Public Photo

Grave Stone of Unknown

In this image:

Where: Albion, Illinois map

When: 5 Mar 2016.

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Comments: 2, WikiTree Popularity: 1.

Original digital image: 2322 x 4128 pixels. Image dated 2016:03:05 05:48:41.

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Comments: 2

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This grave stone is so weathered and beaten that it is difficult (or even impossible) to read for whom it was created. It might be a stone that was recorded by the 1960 data collectors but has been weathered since then, or it could be a stone that they did not see, or was not recorded because it was already not readable back then.

If any WikiTree magicians can figure out for whom it was made, PLEASE update the Title and other details.

posted by David Sloat
Photo taken by Doug Cooper and provided for use on WikiTree
posted by David Sloat