"Welcome to the Weekend Chat!" All Members Invited!! August 18th - 20th, 2023 [closed]

+30 votes


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CHANGE TO BEST ANSWER PROCESS:  After much discussion we have come to the conclusion that all answers in the Weekend Chat are of equal importance and weight.  So we are going to discontinue the Best Answer portion as it adds points and then takes them away from posters and is causing some hurt feelings.  So in the interest of everyone is equal and valued we will delete any best answers given which will deduct those points because it has been pointed out that to give everyone best answer is also not a viable option. 

Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

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WikiTree profile: Pip Sheppard
closed with the note: Until next weekend, flourish in all you do!
in The Tree House by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
closed by Pip Sheppard
Thank you for the information M.  Thankfully all of my daffodils are old established plants.  They are such a sunny welcome flower.
This is why cruises are off my list. I'll put weddings off my list too this fall and the nasty winter. I hope your daughters get better soon.

I'll be getting both vaccines (Flu and COVID) in the fall. I'll be on the waiting list. I'll test myself every two days if I have to.
Hope your kids are on the mend Pip, and enjoy those naps!
Tulips. I need tulips. No one sells them around here, so I guess I'll have to go online to see what is available (and affordable).
Both are well, Eileen, and both back at work. My older one, the paramedic and educator, missed the whole first week (for teachers) and even the open house. The other rather enjoyed her stay at home, but (alas for her) she too is back to work.
I'm so glad your church mom is leaving her legacy through you. May you lead your church son well.

I have a similar spelling conundrum with my Soltysiaks (where of course, spelling mistakes abound) but for some reason, some branches started spelling it with an A, Saltysiak. Sometimes within the same generation of 8 kids, four would spell with and O and four with an A. What?!
Erin, I had to laugh: 8 kids, half spelling it one way, etc. This sounds so much like my family!!!

Is this Farrar one of yours Pip?Asa Allen Farrar

It appears not. Mine are from Virginia, Asa has ancestry in New Jersey. That doesn't rule out that they are kin, but I just took a quick look.
I thought I tracked him back go Pennsylvania Oh well

34 Answers

+18 votes

On this day:

1850: The french Novelist Honoré de Balzac dies

1941: In the Netherlands, Kamp Amersfoort starts working

1964: South African sport is excluded from competition because of Apartheid politics

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
I was beginning to wonder where you were, Professor! The (unofficial) wait time goes like this. Bachelors - five minutes; Masters - 10 minutes; Doctorate - 15 minutes... unless, of course, you are Dr. Tony Eastman, my US history prof back in the day. You'd better wait to the last minute for him or he'd be HOT!

I'll read up on the Kamp. This one I did not know about. Thanks, Professor!
I have an excuse! My little removed cousins invited us to a self made dinner. And with that I mean that they cooked. And then we stayed a bit longer and chatted and came back only quite late.
Thanks for the link! I now have another reason to visit Amersfoort soon!
+18 votes

Hello again from Christchurch, New Zealand. The weather has started to take a turn for the better with a few fine days mixed in with rain and cold days. My oldest is about to choose the subjects she takes for NCEA next year and my second eldest has been accepted into the same character high school my eldest is at. My youngest also got new glasses.

On the Wikitree front my watchlist has dropped a bit to 5660 from 5728 last week and I have almost emptied a personal profiles to write category. 

by Darren Kellett G2G6 Pilot (470k points)
Well, down 68 there, Darren. I need to drop about a thousand, mostly of people who married into the family. Stay dry and warm!
You are dropping profiles every week, Darren, that's great. I'm at 6031 at the moment, but I had over 6200 earlier this year.
+18 votes
Greetings from sunny Nevada! The weather has been hot, but not extremely hot; in the 80s today. We've had a few thunderstorms in the afternoons.

I've been having fun with the RAWK project; working on some very distant relations of my own.
by Shelley Monson G2G6 Mach 2 (25.7k points)
Apparently, Shelley, you might be getting some heavy rain from Hurricane Hilary. Whatever happens, be safe!
Yes, I've heard that; hopefully, not wind. There are possible flood warnings, but we're not in an area where that's likely. High winds could be pretty dangerous. I'm planning to go around outside and pick up loose items this afternoon.
+15 votes
Happy weekend, everyone!  (Been a while... maybe more like Happy August?  Happy Summer?)  It's been a rough summer; a very close friend died of breast cancer a couple of weeks ago after almost a month of home hospice care.  We've been helping her and her family a lot.  So now I'm trying to get back to other stuff and prep for the fall semester.  My first class is in two weeks.  Luckily it's one I've taught many times.

Other than that, same old same old here.  The diabetic cat is doing fine but still keeps us busy with blood glucose checks at all hours.  Did a little bit of field and lab work, but the summer has been pretty quiet on the academic front.  My kid was in a minor car accident last week; everyone's fine but the suspension is tweaked, so the car is out of commission for a while.  We're doing fine with just the truck for now.

Genealogy:  chipping away at bits and pieces.  Right now I'm looking at DNA clusters on my Bangs-Killingsworth line. Lots of brick walls there and so far I'm not managing to connect the dots with these clusters, but hopefully I'll get there eventually.

