"Welcome to the Weekend Chat!" All Members Invited!! July 2nd - 4th, 2021 [closed]

+29 votes


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CHANGE TO BEST ANSWER PROCESS:  After much discussion we have come to the conclusion that all answers in the Weekend Chat are of equal importance and weight.  So we are going to discontinue the Best Answer portion as it adds points and then takes them away from posters and is causing some hurt feelings.  So in the interest of everyone is equal and valued we will delete any best answers given which will deduct those points because it has been pointed out that to give everyone best answer is also not a viable option. 

Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

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WikiTree profile: Pip Sheppard
closed with the note: Until next weekend, adios!
in The Tree House by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
closed by Pip Sheppard

Happy weekend!
We are finally enjoying some sunshine today after days and days of cloudy skies and rains.  Early in the week areas in our state flooded and many roads were washed out.  Some docks on the lake next door ended up under the surface of the lake by three inches or more. These docks were not floating docks, of course.

On the genealogy front, having completed my first Voyage (see Charles Austin Bemis), I am on to my Fisher cousins ... Pembroke T Fisher (1815-1880) ... endeavoring to flesh out this biography as well.  However, I keep getting sidetracked by the other cousins on the Fisher side.  They keep shouting at me for equal attention!  

People who have contracted the new COVID variant have increased in number in New Hampshire.  I, myself, had COVID back in March and have since been vaccinated so I feel relatively confident that I won't get it again as I rarely leave the house.  My granddaughters, though, each are either at work or at school on a daily basis, so I worry about them.  They have each been vaccinated, though.

Enough about me.  May you each have a blessed weekend and that you accomplish enough of your To-Do list so that it becomes your Ta-Da list!

Pfrayedrsa that all of your loved ones stay safe.   We are back under mask mandate vaccinated or not where I live.  If we could just get the unvaccinated vaccinated it will do wonders to stop this thing.   I honestly do not undertstand the resistance.   Everyone old enough in our family is vaccinated and it makes life so much easier to live.
Can'tt be worse than a 135 pound malamute who wants to go the other way Or decides its time for  NAP UNDER A SHADE TREE....

laugh  Quite a 2020 2021 "summer" so far, if it has been flooded it's been scorched or even burned down and that's across the nation 

It's been Global in fact and all year long crying

As far as dogs big enough to impose their will upon some weak human ... surprise it's better to have pocket sized dogs

laugh Have no problem pointing out that if anyone has a tussle of wills with their most beloved and totally much too large dog, the dog is going to win. 


I was alph female and hey did no noally challenge me because I was treat woman and they loved treats.   kODI WAS SO BIG WE had TO GO to  A Sddlemaker o get a large enough collar.   We command trained all the dogs.   Whwn you have over 600 pound of canine thundering through your house  training is essential.    Kodi could move my Grand Jeep Cherokee I hss from  dead stop..   no problemHe could walk ovefr our fence but never did.  He knew better.   Hwe took care of our neighbors too.  Three elderly women lived two doors down and if they had someone coming to work they came and got him to hang out with hem.  Fed him cookies.  He was very happy to visit.

laughlaughlaughI translated that into American.  You REALLY need a new keyboard. Or new eyeglasses. 

cheeky Well, better YOU have 600 pounds of Malemute and one of them Maine Coon cats than for US to have them -- there they are thundering through the living space, ... you must live in a house that is 1500+ sq ft (we live in 830 sq ft) 

Alpha female with a bag full of treats -- hmm I was going to say "a dominatrix" (in a nice way) but double checked the word definition and decided that won't work ... hmm ... so "alpha female" it is ...

So, you have six sumo wrestling Malemutes and a DanielBoone cat ...cats were originally bred (I read) to be hunting cats bring home the food cats for the humans. Awesome cats, frankly. 


using my husbands sysftem    not used to it  caps locks goes on if you r pinky waves over it...  very touchy..   dogs thought they were kids.  Cat thouht he was a dog and kids were part of the pack.  Took naps on dogs.  Never a dull moment   and no breakins....   kids got away with nothing...   dogs knew if they were up to no good and told us by howling like a wolf....  busted....   if we were mad at the kids dogs would stand between us they were all about taking care of them   if a kid got sick the dogs would let us know they would not leave that child's side...  did that with my Dad when he had cancer   they knew...i always had one with me when i was driving   no one bothered me

laugh Okay, not going to get a new keyboard. Otherwise it sounds like you have the "good life".  Even still yet you have the thundering herd of six dogs? AND no one is allergic to the dogs.  This is good. 

You have lots of good memories there. 

Hey Pip, you said in the Live Cast that you wouldn't wear an orange shirt.  And as it triggered a memory...

Of course its Irish and not Scottish.

40 Answers

+21 votes
Good afternoon Pip.  As I write we are having rain blow in (more over the mountains than my house in the foothills, though).  We had a quarter of an inch a couple the days ago, the first in many months!  But rain isn't really on my mind so much.  We had the Celebration of Life for my sweet husband on Saturday.  So many people gathered to honor and remember him.  All those memories came flooding back and I miss him so much.  Like I said elsewhere, WikiTree has been good grief therapy and I'm just doing what I can, at the very least for distraction.  I can imagine there will be days when I feel normal (the new normal TBD).  Thank you Pip and all for your kind words over these past months.
by Cindy Cooper G2G6 Pilot (338k points)
Hi Cindy, I know it is difficult and these are still difficult times for you. The Celebration of Life sounds like a wonderful tribute to your husband and to you! It is wonderful that so many people participated in this tribute and one take away message (at least one) is how much both you and your husband are loved. Kubler-Ross wrote (paraphrase) 'that if we choose to love, we must have the courage to grieve'. It is apparent that you chose love and your husband was one lucky fellow. Take good care of yourself and stay safe.
Sorry, Cindy, I just saw this (my computer wouldn't allow me to access the second page of posts until just now).

I know it was a tough time, and I also knew that as difficult as it was, you would make it through the Celebration of Life. Carol's quote from Ross is so true. I admire your courage to keep on going in spite of your loss.
+19 votes

On this day:

1608: The French navigator and colonist Samuel de Champlain founds Quebec City

1880: The journal Science is edited for the first time.

1976: Adolfo Suárez is named the first democratic Prime Minister of Spain after Franco's dictatorship.

