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France Project | France Orphaned Profiles Team | Basic Vocabulary
Contents |
Basic Genealogical French Vocabulary
Here is the basic vocabulary you will find in French primary sources. If you find words you don't understand in the documents you are working on, please contact us! This list is meant to be expanded.
French | English |
né | born |
baptisé | baptised/christened |
décédé | deceased |
mort | dead |
enterré | buried |
marié | married |
épousé | married |
fiançailles | engagement |
mariage | wedding |
muni des sacrements de l'église | received sacraments before dying (ie, did not die suddenly) |
inhumé | buried |
cimetière | cemetery |
église | church |
aujourd'hui | today |
hier | yesterday |
la veille | yesterday |
avant-hier | the day before yesterday / two days ago |
deux jours auparavant | two days before |
ce jour | (on) this day |
témoin | witness |
demeurant | living |
domicile | home |
avec | with |
Family relationships
French | English |
fils | son |
fille | daughter |
père | father |
mère | mother |
parrain | godfather |
marraine | godmother |
oncle | uncle |
tante | aunt |
époux | husband or spouse |
épouse | wife |
femme | woman or wife |
mari | husband |
grand-père | grandfather |
grand-mère | grandmother |
aïeul | grandfather |
aïeule | grandmother |
cousin, cousine | cousin |
frère | brother |
sœur | sister |
beau-frère | brother-in-law |
belle-sœur | sister-in-law |
frère germain | full (germane) brother |
(frère) utérin | maternal (brother) |
cousin germain | first cousin |
cousin issu de germain | second cousin |
neveu | nephew |
nièce | niece |
French | English |
jour | day |
mois | month |
semaine | week |
an | year |
année | year |
lundi | Monday |
mardi | Tuesday |
mercredi | Wesnesday |
jeudi | Thursday |
vendredi | Friday |
samedi | Saturday |
dimanche | Sunday |
janvier | January |
février | February |
mars | March |
avril | April |
mai | May |
juin | June |
juillet | July |
août | August |
septembre | September |
octobre | October |
novembre | November |
décembre | December |
French | English |
un | one |
deux | two |
trois | 3 |
quatre | 4 |
cinq | 6 |
six | 7 |
sept | 8 |
huit | 9 |
neuf | 10 |
dix | 11 |
onze | 12 |
douze | 13 |
treize | 14 |
quatorze | 15 |
quinze | 16 |
seize | 17 |
dix-sept | 18 |
dix-huit | 19 |
dix-neuf | 20 |
vingt | 21 |
vingt-et-un | 22 |
vingt-deux | 23 |
trente | 30 |
quarante | 40 |
cinquante | 50 |
soixante | 60 |
soixante-dix | 70 |
septante | 70 |
quatre-vingt | 80 |
octante | 80 |
quatre-vingt-dix | 90 |
nonante | 90 |
cent | 100 |
cent un | 101 |
cent dix | 110 |
deux cent | 200 |
mille | 1000 |
mil | 1000 |
mil sept cent quatre vingt treize | 1793 |
soixante-et-onze | 71 |
soixante-douze | 72 |
soixante-treize | 73 |
quatre-vingt-onze | 91 |
quatre-vingt-douze | 92 |
premier | first |
deuxième | second |
troisième | third |
quatrième | fourth |
French | English |
département | department |
arrondissement | an administrative entity under the department. Between 2 and 4 per department. Rarely used for research. |
canton | an administrative entity between department and commune. Boundaries have changed frequently. Only useful for marriages in the Revolutionary period. |
commune | a locality with a town hall, an elected mayor, and keeping its own civil registration books. |
registre | register |
maire | mayor |
For occupations and professions, see the French-English professions lexicon.
If you would like more words added to this basic vocabulary, please contact Isabelle.
France Project > France Orphaned Profiles Team > Basic Vocabulary
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