Was Col.Augustine Warner's WIFE Mary (Towneley) Warner related to a Mayflower Passenger? If so then IAM too!

+2 votes
Have been searching for my Mayflower connection forever!

(I may not have 1and I'll accept that if it's true)

I believe that Mary(Towneley) Warner DID have Magna Carta connection though!
in Genealogy Help by Living Foster G2G6 Mach 2 (28.9k points)

4 Answers

+4 votes
For anyone able to help, here's the link:



If you edit the tags for this post so each are separate that helps. If the tag has two words or more use the underscore ie Magna_Carta. If it has one word, Washington, no underscore needed. This helps get the attention of members with experience in those areas.

I will tag your other posts as duplicates if I see them. No worries about that.
by Peggy Watkins G2G6 Pilot (862k points)
+4 votes

I'm confused. You said "Have been searching for my Mayflower connection forever!"

Yet have a Mayflower sticker on your profile

Michael Foster is a descendant of Mayflower Passenger Richard More Sr..

by Sandra Vines G2G6 Pilot (139k points)
+4 votes

I'm excited!  Just discovered that I am a Mayflower descendant- yes!  This has taken decades to discover b/c I don't know how to do genealogy, however, as a former member of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) their genealogist proved that Col. Augustine WARNER Sr. (the great great grand father of George Washington) is my relative.  Augustine's WIFE was Mary (Towneley) Warner & she has Mayflower connection to Richard MORE.  Thus, I do as well!

by Living Foster G2G6 Mach 2 (28.9k points)
According to Relationship Finder, Richard More and Mary Towneley were 10th cousins. So that means you are a very distant cousin of a Mayflower passenger, but it does not make you a descendant of a Mayflower passenger.

yes RIGHT!

+5 votes
you are a 7th cousin 10 x's removed from Richard More, not a descendant. you are 8th cousin 11 times removed from Mary Towneley, again not a descendant. You are correct in that Towneley is a descendant of a Magna Carta Surety Baron.
by K Smith G2G6 Pilot (381k points)
Playing this a little further, Mary Towneley's Magna Carta baron is Robert de Ros: all steps in the 13th great granddaughter relationship are marked as confident.

Now, Robert de Ros shows up in the Relationship Finder as the 27th great grandfather of Michael Foster:

However, there are few steps marked as confident. Most are "unknown confidence". At least there are no steps marked as "uncertain".

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184 views asked Dec 18, 2022 in The Tree House by Living Foster G2G6 Mach 2 (28.9k points)

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