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Professor, I could have read all three of these, but then time would have come to a stop! I chose Adolfo Suarez for a little more recent history. I remember the restoration of the monarchy at the time Franco died.
+19 votes

Hi to all from cooler Bavaria! It has been raining a lot which has brought the temperatures down, thank goodness.Terrible cramp for the last few nights - not much sleep as a result - need to walk more. Should be fine this weekend.

Haven't had much of interest to share recently - except that I've started on part two of the Orphan Trail - and am trying to learn to cite correctly. What a headache. Probably not just for me, but for my patient mentor as well. wink

I'm learning about the English Civil War, which I didn't study at school, so know little about - improving my first OT profile is a good way to find out about it. Doing so reminded me of a poem my sister had to learn at school, 50 years ago - parts of which had stuck in my mind. I had to ask her for the whole thing though. The poet is practically unknown, so I've created a profile for him. laugh
It kind of fits for July 4th.

King Charles the First 

King Charles the First to Parliament came,
Five good Parliament men to claim;
King Charles, he had them each by name:
Denzyl Holles and Jonathan Pym,
And William Strode and after him,
Arthur Hazelrigg, Esquire
And Hampden, Gent, of Buckinghamshire.  

The man at the gate said ‘Tickets, please,’
Said Charles, ‘I’ve come for the five M.P.’s.’
The Porter said ‘Which?’ and Charles said, ‘These:
Denzyl Holles and Jonathan Pym,
And William Strode and after him,
Arthur Hazelrigg, Esquire
And Hampden, Gent, of Buckinghamshire.’  

In at the great front door he went,
The great front door of Parliament,
While, out at the back with one consent
Went Denzyl Holles and Jonathan Pym,
And William Strode and after him,
Arthur Hazelrigg, Esquire,
And Hampden, Gent, of Buckinghamshire. 

Into the street strode Charles the First,
His nose was high and his lips were pursed,
While, laugh till their rebel sides near burst, did
Denzyl Holles and Jonathan Pym,
And William Strode, and after him
Arthur Hazelrigg, Esquire
And Hampden, Gent, of Buckinghamshire.

Hugh Chesterman
(20 Mar 1884 - 3 Nov 1941)

It has such a lovely jaunty rhythm. Great for remembering names of people.

Hope everyone has a good weekend!   laugh

by Frances Piercy-Reins G2G6 Mach 9 (90.4k points)
edited by Frances Piercy-Reins
That's true as well, Susan.
Hi Frances, I just took a peek at your current profile and it is really excellent! Very well organized, informative and visuals really complement the information.

I know my comment about Charles I and Parliament is simplistic and there was more to it. He actually had issues with Parliament and dissolved it ultimately leading to the English Civil War. Whenever I am in London, I enjoy the tour of Parliament and the topic of Charles I is generally brought up during the tour. Just for fun, I found two URLs that talk about Charles I and Parliament (provided by UKParliament at https://www.parliament.uk/about/living-heritage/evolutionofparliament/parliamentaryauthority/civilwar/overview/petition-of-right/), as well as his execution (https://www.hrp.org.uk/banqueting-house/history-and-stories/the-execution-of-charles-i/#gs.5h6ke3). This latter link has some excellent history along with visuals. Some of these visuals. Thought you might enjoy seeing these. Thanks for sharing your most recent OT profile!

Let's see -- Frances you are 1C 17R to John and I am way out there on the tail's end, at 7C 15R 

If I were to sneeze or cough I would fall off the tail ... 

And you and I are 24C 2R ... good heavens ... any farther apart and I would be living in the next door solar system 

Hahaha! Hilarious! laugh 

Thanks so much for your encouragement, and the links, Carol! The first one is dead - but I found the updated one here

Here are a couple of poignant lines from the first weblink:

'If Charles’ popular and likeable elder brother Henry had not died young of typhoid it is unlikely that England would have been riven by the bloodiest civil war ever known.'

'In the years after his (Charles') death, the muddle of Parliament, sober life under the Puritans and ultimately failure to establish a functioning government meant people started viewing Charles I differently.'

We have such short memories and focus on what affects us now. Some things never change.



Hi Frances, that 'dead' link is very strange! Maybe it was Charles getting back at UKParliament! You have the magic touch for finding it, though. I checked your link and it is the exact replica of what I originally found.

Compliments on your OT work are very well deserved!

Yes, I recall reading some English civil war history and there were several mentions of how Charles' elder brother would have been a much more astute and diplomatic king than Charles.

We do, indeed have short memories. Akin to Voltaire's, "History never repeats itself. Man always does."
I love that poem, Frances. I have studied the era quite a bit since so much was going on in so many areas of though, political, religious, social. So much happened so quickly!
That Voltaire quote is so true, Carol. I hadn't read it before.

Thank you so much for your kind words. I have a really meticulous mentor, who is holding me to high standards - something I'm very grateful about. Still a few things to tweak, but it's getting there.

Late night, Pip...and Carol? wink 

Pip, yes - that's what I have read too - I hadn't known that Charles'd had an elder brother - we never did the Stuarts at school - just the Tudors and the Reformation. My sister went to a different school; I think that's why she learnt that poem. Henry would most probably have been a much better king.

Imagine - all the people who would be alive today if he hadn't caught typhus and died! Just one life - 200,000 people wouldn't have died in the English Civil War, and their descendants would be alive today. Gives me the chills.  surprise

Such are the ways of history. Seems that there have been several elder sons… and daughters… who would have ruled better, but death and “the rules” kept them from us.
+15 votes
I mentioned yesterday that my grandson drives my car more than I do, well that is going to change. After the way too many times his car has stalled out leaving the rest of us running to help him his mother took him to the dealership and helped him buy a new car. He picked a car just like his grandmother had for her previous car, a KIA SUV even the same color, and the payment is rather high but he is working a lot of overtime and has no other other payments so he should be fine. That means that I will get my car back today and it should stay with me for a very long time.
by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
Has your grandson understood what causes a vehicle to "stall out"?
The problem is that it is a car that has a history of this problem as evidenced by the many Utube videos about the stalling on this model of Chevrolet.

Well, that's all to the good, having the experience with that car -- Basically, he may have grasped fully the idea of "look before you leap" when purchasing a vehicle or any other equipment 

He did not buy that car.  It is a long convoluted story but his sister bought that car and then walked away from it s his parents made him take it over. Bottom line is that in our household and his Chevy is a dirty word and I doubt if we would ever even think about buying another.

