Could Language for Locations be a setting?

+5 votes

[Edited to clarify: When adding new profiles to WikiTree,] I'd love to set a default language for location settings with the ability to change it at will. In the current WikiTree Challenge, I'm changing the language to German a lot.

Thanks for all you do to make WikiTreers so productive!

in WikiTree Tech by Karen Lowe G2G6 Pilot (207k points)
edited by Karen Lowe

This would be really useful to me as well if anyone is counting.  Most all profiles I add are Dutch and I'm having to make the language selection change every time.


3 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer

Hi Karen and Joke.  This would only be for Add Person pages, right?  Would it make sense to put it on profile edit pages?

Edit: I've added this to the WBE, but I'm not putting it on edit pages, because if the user has set the default language to German and then they open an edit page of an American, for example, and they edit it and save it, the location in the select box will be saved as German (unless they change that before saving it, which they're likely to forget to do).

by Ian Beacall G2G6 Pilot (391k points)
selected by Jamie Nelson
Yes, Ian, that's exactly right - just for adding new profiles. The link that says "Suggest location names in another language."

I've edited the question above to clarify for those reading it for the first time.
+3 votes
This would really be useful for me as well, since almost all profiles I make are Dutch.
by Joke van Veenendaal G2G6 Pilot (127k points)
+5 votes
"Change it once and it remains until you change it again". Yes, please!
by Florian Straub G2G6 Pilot (254k points)

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