My G Grandmother, Catherine Dow Cowan married William Alexander Todd in Ireland, looking for place and dates?

+6 votes
in Genealogy Help by Ann Burnett G2G1 (1.6k points)
Name: Annie Cowan Todd
Gender: Female
Birth Date: 17 Sep 1880
Birthplace: Belfast, Antrim, Ireland
Father's Name: William Alexander Todd
Mother's Name: Catherine Dow Cowan Todd

Citing this Record

"Ireland Births and Baptisms, 1620-1881," index, FamilySearch( : accessed 17 Aug 2013), William Alexander Todd in entry for Annie Cowan Todd, 17 Sep 1880.


Name: Catherine Dow Cowan
Event Type: Marriage
Event Date: Jul - Sep 1879
Event Place: Belfast, Ireland
Registration Quarter and Year: Jul - Sep 1879
Registration District: Belfast

Citing this Record

"Ireland, Civil Registration Indexes, 1845-1958," index, FamilySearch( : accessed 17 Aug 2013), Catherine Dow Cowan, 1879; citing vol. 1, p. 1011, General Registry, Custom House, Dublin, Ireland; FHL microfilm 101253.

4 Answers

+3 votes
Did they immigrate to the US? If so, where?
by Living Austin G2G1 (1.9k points)
+3 votes
I am related to your Cowan family and your g grandmother Catherine Dow Cowan and can share lots of family info with you.  Looking forward to hearing from you.
I would love to hear from you, I have been trying to find this side of my family for ages! Where are you?
+3 votes
Catherine Dow (Kate) Cowan and William A Todd were married at York Street Presbyterian Church, Belfast, on September 17th, 1879. She was second surviving daughter of the late James Cowan, Belfast, and granddaughter of John Cowan, Ashton Villa, Shawlands, Glasgow.  I am gg granddaughter of Kate's older brother, John Cowan who emigrated to Australia.  Please contact me so I can share more family information.
by Lee Preen G2G Rookie (290 points)
Please get in touch with me, I'd almost forgotten that I'd asked this question! Are you in Australia?
Yes I'm in Melbourne, Aust. Kate Cowan had 3 brothers - John, Alexander Dow and James. They all left Belfast & emigrated to Melbourne - John later took his familly to Perth, WA but the other two stayed in Melb.  My ggrandfather is John but I am also in contact with descendants of James who had 9 children. Alexander Dow had 2 sons who died in each World War and were not married.My mother's brother lived in South Africa and his family were in contact with yr grandmother Marge.Arnold. I have photos & letters etc I can share. Do you live in Canada? How can we share more family info and communicate directly?
This is wonderful! I live in South Africa, still in the same place that Marge Arnold lived, Westminster in the Free State. The only other relation I have been in touch with is Dunc Duncan in Canada and he has just turned 90. It would be great to find out more about my family! You should be able to get my email address from this site and email me directly. thanks, Ann
+2 votes
It's along time since you posted this question Ann but am hoping you're still active in family history! Kate Todd is the sister of my husband's G-grandmother Isabella Marguerite Payne [nee Cowan]. His family still live in N Ireland and we've done some research into the Dow/ Cowan branches of the family, including visiting graves / home locations etc.

Fingers crossed you see this and we can make contact, Regards Diane McMillen
Hi Diane, this is wonderful! I would love to hear more from you! My Gran, Marge was named Marguerite after someone in the family, maybe her aunt! You should be able to get my email from this site otherwise send me yours?

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