NOW that matters have been clarified and who had and has what yes, it was convoluted

Initially I understood it to be your car,  one you had purchased since you said "my car" and that it  was the one he was driving, the one that stalled out all too often 

There was nothing said -- until just now -- about it being his sister's car she had discarded and that he was borrowing your own actual car because he had been driving the discarded  vehicle which stalled out all too often 

BUT in any case that vehicle is gone, and he has his own SUV, so everything is okay now 

So you have your car back in your hands, he has his own SUV, his granny has hers no doubt, and I suppose his sister has one for herself 

Sig O and I have not owned a vehicle since 1995. 

Susan My car runs just fine. After two bad experiences with the brand of car that the grandson was driving I would never even check out any car by that manufacturer. The troublesome car in question not even the dealers with very low inventory want to take as a trade in whereas My car has been increasing in value since I purchased it due to the shortage of both new and used cars in our area. The real problem here is that he needed someone to help him out of a bad situation. My car is a very good one by all accounts and with low mileage and above average care given to its servicing it will probably be traveling down the roadways longer than I will. I seriously doubt that I will reach the warranty mileage limit before the year limit has passed.

He was driving my car because His car was having mechanical problems, he now drives a different car and my car is back in my drive so that when we need it, not that often because we have a newer model of the same make, we will have use of it. I live in an area with no public transportation and no taxi services either so with the nearest grocery store over 4 miles from our home, and no sidewalks, a car is a necessity to live.
Good to know everything is sorted out ... I suppose the hospital etc is as far away as the grocery store .. I would not want to live so isolated

The hospital, my doctors office and the sheriffs office are actually quite close, less than a mile away. I do not like living in a city where you are packed in so close, I tried that for a few years. We are not "isolated" but rather we have room to breathe clean unpolluted air.

I agree, Dale. No inner city living for me. I need room to breathe and move and at least some semblance of privacy.
+18 votes

Today is....



National Eat Your Beans Day is a “live healthy” holiday observed every year on July 3rd. This day celebrates the bean vegetable in all sizes, shapes, and colors. Beans (legumes) date back to the early seventh millennium BCE, making them one of the longest-cultivated plants. 

As they were seven millennia ago, today, beans are a significant source of protein. If you’re looking for complex carbohydrates, folate, fiber, and iron, eat some beans. They are excellent sources for each of those. A very healthy choice for any meal or snack, they are also an excellent source of fiber, low in fat and high in complex carbohydrates, folate, and iron.

  • There are approximately 40,000 bean varieties in the world.
  • Only a fraction of these varieties are mass-produced for regular consumption.

HOW TO OBSERVE National Eat Your Beans Day:

Let’s Snack!

That’s a lot of beans! How do we know which ones to choose? Snacking on chickpeas provides us with one of the best choices. Also known as garbanzo beans, these legumes pack a whopping 12.5 grams of fiber, 71 % of the recommended daily intake (RDI) of folate, 84% RDI of Manganese, and 26% RDI of Iron per serving in 1 cup. Add chickpeas to stews like you would any bean. However, they also roast nicely with your favorite herbs and spices for a delicious and healthy snack.

Another tremendous snacking bean is the soybean. For more tips on bean varieties, visit www.medicalnewstoday.com.

With so many choices, celebrating with beans should be a delicious success!

by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
My favorite is Bush's Vegetarian Baked Beans. I also fell in love with edamame while living in Japan. These didn't catch on in the states until about 5 to 10 years after I returned. Yes, beans are a wonderful alternative protein.
What I like is canned black beans, rinsed, with some mayo and minced onion and garlic salt
I ate mine with chili today, Dorothy!
+17 votes
Good Morning and Happy Weekend!

Thank you, Pip, for hosting chat!

The weather here in north Georgia, USA, hasn't been too bad--especially when compared to elsewhere. The temperatures have been moderate for summer. We've had a good mix of sun and rain this past week.

My old bathroom is finally in the dumpster. The demolition took place yesterday. It was a very noisy process. Two young men and the plumber worked very hard for about six hours. No unexpected issues, so far. We already suspected some things and those were confirmed. So, it wasn't like on TV when they're doing demolition and find major issues which require thousands more dollars--we knew up front. Better to know ahead of time. Next week the plumber has quite a bit more work to do starting on Tuesday. Then the electrician, the tiler, and others will take their turns. Hopefully, everything will be completed in about two to three weeks.

We had an old apple tree cut down this week and some pruning done on some other trees the branches of which were encroaching the road up to our house. I was really sad about losing that apple tree, but it was dying and leaning precariously.

My husband had bloodwork done this past week in preparation for a routine check-up next week. The results have been posted on-line. There was one result which was flagged. I'm hoping it is not anything concerning.

On WikiTree, I ended June with well over 1000 contributions. July is starting out a little slow. I've been either busy or unable to concentrate the past couple of days. It will probably continue to be that way while our renovation work is going on. Hopefully, I can at least stay caught up with my routine maintenance here.

I hope you all have a great remainder of your weekend! Take care...
by Nelda Spires G2G6 Pilot (578k points)

I look at my bathroom and am totally thankful I have one that is functional. laugh

I hope it stays that way for you, Susan! Mine was fine and functioning okay (we thought) until a few months ago. Then heck broke loose with both the leaking toilet and the leaking shower both at the same time. When they got the shower tile and flooring around the toilet up yesterday, it was easy to see the damage the leaking had done, most of which we already suspected would be there. About a quarter of the subflooring will be replaced in there. The plumber found some minor issues in the plumbing for the bathtub, too, but no leaking so the subfloor on that side of the bathroom is in great shape. Once it's all done, I hope it lasts another 30 years!
Our flooring concrete with tiles on top

DID move into an apartment once that "suddenly" developed a "trampoline" like movement in the bathroom ... landlord investigated --  they began the labor to repair the bathroom floor which turned into a nightmare for them because if also meant replacing walls and the flooring in the two apartments abutting ... so altogether there were 3 apts affected ..
Hiya, neighbor! I also hate losing a tree, but sometimes they just gotta come down. Since we are continuing to plant trees in our yard, ones that don't make it for whatever reason get a replacement.

Glad to hear the demo went well! Now, if we could just get our contractors to at least let us know what's going on so we could plan better.
+17 votes
Happy weekend, everyone!  Busy busy week here.  The cats had checkups, and I had to split it into two appointments because they're only letting one person in per appointment, and I can't wrangle three cats on my own.  Quality time in the lab piloting a new behavior experiment... it was looking like it wasn't going to work out, but when we tried the experimental treatment the first few tadpoles actually did just what we expected/hoped they would do!  My student spent a couple of days running trials and we'll do data analysis on Monday.

