Public Photo

Jefferson County, Tennessee, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, page 322

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Where: Jefferson County, Tennessee map

When: 1815.

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...In addition to providing for Mary and the infant George Daniel Gann, Joseph likely provided support for Mary's six siblings from June 1815 to the time that four of them--Alexander, Henry, Solomon, and Abraham--were bound out nine month's later on 11 March 1816.

In a separate action, Joseph appeared in court on the same day that the suffering situation of Elizabeth's children was brought to the attention of the court and the indenture process initiated.

Thanks go to genetic genealogist Thea Baker for this document and explanation.

Jefferson County, Tennessee, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, page 322

"17th June 1815....

"The grand Jurors presented to the Court at this term that six children of Elizabeth Ganes are in a suffering situation. And it is Ordered by the court that a process Issue to the Sheriff of Jefferson County to bring them in at the next term of Court to shew cause why they should not be bound out. towit Alexander, Henry, Jane, Solomon, Abraham & Louis Ganes. Issued."

Elizabeth's daughter Mary Gann does not appear in the list of children because three month's previous, in March 1815, Mary had given birth to the first of five children born to her relationship with neighbor Joseph Burchfiel. In September 1815, Mary paid a $3.12 1/2 fine to the court for not naming the father of her child....