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Part of the Ireland Project
Part of the County Cork Project
- County Cork Connections aims to provide a single place where any places or people associated with County Cork, Ireland can be indexed and linked.
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The People Of County Cork
- If the only location information is County Cork, Ireland the location will be blank.
- All years are approximate i.e may be before or about or after the year given.
- When a name has been linked to their WikiTree profile the link will be in the Birth Name column.
- This is just a sample
Given Name Birth Name Current Name Birth Year Death Year Location Abigail Ambrose 1806 - Abigail Burke 1841 - Abigail O'Keefe 1872 1880 Watergrasshill Abina O'Keefe Savage 1880 - Watergrasshill Abina Barry 1895 - Mondaniel, Rathcormac Abina M. Troy O'Keefe 1843 1890 Peafield Anastasia Troy 1898 - Andrew Harrington 1862 - Drishane townland, near Skibbereen Ann Madden Cowhig 1880 1974 Lislee Anna MinihaneCarty 1820 - near Skibbereen Anne Bullman Mullins 1787 - Anne Donovan Deasy 1715 - Timoleaque Annor O Brien 1234 1300 Anthony Bulman 1855 - Anthony C. Barry 1901 1983 Rathmore Bartholomew Flynn 1875 - Bartholomew Hourihane 1877 - Becher Family - - Benjamin J. Murphy 1864 1932 Milford, Kanturk Beverly A. McGowan Norman - - Blanche Roche Fitzgerald 1251 1329 Fermoy [formerly Pembrokehire] Bridget Cadogan Burke 1876 1963 Bridget Callegher Cronin 1892 Bantry City Bridget Condon Leahy 1803 1904 Brigown Parish, Mitchelstown Bridget Driscoll Hayes 1836 - Bridget Higgins Ames 1839 1916 Co. Waterford Bridget O'Keefe O'Connell 1799 1874 Watergrasshill Bridget O'Keefe Twomey 1873 1973 Bridget Regan Burke 1858 - Bridget Unknown Barry 1788 - Doneraile, Mallow Bridget Ambrose 1794 - Bridget Barry 1811 - Doneraile, Mallow Bridget Callaghan 1880 - Coolireagh (Clonmoyle), Aghabullogue Bridget Cronin 1884 - Rea townland, Abbeystrowry Civil Parish Bridget Harrington 1827 - Ardagh townland, Aughadown South Civil Parish/DED Bridget Troy 1812 1847 Peafield, Gortroe (Bartlemy) Bridget Twohig 1812 1903 Brigetta Donovan 1818 - near Skibbereen Callaghan Ambrose 1835 1914 Callaghan Ambrose 1830 1914 Catharine Leahy Burke 1800 - Catharine Sullivan Berrigan 1878 1917 Adrigole Catherine Barry Heffernan 1775 - Catherine Barry Keeffe 1826 - Catherine Burke Cheney 1900 - Catherine Burke Connolly 1853 1953 Ballyoughtra, Skibbereen Catherine Burke Driscoll 1830 - Aughadown Civil Parish
The Places & Resources of County Cork
Baronies of County Cork
Civil Parishes
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