Wednesday we celebrated our 30th anniversary by watching the wedding video with our kid and then getting carryout from a new restaurant.  (And watching Loki that evening, of course.)  Nice quiet day.  But who were all those youngsters in the video?

Genealogy:  Two major distractions this week.  First, a very polite email from a Wikitreer about a possible error on a profile sent me down the rabbit hole there, with bonus Wikitree collaboration on the whole family.  I think we're close to documenting that a distant cousin's parents have been assigned incorrectly, but the descendants of that cousin may not be happy about it so I want to make sure we have solid evidence before moving forward.  

I've also been helping a friend of my mom untangle a DNA mystery.  She gave me access to her Ancestry matches yesterday and I quickly determined that her own paper tree and DNA trail match up back to the 2C/3C level, so that's good.  Now we need to sort out her cousin (supposed 1C, but DNA suggests ½ 1C or 1C1R), who has some very close mystery matches suggesting that one grandparent isn't who she thinks.  Looking at the data and the info from the mystery match, there could be a teen's daughter raised by her parents as a "sister."  I need access to the cousin's full match list to sort it out.  Working on that now.
by Lisa Hazard G2G6 Pilot (266k points)
Curious---What can you train a tadpole to do? Or do we have to wait until the results are printed to ensure security results?
No training involved; we're looking at how they respond to increased salinity.  We're hoping to do choice trials where we give them connected chambers with two different salinities and see where they spend more time, but we're still working the bugs out of that since the two solutions mix pretty quickly.  So instead we've set up a T maze where they can make a series of right or left turns.  The idea is that if they're trying to get away from something they don't like they'll make more alternating R-L-R-L turns to get further away, but if not they'll make more consecutive R-R-R-R or L-L-L-L turns to go in a "circle" and stay in the same place.  Works for other critters but so far as we know no one has tried it with tadpoles yet.  We're hoping to see a difference in the frequency of alternating turns between a control treatment (regular pond water) and a mild salt treatment (salty enough to get their attention but not enough to be actually dangerous to them).

laugh20 years ago Lisa you could have - probably - wrangled three cats at one go ... and like Beulah, I did wonder at training tadpoles ... hmm?  I am NOT being Condemnatory here, just musing on the matter 

surpriseIn reading I discover it is "torture and torment" in the name of science ... freshwater tadpoles and increased salinity ? Although you say y'all are careful not to damage them physically ... but what about their psyche? 

devilOn the other hand it is satisfying when the creature being tested performs "as expected" (or hoped for) 

Youngsters in the video. I'll be watching youngsters on July 14, our 13st! Congrats on your anniversary, Lisa!
+17 votes
Oh boy, I am learning A LOT about Canadian political history in the last 25 years.
by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Imagine how much more the Canadian citizen has learned in those same 25 years, "living it" -- they are probably as puzzled by the twists and turns they have lived through, as many US citizens have been about the US political landscape which has resembled what you can see in the House Of Mirrors (seriously distorted reality)
Living in a country and experiencing history first hand is one thing. I speak of another thing. I am no Canadian, I don't even live in North America. US politics is far more in our news than Canadian one. Most of the time Canadian politics is only in the news when there is a G7 or G20-meeting or - if you're lucky - when there are Federal Election. So I know a few of the leading politicians there, but nothing more.

And this is why I love WikiTree. There are so many opportunities to learn about various aspects, be it historical, geographical, migrational, whatever. Yes, I decided to write about Stephen Harper because I know him and because I knew I would learn a lot about Canadian politics in the last 20 to 25 years. But hey - I know I repeat myself - this is WikiTree, giving you opportunities to learn about stuff you didn't know anything about.
Well, Stephen Harper is as much as mystery to me as ... several million other people, but I gather he is a Notable, having been a PM in Canada ...

Now, Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, I am sorta of acquainted with info about her, mostly because at one conference the then-US President Sonny Bush came up behind her and gave her a shoulder and neck massage ... she said, and I believe it because I followed Sonny Bush news closely, that it was a friendly gesture on his part ... and that's true, that's the kind of man he was and is ...

And heaven knows Ms Merkel has more than enough to be tense about all through her term as Chancellor
Jelena, what have you learnt? And why?
The "Why" is faster to answer than the "What". The Canada Project asked in the Google Group, if someone would volunteer to write biographies for living politicians. Most of them are empty because they were unlisted, but now that they can be opened to a certain degree, they need a presentable biography. I volunteered to write the one for Stephen Harper. I took him because I remember him from the bit of political news that's arriving here from Canada. And so I took his Wikipedia-entry and his entry in the Canadian Encyclopedia, read them, clicked a bit further to understand a little bit more and blended the information in a text that could be used as a biography.

What did I learn? I learned that Canada is a country that is mainly led by Liberals and that the Conservatives had to go through several merges to actually have a chance to come into government. And I learned that in Canada it is nothing uncommon to have a minority government.
+13 votes

GENEALOGY -- ages old question of how do you deal with "sensitive information" about a deceased someone, i.e., their conviction of a crime.  I found another one today, a long history of arrests cited online (public records) and of course the obit did not cite this record of misbehavior.  And I see no point in doing so on their profile. 

I don't mention it because they ARE deceased,and what was good about them or that they did is buried with them and it is only the evil acts that live after them (taken from "Julius Caesar", by William Shakespeare). 

Matters reference my Watchlist continues ... I am moving along at a snail's pace on it 

HOME FRONT -- neighbors have been celebrating with fireworks for a month now, maybe longer, and usually around 10 PM to past midnight.  All this feckless waste of monetary resources clears out the feral cats in the area but otherwise earns their actions a hearty curse from me when all the bangs and pops pull me back from the edge of sleep ... 

And this feckless behavior probably ALSO causes the birds to not congregate in this neighborhood   

by Susan Smith G2G6 Pilot (665k points)
I have in my family a case where there is a different lore of what the documents say. I may write about it later, but for now I don't do that.

laughJalena, I do not doubt any of the various views of what has become Historic Events 

But, I am not a Historian. I do read Science Fiction and I do research historic matters mentioned -- I like to know when and where Fiction and Fact part ways 

Every historian has his or her own view.  There's any number of Master's thesis and Doctorate thesis stored at many different universities on the planet Earth, each degree candidate having sought to select and explore and convince their auditors of some particular historic point  -- same thing a really good SciFi writer will engage in as a course of action 

Regardless of whose views, Charles the 1st was convicted of treason and beheaded.  Where he to be tried now 21st Century, a living monarch, for this same accused crime, then first there would have to be a definition of "treason" as developed from the national documents and court decisions prior. Then his conduct would have to be examined in context of that derived definition.  

