German Pioneers to Pennsylvania 1753

+9 votes

While I was researching one of my family names, I came across this ship's passenger list. I thought it may be of interest to others working in this time frame. List of mens Names and ages, Imported in the Ship Peggy 1753 I believe almost all of these men would be part of the Palatine Migration Mine came from Alsace, France.

in The Tree House by Richard Devlin G2G6 Pilot (514k points)

Congratulations for stumbling upon some Palatine Migration roots, Richard. smiley  Many so-called "Palatine" migrants came from Alsace. All 1700s immigrants who spoke German were often lumped together as "Palatines."

The lists of passengers disembarking at Philadelphia between 1727 and 1776 are important sources for the Palatine migration. That ship list you found probably was extracted from Strassburger, Ralph Beaver, LL.D., Pennsylvania German Pioneers, A Publication of the Original Lists of Arrivals In the Port of Philadelphia from 1727 to 1808, edited by William John Hinke, Ph.D., D.D., Pennsylvania German Society, Norristown, PA, 1934, which I believe is the single best available source for the ship lists. The transcripts of the lists for the 1753 arrival of the Peggy begin on vol. 1, page 545.  We have categories for some of the ship lists at Category:Palatine_Ships (there are more ship categories to be created), and free-space pages for a few of the ships.

The list of Palatines remaining in New York is sourced to an earlier book that is similar to the Strassburger book: Rupp, I. Daniel. A collection of upwards of Thirty-thousand Names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French and other Immigrants in Pennsylvania from 1727 – 1776. 1898.

If you are interested in joining us in the Palatine Migration project, we would be happy to have you!

Hi Ellen, thanks for those sources. I'll be using them. 

My work on the Palatine Migration is limited to a few Profiles in my One Name Study Feuerstein which includes Firestone. Would you be interested in including it in the Palatine Migration Project?

Hi Ellen, I am a member of the Germany project and have ancestors who are Palatine immigrants. I added them to my tree recently and would like to include them in the Palatine Project. How shall i proceed?

Richard, please add your Feuerstein name study to the Palatine Migrant Families category. smiley  We need more Palatine families in the project.

Also, make sure that the people who migrated (including any who were born or died during the migration) have the Palatine Migration project box (add it with {{Palatine Migration}}), and add the Palatine Migration Project as an additional profile manager by using the email address to put the project on the Trusted List, then add it as a profile manager.

Lori: Thanks for asking! heart  See above for the general instructions for adding people who migrated to this project.  If you run into difficulty, post here again. And if you would like to be added as a member of the project, see for the details. You would not need to get the Germany badge again, but the rest of the instructions are germane.

Thanks Ellen, will do.

1 Answer

+5 votes
Frisinger arrived on the Peggy, captained by Abercrombie, in 1754 from Rotterdam
by Gail Smith G2G6 Mach 1 (11.0k points)

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