answer), skip a space, type "Free image for non-subscribers" (omit the quotes), then close with another square bracket. It will look like this in edit:

[https://www.ancestry.com/sharing/19234951?h=ad9c68 Free image for non-subscribers]

I precede both these links with source information like so:

Württemberg, Germany, Family Tables, 1550-1985, Ancestry.com, citing family tables from the Württemberg area of Germany from the 18th and 19th centuries.

The reason I give both the subscription and the non-subscription links is because, for subscribers, they have access to a transcription of the image and other useful information. In your case, since the image is in a foreign language and a difficult-to-read handwriting, the transcription is good information to have. Otherwise, you could (and perhaps should) add your own transcription of the information to your biography in some way.

I hope this is clear. My source 6 on this profile is similar to what I've described and will show you what it looks like in the finished bio. (If you want to see what it looks like in edit, then just click on the "edit" tab. You can learn a lot by looking "behind the curtain" of profiles others have done.

Nelda, at the moment I'm an Ancestry.com subscriber, yet I don't see a workable link in the first part of your source 6. Also, I don't understand why I can't use the url at the top of the page in Ancestry as a visible link in the source area that will bring up both the referenced document and the transcription, just like I see it in Ancestry.com (for subscribers).
The link at the top of the page can change, but the properly cited source link is specific to that source.

If you can't see the Ancestry.com links on the profile Nelda references, it is probably because your adblocker is blocking their display. See this thread for information on this ongoing problem:


You should be able to see the Ancestry.com links by entering the Edit page and previewing the page.

Precisely why I was asking the question. I spent a few hours trying unsuccesfully to use the https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:Links_to_Ancestry help page to fill in the blanks for a source link correctly. Thanks for your comment.

Richard, I don't understand why either of the links to images I provided wouldn't work for you. I've checked, both are valid links.
Richard, you could use the URL as the link--just omit the square brackets and the descriptor. It just looks neater, to me, to have the descriptor on the finished profile rather than the URL.
Since this is a subscription site I like to use the Share feature so non-members can see the information. Using the Share provided link:


You would write {{Ancestry Sharing|26048875|efbc99}}

4 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer

I'm not sure what you mean by "I can't get a link to work".  The link you gave works fine.  If you want to use an external link  template for that record, it is {{Ancestry Record|61389|1559586}}.  This record has nothing to do with a family tree.  Alex showed a free shared link.  You can also use the Ancestry Citation Builder to help you create a full citation:  https://apps.wikitree.com/apps/clarke11007/ancite.php  

by Kerry Larson G2G6 Pilot (235k points)
selected by Richard Ulmer
Kerry, thank you! This link does work exactly like what I want. I just was having difficulty picking out the correct numbers to put into the template. I believe I can do it now.
Glad it worked for you Richard.  Some of the Ancestry links get very long and complicated and it can be difficult to pick out the elements needed.  Even if you decide not to use the Ancestry Citation Builder for citations, you can use it to create the external link template by pasting in the URL and clicking Compile Citation.  The template will be in the Citation section.
As a rule, anything from and including "&backurl" in an Ancestry URL can be deleted as that part is just Ancestry's tracking info.
Gillian, thanks for the tip on shortening the long subscription URL! I knew I could shorten the "share" URL, but I didn't know I could do the same for the subscription URL.

You have to be careful following the &backurl rule of thumb with Ancestry.  They do store necessary parameters after &backurl in some of their links.  For example, after scrolling through images, you might end up with this image link:


If you threw away everything after &backurl, the page you linked to would be wrong.  47222_547535-02545 is a pointer to the page you started on; 47222_547535-02550 (after imageId=) is a pointer to the page you're actually looking at when you copied the URL.  That's the one you need for the external link template:  {{Ancestry Image|60716|47222_547535-02550}}.  I learned this the hard way after finding a bunch of German records by browsing through them and only later finding out that I had created the wrong URL by using the first image ID rather than the one on the end.


+1 vote
Try this link, tell me if it works.


Best of luck.
by Alex Stronach G2G6 Pilot (366k points)
+1 vote
Even if you can't get the link to work, you can describe the source and include a brief transcription of the information.
by Living Kelts G2G6 Pilot (551k points)
0 votes
It's {{Ancestry Record|61389|1559586}}.
by Living Ford G2G6 Pilot (160k points)
does that work for people with a UK sub who can only get Ancestry.co.uk pages, not Ancestry.com?

If people put the url, I can copy the url then change the .com to .co.uk before going to the page. If you put the above widget, I can't.
It's not the site that is the problem. I live in Australia and if I want to purchase a subscription via the UK site (because it is cheaper), I can. I can also use my same login details on any Ancestry site. If you only have a subscription for UK records you won't be able to access the record above, because it is a German record.

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