WHETHER Charles the 1st was indeed guilty of treason would depend on whether treason had been described in documents prior to his reign. Well, in a well-regulated universe that would be the situation.  

Now, in the ALTERNATE UNIVERSE created by the author(s) Henrietta Marie, Queen, died in a carriage accident, and Charles was left with crushed legs and pelvis in that same accident ... this is NOT what happened in the "real world" ... it was an invention of the author.  

Nevertheless in the Alternate Universe scenario, the men mentioned in that article were conspirators against Thomas Wentworth, 1st Earl of Stafford 

Lord Stafford was sent to his execution by Charles in the Real World; in the ALTERNATE universe he escaped with help imprisonment and went into exile 

Lots of factual information in the 1632 Series, but quite often the historic is left behind and the butterfly effects of the Event that created this Alternate Universe are explored through fictional means 

laugh I just don't put down info on 99 of 100 criminal convictions.  Divorce, yes.  I have seen one case at least of bigamy, and a half-dozen suspected cases. I don't usually draw attention to the matter, unless it is fairly obvious in the recording of multiple marriages and / or divorces ...and in the absence of any criminal case history, the question of bigamy isn't raised by ME.  I just mention I'm looking for a divorce record if any can be found

Sometimes did not know they'd married until I come across the divorce index or mention in an obituary. 

Whatever lore you have, if it refers to a Notable, you can probably add it to the profile in factual terms. If it is about a private citizen, i.e., not a Notable, you might want to be very discreet about it

GENEALOGY -- I seem to have developed a distinct view of two classes of persons -- Notables and the Ordinary (not-Notable) persons ... so words like lore, history, and such words mean TO ME it must be referring to a Notable ... I'm going to have to correct that view point ... tsk

I will say that barring alleged crimes or criminal conviction I will mention other events in someone's life if I have a "piece of paper" record for it -- my paternal grandfather, who seems to have had a talent for escaping prisons, and who was last seen by my father in 1938 in California, has his prison record mentioned -- unless someone else removed the mentions ... 

Yes, right, that biog was pretty much "cleaned up" -- but the materials are also over in familysearch files ... no harm done, the cleaner is being "sensitive" about "sensitive" matters 

So like now there's all this LORE, his history, that is "missing" 

Susan, I have the documents. And *still*, I decide currently not to "correct" the lore.

For me, this discussion is ending here.

laughAll the same to me, Jalena, since I do not have any idea whose lore is not being corrected -- although I am quite sure it is not one of my own relatives. cheeky 

Supposedly fireworks are forbidden on the top of our mountain inside the gated community due to the potential for fires. But there is no ban outside the gated community, unfortunately, so I'm sure there will be some who will be setting them off--they always do. I'm surprised, considering the high potential/incidence of fires in California there is not a state-wide ban on fireworks there. When I was a kid, one of my classmates blew part of his hand off with a firework inside a glass bottle. I don't buy them and I don't like being around amateurs who are setting them off. The town nearest us has a professionally done fireworks program. We haven't gone in years and the mountain blocks the visual part, but we do hear the explosions. I'll just watch some fireworks on PBS.
I don't doubt the laws are similar here but there's x number of police etc and without me going out there with a camera of some sort in the dark of the night and hoping to remain undetected as I phone the police about this ...
Fireworks a month long in our county neighborhood too. Silicone earplugs!

laughcheeky I suppose I should not even think of complaining about a month of two prelim fireworks and what will undoubtedly be another several months more after the Event ... there is apparently living nearby a male trapped (mentally and emotionally) in his adolescent 14 y.o. self ...  This feckless behavior happens annually, with slight variations. The earth is littered with this type of male 

Why is it male? Why not female?, you say. 

I have yet to see a female behaving this way nor have I been told by an eye-witness of a female acting this way.  So. However, I do not doubt a female COULD act like this, given a serious enough incentive. 

Viva la femme. 

Could I send my neighborhood 40 something 14 y.o. male to join yours and then at least part of us could have some peace?  Ship his vehicles, ATVs , motorcycles and all his buddies along .

Loretta, to be polite about it, #$%^&*()_  NO, NO, NO !!! 

I done did the crazy man 40's %^&*  with spouse #2 and spouse #3 and heard tales of horror about spouse #1 (from his then wife) ... I saw others go through it and hugged surviving wives in sympathy ... women at church, at work, next door ... 

+17 votes
Well our weather seems to be better than the west. We have rain and heat, so far not over 90. Dodging the rain makes going out for walks interesting. Have been recording invasive plants for imapinvasives on a trail project.  Got my June recordings done, starting July.

They are paving our neighborhood. It may have interrupted our trash and recycle pickup.

Still waiting for all the checks to clear to close the dance banking account, but recycling paper from 20 years of statements and receipts. Frees up a filing box.

Did the bio enhancement couples challenge for June. 10 profiles, waiting to see if I get a pen sticker! (sucker for Bling!)
by Sue Hall G2G6 Pilot (170k points)
Hi Sue, I think we are all 'suckers for Bling.' The important thing is you contributed to the bio enhancement challenge and 10 profiles are 10 more profiles done for Wikitree!
Sue, our little town is starting up (again - cancelled last year) our Tuesday night street dances and bluegrass bands entertaining us. This is big for us since we don’t have any dance clubs in our area. We sure did miss them last year.
+17 votes

Good morning all from my home town of Bellingen in New South Wales Australia (we arrived earlier today - at 3 minutes after midnight on the 4th July).

I have finally stopped sulking about my much anticipated holiday in the tropical north of Queensland Australia (it is mid winter here) being cancelled by a snap lock down because of the Delta variant being detected, the afternoon begofe we were booked to fly out of Brisbane at 7.30 the next morning (well almost stopped sulking). 

We could not even get our puppy back we had left with my son for our holiday the week before when I was down here for work. 

The lock down finished at 6 pm on 2 July so we visited my sister and her husband on ther Gold Coast yesterday (we were going on holiday with them if things had run to plan) and made the mission across the state border to get our Trixy dog back last night. we had to sign individual border declarations to get into NSW and also obtain individual border passes to get back into Qld. Needless to say we are not planning on staying - we are grabbing the dog and making a bolt for the border back home before anything else changes.

