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Here is the process for bringing on new Project Leaders.


Role of Current Project Leaders

Current Project Leaders control who becomes a new Project Leader.

Current Project Leaders:

  1. Award Super Stars.
  2. Veto inappropriate nominees.

This means that any current Project Leader can start the process (by awarding a Super Star) and any Project Leader can end the process (by vetoing the nomination).

Team members will take care of the steps in between, though Project Leaders are invited to help if and when they have input.

Here are more details on the steps.

Awarding Super Stars

The first step toward becoming a Project Leader is receiving a Super Star.

Only current Project Leaders can award Super Stars.

When awarding this badge, you do not need to check that the member meets the requirements for being a Project Leader. Many new Super Stars do not meet the requirements, but may later. Super Stars are the pool we use when looking for new Project Leaders. When awarding the badge, give as much detail as you can about their attributes that made them deserving of this badge. This helps draw attention to their leadership qualities.

After a member has a Super Star the question is not "Should they be nominated?"

With Super Stars, team members are asking, "When should they be nominated?"

Confirming Requirements

Each month the Leader Liaison goes through the list of Super Stars and looks at their activity on WikiTree, focusing on those who have been specifically mentioned on the Leader email list.

The Leader Liaison checks to see if they meet the requirements spelled out on the Leaders page. Requirement #4 is most important — being an outstanding practitioner of Honor Code point III (assuming that mistakes are unintentional) and point IV (being courteous to everyone, even those who don't act accordingly).

Confirming #4 is only possible if the member has a long public record of written communications (comments on profiles, G2G messages, etc.) in actively collaborative situations. There must be a lot of examples, and no recent examples of messages that could be misinterpreted as unfriendly or pushy. We ask Project Leaders to help us out there, as there are many places in which members communicate.

Official Nominations

The Leader Liaison will officially announce the names of Super Stars who appear to meet the requirements on the private Project Leaders e-mail list. Super Stars who are mentioned in the Leaders' email list as someone to watch get priority when Team members are looking for who to nominate that month. It is important that nominees are not discussed with non-Project Leaders in order to keep the process fair and to make sure no feelings are hurt if a nomination needs held for a future month, as there are many reasons this happens.

This is generally done on or near the beginning of the month.

1/1000 Limitation

Some nominations may be held back if we are at or close to the maximum number of Project Leaders (one per 1,000 regular members).

Two-Day Veto Period

After the announcement, there is two-day comment and veto period.

All current Project Leaders are invited to consider any private communications they have had with the nominee. It is recommended that Project Leaders search their e-mail archive for the nominee's name. They are invited to send comments about their positive interactions with the nominee to the Project Leaders' list at this time.

The Team can only check the member's public communications and their own private communications with the person when considering requirement #4. It is important for others to check their own private communications as well.

If any one Project Leader tells a team member that they have had or witnessed communications with the nominee that are not perfectly in line with requirement #4, the nomination is tabled and can be re-evaluated at a later date. (Leaders should be willing to discuss their veto. We may require some supporting documentation, such as emails or private messages with the nominee. No veto should be permanent.)

Private Vetoes

Project Leaders are invited to make positive comments on the nomination in the e-mail list. However, all negative comments and vetoes should be e-mailed privately to the Team.

This is important because a future re-nomination is possible, and we do not want negative feedback to start any unnecessary conflicts.

If any Project Leader would like an explanation for why a nomination was tabled, they are invited to privately ask a team member.


Vetoes are not permanent. As time passes, the member may have built up such a large volume of positive interactions that a few negative ones from the past are outweighed.

Project Leaders may re-nominate members. This can happen at anytime after they've already been nominated, but the Project Leader might inquire with the Team first to see why the original nomination did not go through. The nominee may have decided being a Project Leader was not something they wanted to do, or there may have been private emails that were going to take a lot of time to work past. Whatever the reason, there is not set time that must pass before someone can be re-nominated. They simply need a Super Star and to be renominated on the Leaders list.

Inviting the Nominee

New nominees should not be told they have been nominated. This is only done by Team members after the 48-hour comment period has passed. This way no feelings are hurt if the nomination is vetoed or tabled.

If no vetoes come forward within 48 hours, the Leader Liaison will invite the nominees to look over the Leaders page and consider whether they want to accept the responsibility. Nominees are given as much time as they need to decide whether to accept the invitation, as we do not want them to take the role lightly only to find they didn't realize certain expectations or did not have time.

Announcing New Project Leaders

Nominees that accept the invitation will be announced and welcomed by the Team in the Project Leaders e-mail list once they've joined the email list themselves.

Nominees that do not accept or want to defer acceptance will most likely not be announced unless a reason to do so arises. Tabled nominations are not announced.

If any Project Leader would like to know the outcome of a nomination, they should e-mail the Team privately.

Integrating New Project Leaders

Once a New Project Leader accepts their nomination and has joined the Project Leaders email list, the Leader Liaison will send them a welcome email which introduces themselves as the Leader Liaison, and discusses what can be expected as a Project Leader, as well as opening up discussion of what Project they may be interested in leading or co-leading. They are given some time to consider this and get used to being a Project Leader, as much as a couple months, though most come to their decision much sooner.

Often if a new Project Leader is very active in a certain Project, the Project Leaders of that Project will contact them directly to see if they'd be interested in co-leading. Sometimes, the existing Project Leaders may ask a Team member to invite them to lead, and sometimes the New Project Leader may ask to join as a Leader of that Project. There is no set protocol, and any of those approaches are acceptable. A Team member can and will help any Project Leader with making those connections.

No matter how a Project Leader ends up leading or co-leading a project, they should let the Leader Liaison know about their decision so they can confirm that all associated pages have been updated.

Team Members, see Docs:Leader Set-Up and Docs:Recruiting_Project_ Leaders.

This page was last modified 16:33, 15 October 2021. This page has been accessed 634 times.