I have been excited by small wins on the genealogy front. My sister gave me back an envelope of copied documents yesterday (I had left them with her when I was given them to close to the time I lost 38 years worth of unpublished manuscripts and primary sources I kept in a large suitcase in the Brisbane floods of January 2011). It was moving to read the post cards and letters sent frpm my great uncle Bill Kelly to his parents and sister over the few months prior to when he was killed in action in WWI on 10 June 1917. I also have connected to a Quigley descendant (my maternal line) who is the great grand daughter of Catherine Quigley who went to USA with her husband Phil Ryan and family from their home in Tipperary Ireland. Catherine and my great great grandmother Bridget (Quigley) Quin were sisters. Bridget and her 2 older sons followed her husband to Australia in 1875.

Have also had a little luck with my maternal grandmothers' paternal grandfather's family (he was convicted of manslaughter at the age of 22 with his 2 older brothers and another man, in Queens County Ireland and transported to Australia with them for life in 1838.) One of his brothers died in the convict hoptiatl in Syney within 4 months of arriving at the age of 24.

It is a chilly but dry morning here and the birds are calling out the window. My little family who live in my family home in Bellingen ( 2 of my 3 sons and a daughter her husband and 3 daughters) will soon be waking up so I will wish you all well for the weekend and do a little research before they all hit the lounge room. smiley

by Rosalie Neve G2G6 Pilot (176k points)

Well, it sounds like you have to have a passport to cross a border ... we have that with Mexico and with Canada ...  but I see it is a public health lock down and not Australia is divided into six interior nations ... but is divided into six interior states and 2 territories ... okay .. 

Does nothing to erase its lethal flora and fauna reputation -- you have to figure that the descendants of those who arrived are really really tough people, smart and with fast reflexes  

Have you been affected by the mouse plague where you are, Rosalie? Shocking footage!

If Rosalie has not yet been bothered she might be in for a surprise -- so long as they don't have fleas that transmit the plague ... no doubt the Media would report that if it were so -- 

In the Sierra Nevada & California small mammals were sources of the fleas for the plague, used to be a few cases of bubonic plague each year -- cats dogs squirrels gophers and etc - even some birds 

> The mouse plague has been caused by a "perfect storm" of optimal weather conditions for breeding and the end of the 2017 to 2019 drought. The mice first appeared in the spring of 2020 when farmers were harvesting a bumper crop.Jun 10, 2021

> How do mouse plagues end? Most plagues end in July when food is becoming scarce and cold winter conditions stress the population. At high population densities, disease spreads rapidly and aggres- sion increases, leading to wounds that become readily infected.

Australia suffers a mouse plague every decade or so. The current one came after bountiful rains last year that left farmers' silos overflowing with grain. They stocked up on feed for their animals, and all that grain gave the mice a perfect source of food. Changes to farming practices have also been a factor.May 29, 2021
Interesting! Thanks!
We do not have mice in plague numbers at either of our 2 places Frances. We are further east in NSW than where the plague numbers are and in our place in Qld it is in the middle of open farm land but it has not had the same amount of rain as some of the other surrounding areas. It is terrible in some places and you cannot help but feel for those affected.

smiley  Glad you're not affected, Rosalie - but everyone must agree with your concern for those who are. broken heart

Rosalie, I saw on the news that Australia was going to keep (or add) restrictions due to the Delta variant and thought of you and your travels. What a mess!

So very glad to hear that you got at least some documents back after that terrible loss in the flood. What a treasure trove! And what great stories you have to tell about your ancestors.
+17 votes

Greetings from beautiful Phoenix Arizona, USA,

It’s “monsoon” or “haboob” season here. The temperatures remain around 105 or so, but the humidity rises. Hopefully rain will shower us soon because we are in a very long drought. 

I’ve been working with a nutritionist for health reasons and weight loss. So far things are going well. I’ve lost 5 pounds in 2.5 weeks. The program is tailored to my physical self, and I have noticed a decrease in joint pain!

I’m trying to learn how to paint with watercolors. I’ve watched a few videos, but I like to experiment on my own. Previously I worked with acrylic paint, and I have concluded that acrylic is a heck of a lot easier than watercolor. Acrylic paint allows me to paint over anything I decide to change. 

Genealogy has kinda taken a backseat this week. I was checking the Profile of David Kennison (Kennison-73).  He has quite a biography, and I among others believe that it’s only partially true. Some people in Chicago said he was a con man. He claims to have been the last survivor of the Boston Tea Party. The CHICAGO TRIBUNE published an article written by, Rex W. Huppke, August 31, 2003 titled, “Con man became city’s hero”. I find his story interesting! Kennison is my ex-husband’s 5th ggf!

Have a blessed week ahead. 


by Susan Ellen Smith G2G6 Mach 7 (79.1k points)
Congratulations on your weight loss for health! I've been on a similar journey for about five months now so I know how good it feels to have success in that area of one's life. I hope you have continued to success!
What fun!I love acrylics too. Used to do a lot in an earlier existence - I agree that they're a lot easier to use than oil.
That the way to lose weight, Susan, a little at a time! I’ve lost a few… not near as much as I’d like, but I have to remember that every little bit is progress.

My amateur artist wife (her description, not mine) stays away from watercolors and prefers oils. I keep telling her we could set up a booth at one of our fairs and sell them, but she is not motivated right now. One she did I would not let her give to the kids. We have it hanging in the hallway.
Yes I paint too, Watercolor-Watercolor pencils, Acrylic and one oil so far.  I was into it as a kid and took it back up last year.  I don't prefer the oil either, Frances, as it takes so long to cure like 3-6 months. I learned they oxidize instead of drying .  I hung it in my Florida house and hopefully it will be "cured" when we return in November.  I have posted pictures of some of them for Wiki prizes to members before as I have added messages to them for Wikitree, and try to add most to my "my space" page.

Loretta - What a nice idea! laugh

+10 votes


 US version of independence sought through revolution (or rebellion) 

We did some digging, and it turns out fireworks were used to celebrate the first anniversary of the holiday in 1777. ... The first-ever recorded Fourth of July party was held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on July 4, 1777, and like Adams had envisioned, included illuminations, bells, a parade, and explosions.

 Think there's something called Guy Fawkes Day, but that was a plot to blow up Parliament in England, I think -- next date for that is Nov 5th 2021 in the UK 

On 5 November, people across the UK celebrate Bonfire Night with fireworks, bonfires, sparklers and toffee apples. The reason we do it is because it's the anniversary of a failed attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament. Many people enjoy lighting sparklers onBonfire Night.Nov 4, 2020

I read somewhere that at least in the Old Days when there was a funeral procession that fireworks were used to drive away any evil spirits >Chinese Funeral With Fireworks And Firecracker Ritual. - YouTube and it seems fireworks are still in vogue 

Viva la bang bang boom boom 

by Susan Smith G2G6 Pilot (665k points)
Susan,,once again out huge fireworks display was cancelled. When we had them, they were **** from the Brevard Coolege campus. Folks would gather in the large grocery parking lot nearby and enjoy. So, all we did last night was sit on the porch and list to the booms and pops around the mountains and pretended there was a battle going on.

Pip, From the sounds of it and some sightings, some half-dozen or more residents close by all decided to individually celebrate and there were some HOURS of bang bang boom boom 

Probably gave every cat and dog in the area a nervous condition of some days 

Not to mention how much money was spent on obtaining these fireworks 

BUT no sirens came on the heels of all this ostentatious waste of wealth (LOL) so I gather no one called the cops about illegal fireworks (if any) nor did anyone start a wild fire 

We had a barker across the road. I think the booms and pops were driving him crazy!

Yes, Guy Fawkes' Night is still a popular event on Nov 5th in the UK. It used to be the only occasion when we had fireworks, until the year 2000, when Dec 31st went ballistic, like in Germany, where every New Year's Eve has been, until Covid, celebrated with fireworks.

Children are taught,
'Remember, remember the 5th of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot,
I see no reason why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.'

It's really bizarre, these days, to think that a 'Guy' is still made from old clothes stuffed with straw, dragged through the streets on any old thing with wheels by children asking anyone for 'a penny for the Guy' - and then burnt on a bonfire, while squibs and rockets bought with the 'pennies' are set off. Baked potatoes in their jackets and grilled sausages on a cold November's night taste pretty good too.
None realise what the original events this evening commemorates meant for those who were directly affected, of course. They don't understand the religious division and terror behind it all. It's just a fun opportunity to be out after dark and make things explode. 
It wasn't just Guido Fawkes who was apprehended - there were several others too, including Thomas Percy, cousin to the 9th Earl of Northumberland. The chief conspirators were hanged, drawn and quartered. Fawkes escaped the torture before his death by jumping from the ladder he was climbing to the gallows, breaking his neck.

Guy Fawkes and the men behind the gunpowder plot. Guy Fawkes, best known of the conspirators, is third from the right. (Print Collector/Getty Images)

Yes, Pip - I remember as a child watching a TV programme where we were urged to bring our pets inside because the noise of the fireworks would terrify them. Apparently fireworks also kills a lot of birds every year. Not to mention the people they maim and disfigure.
Indeed, that is pretty much what I read about the matter

Seems odd that what is celebrated was a massive FUBAR or worse by the perpetrators
+13 votes
I repeat here, my memory of Canada Day long weekend starting Friday, July 1st, 1966 when I was 20 years old......with my friend, George, riding shotgun, we put the muscle car top down, caught the ferry into Vancouver and, whether by plan or not, ended up in Seattle where we seemed to get challenged by every muscle car we met.  We cruised Seattle, night and day, and by Sunday, too tired to drive back to work for Monday, phoned in for another day off and booked a 2nd or 3rd floor hotel room downtown on the main street.......only, to be awakened by a terrific racket the next morning and as I looked out, from behind the curtain, at the parade on the street below, I remember commenting something like, ''they must be holding a parade for us?"...............
by John Thompson G2G6 Pilot (364k points)
edited by John Thompson
Dear, John, I can recall when Sig O and I were awakened by the jingle of bridles and the nickers of horses ... this was in San Jose about  1978/80

A parade, I don't recall for which occasion since San Jose had parades on Cinco de Mayo, 4th July, California Day, and several other holidays - and of course parades have to be staged and that meant those who were IN the parade had to gather together in some one or two neighborhoods until time to join up

My father, taking pity on the horses being ridden by the vaqueros, rented out his front lawns (he owned two side by side) and supplied also a large tub of fresh water ...

I awoke, I rose up, I ... saw something I'd not seen before nor was ever likely to see again, something like 2 dozen vaqueros and their steeds in the street and on our lawns

I said nothing to anyone lest my father hand me a shovel and a bucket for scooper duty -- ah, which he did anyway, oh the indignity of having to clean up the comments of a loose horse
Now this is funny, John!

Thankyou, Susan, for sharing, yet another point of view, of parades!  laugh

Pip.....I learned my lesson.....there are two sides to the border!  surprise

John, you ain't seen nothing until you have seen a 15 man Scots bagpipe and drum marching corp marching in a Columbus Day Parade in Reno, Nevada

Been there and done that

Or there was the time 150 Corvettes decided to parade on the 101 bypass through Reno Nevada (Virginia Street)  ... I counted them. 150 of them 2 abreast ... held up traffic "forever" .... moving at 5 mph

Ah,  EDIT, forgot about the time there was a parade advertised to be held on the main drag is Sparks, NV and so we and 100's of other folk showed up to see the parade.  Oh, Lord, Lord, it was on vaquero on his well-dressed horse and a man on foot in front of the horse holding a banner on a tall pole.  That was it. That was the entire parade.

Susan......Is that an invite to a bagpipe and drum parade?.....Will Pip Be there?......Who else?.......laugh

Bagpipes? Did some say bagpipes?
Pip, John, There is no way to actually return to the past, not physically return

Those three parades in Reno are in the far distant past
………… ☹️

Pip I can see you are short on sleep i.e. the sad Grumpy Face

+15 votes

On this day:

1921: The Polish chemist Antoni Grabowski dies. He was the first person outside of the immediate family, Ludvik Zamenhof chatted with in Esperanto

1927: The Italian actress Gina Lollobrigida is born. Buon Compleanno!

1941: The Communist Party of Yugoslavia decides to fight against the German occupation

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
For a change in my usual reading,mi picked Antoni Grabowski yesterday, quite an interesting fellow. Thanks, Professor!
+14 votes

Happy Independence Day to the people in the USA. I hope the weather and the Covid-restrictions allow you to have a barbecue during the day. Enjoy it!

Yesterday I worked all day on the biography of Stephen Harper. I had to put it under construction, but I finished it. Tell me what you think of it. I already know the Canadian Project approved it.

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)

Jelena,  With interest, I read, numerous times, your biography of Stephen.......and without further explanation I would like to give it a  yes  Thankyou.

We had just the two of us grilling a couple of hotdogs and hamburgers a piece with homemade slaw, chili, and other condiments. No side dishes and the dogs and burgers were enough to fill us up.
+15 votes

As most of you know, today in the United States is ..... 


INDEPENDENCE DAY Celebrations (Brief History):

  • 1777 – The First Anniversary – Bristol, Rhode Island, fired thirteen gunshots in salute: once in the morning and once again in the evening. Philadelphia hosted an official dinner for the Continental Congress. There were also toasts, 13-gun salutes, speeches, prayers, music, parades, troop reviews, and fireworks. Ships were decorated with red, white, and blue bunting.
  • 1778 – General George Washington gave his soldiers a double ration of rum and an artillery salute. On the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, ambassadors John Adams and Benjamin Franklin hosted a dinner for their fellow Americans in Paris, France.
  • 1779 –  Since the holiday fell on a Sunday, celebrations were held on Monday, July 5th.
  • 1781 – The Massachusetts General Court became the first state legislature to recognize July 4th as a state celebration.
  • 1783 – Moravians in Salem, North Carolina, celebrated with a challenging music program assembled by Johann Friedrich Peter. The work was titled “The Psalm of Joy.”
  • 1791 – The first recorded use of the name “Independence Day” occurred.
  • 1820 –  Eastport Main held the first Fourth of July celebration, and it remains the largest in the state.
  • 1870 – The United States Congress made Independence Day an unpaid holiday for federal employees.
  • 1938 – The United States Congress changed Independence Day to a paid federal holiday. 
  • 2021 - For nearly 250 years, the country has been celebrating a day in history that inspires us still today. Communities host speeches and ceremonies across the nation. Across the country, people crowd cities for parades and festivals. Cities deck the streets in red, white, and blue bunting and flags.

Fire Works

Before the day is over, many communities hold spectacular fireworks displays re-enacting moments of victory. Patriotic music accompanies the performance while spectators view the show from blankets strewn along capital lawns or from boats floating in bays. Whether our National Anthem, “The Star-Spangled Banner” or “God Bless America,” many will sing along. In some locations, music will be played by a live orchestra or band, while in other areas it’s pre-recorded. Some of the most popular on the playlist are “America the Beautiful,” “My Country, Tis of Thee,” “This Land Is Your Land,” “Stars and Stripes Forever,” “God Bless the U.S.A.,” “Yankee Doodle” and “Dixie.”

To all our friends in the United States, enjoy your day today and let us know what you are planning to do!!


by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
Thank you Dorothy, taking the time to love the flag and country, thank our veterans, and eat some summer food!
It was very low key for us, Dorothy. We sang patriotic hymns at church yesterday and then cooked out for just the two of us. Listened to the fireworks last night from our porch. We could see any effects. Sadly, our big display was cancelled for the second year.
+15 votes
Greetings From Brightlingsea, Essex, England

Its Sunday 4th July and I am still in time for weekly chat.  Being 4th of July I remember that my grandfather(my Mum's Dad) would fly the Stars & Stripes at his home. This was in recognition of his years he spent working for the Singer family, of sewing machine fame,  on their 2 yachts named "Xarife". He was a steward onboard and had a very interesting life working for the Singer family from 1927 up to the second world war.

As far as wikitree is concerned have been doing more work on the local connections and did a merger as well.

Have a good week everyone .....
by Chris Burrow G2G6 Pilot (222k points)
Chris, you always have some interesting story to tell. Thanks for  checking in. You have a good week, too!
+13 votes
Happy Independence Day to my fellow US Wikifolk!   And Happy weekend to the rest of y'all!   I am a bit late to the chat, have had company around from our winter Florida friends touring our beautiful Ozarks with us.   We have had almost perfect weather.

Not much time this week for genealogy because of my continued physical therapy for my back, which also limits my computer time.   Hopefully this next week will clean my suggestion list as I have convinced a cousin to open some old profiles in our shared tree that need attention. And almost finished with my longer goal of TLC to every profile that has been created in my family activitiy feed. Add format and at least one source, maybe a bio if it is a direct ancestor I manage for sure. In late 2020 now so rest should be fast, if now  I can just get time.

Gotta go I smell hot dogs!!
by Loretta Morrison G2G6 Pilot (180k points)
"If now I can just get the time." Oh, lawd, do I know the truth of that!
Oh, Lawdy, Lawdy my fellow Scot !
Someone who speaks my language!
+12 votes
Well on this Sunny Sunday here in Northeast Ohio. I found out that our new neighbors are on a long waiting list to have Air conditioning installed in their new home. There are 8 people ahead of them. Since the grandson works in that industry and has worked a lot of overtime since he started so I do believe it will be a long wait for them. It seems that most everything is in short supply anymore so I guess that includes air conditioning systems. It is going to be a hot week so I will probably be indoors most of the week after I get back from my eye doctor appointment tomorrow morning so there is a chance I will actually get some genealogy done in the coming week.
by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
Wow, that's a long waiting list for the AC in the summertime! My plumber was telling me the other day he is having difficulty keeping his inventory up-to-date because of the shortage of supplies. He's also told me that everything is much more expensive now than it was a few months ago. I suppose that is a result of the low supply-high demand.
Nelda, I was wondering why my grandson bought the car he chose with the payment being higher than his grandmothers new car with all the extras, well after searching the online inventories, and those are usually larger than reality due to sales being made and the delay in updating the website, and I now see that he had very little choice. He actually got one of the cheaper, price wise, cars I could find in our area.
I was just reading some of my email and discovered that out of 1921 members of Amateur Radio Emergency Service registered in Ohio I am one of 65 that have the required minimum training needed to hold one of the 88 top positions for the county level. The only problem with this is that there are several in my county that hold those certificates while many counties have no one. Simple math means that more than 23 counties have no one qualified to hold the top position and that is sad.

Was this is one of the new homes built near you, Dale. I'd think they'd installed it when it was built. If not, just an older home, then I could understand. I can't imagine NOT having AC, even in the Arctic where you live! laugh

Pip, It is the one they built last year. The AC is an option so they do not install those unless the people buying it want it, as you mention we don't have a big need for that here, but some do want it. We have AC.

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