In more positive news, it's my kid's birthday weekend, so we're going to do something fun!  (No idea what yet...)
by Lisa Hazard G2G6 Pilot (267k points)
My condolences for the loss of your friend. I may be a total stranger, but "we're all related", aren't we? It has been just over a year since we lost our mother after home hospice. I'm sure you already know this, but the help of good friends at times like these really means a lot. I wish you and your friend's family Strength and will be holding you in the Light.
Lisa, I am at the age where more and more of my friends are passing away, so I feel for you.
+17 votes
Aloha from Lincoln, Nebraska

It seems like forever since I've said Hello. Not surprisingly, I have been busy with work. Lots of long drives, and long days. The weather for the most part this summer has been pretty mild for Nebraska. We did have a week that was brutal. I worked 6 hours one day in Brookings, South Dakota. The temps hit 113. With drive time it was 14 1/2 hour day. Some kid was trying to help me. I told him to just bring me a bottle of water every 15 minutes, and a gatorade once an hour. For the most part, the heat doesn't really hit me to hard. Until it reaches around 105. Then I get cranky. Starting tomorrow we are going to be in an excessive heat warning until Wednesday or Thursday. The last couple weeks were awesome with temps in the 80's. Mornings were in the upper 50's.

My kids both went back to school this week. They seem to be enjoying it so far. They also both had their birthdays. My daughter turned 13 on the 24th of June, and my son 11 on the 30th of July. My wife is happy to have time to her self again during the day.

As for my musical adventures. I've done a few more YouTube videos of me playing random stuff. I have also recorded a total of 6 complete songs this year. They are all up on YouTube, and yes they're death metal songs. All of them are Hawaiian topics. I just finished my third song that I'm doing about King Kamehameha and his rise from birth to king. I have a few more to write about him. Dude did a lot in his life. I figured since there is Viking Death Metal. There can be Hawaiian Death Metal. Everyone can blame Pip for every video I've put on YouTube of me just sitting in my dining room playing my guitar.

I haven't done anything genealogy related in what seems like weeks. I guess I just needed a short break.

I've also been flooded with some emotions this past almost 2 weeks. With what's happening in Lahaina. I was born, and raised for the first 10yrs of my life on Maui. It's the only place that has ever truly felt like home. I myself am not from Lahaina. I'm from a rural area east of Kahului. Closer to Haleakala. I grew up on the north side of Maui by Uaoa Bay. East of Haiku about 5 miles. A lot of my family on my mothers side, Is from the Paia, Haiku, Makawao area of Maui. Not surprisingly, so is my dads. My parents were born and raised on Oahu, then after college got married. Moved to Maui, then had me. I do have a lot of family in Lahaina. I also spent some time there and have fond memories. I haven't heard a whole lot about my family in the area. I know that some are doing well. All things considered, as well as some where no one knows anything for sure. I am not a good source of information about what is happening there. I get the majority of it the same way as everyone else.
by Paul Kreutz G2G6 Pilot (131k points)
PAUL! I was beginning to wonder where you were. I figured work and family was keeping you hopping. With the kids back in school I would say that you'll get a bit of a break, but you are on the road while they are in class, so that wouldn't help. I hate to say this, but your work schedule makes me glad I am retired. (You'll get there some day; hang in there.)

I had forgotten about your connection to Hawaii and didn't know that you grew up on Maui. My heart goes out to you. I wouldn't know how to react if my childhood area experienced the same.
+15 votes

On this day:

14: Caesar Augustus dies

1953: The Israeli parliament decides to create Yad Vashem, where the victims of the Holocaust are remembered

1960: The American pilot Gary Powers is shot down

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Yad Vashem tonight while I greet, Professor. Thanks!
+16 votes
Dobar dan iz Beograda,

where the temperatures are mostly a bit above 30C during the days. This week we were invited by my cousin to a family dinner. We were 11 persons from 8 to 88 years. There were some people I met for the first time. I really enjoy getting to know new family. Last night my little cousins invited us to a self made dinner. The boy made tortillas and the girl some kind of sushi. It was really yummie.

Genealogy: I found on WikiTree a Hessian profile from the first half of the 1800s. I had a look for when the Hessian documents on MyHeritage start. The profile was too early. But, being there, I had a look for some Hessian marriage documents. And... there is something interesting...

During the first family reunion of my grandmum's family, my mum drew a (in the meanwhile infamous, but in most parts correct) family tree. There was a "cousin" of my grandmum there, who was actually a stepdaughter of my grandmother's aunt. She couldn't tell us the name of her mother, because her father married for the second time when she was a little girl. In the Hessian documents I found the marriage of her parents with the name of her mother.

Stay safe, whatever your challenges are. Enjoy your weekend!
by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
I a so glad that you got to spend such an extended holiday with family in Serbia, Jelena. So, are you home now? Which grandmother was the anchor for the reunion you mentioned, Roth or Bogunovic?
No, we are still in Serbia. It was a reunion of the family of my third cousin. His mother-in-law was the old anchor, but there was also the mother-in-law of his brother, who (should be) a bit younger. I'm not sure though, I didn't ask her for her age.
+16 votes

My test results for the first test are in from the hospital lab and for that test it looks good. That means that the next test, on the 29th is a go. I have received a confirmation for that test. It might help that my Cardiologist is

  • Co-Director, Vascular Lab, UH St John Medical Center
  • Clinical Assistant Professor, CWRU School of Medicine

and my regular doctor is 

  • Division Chief, Family Medicine, UH Regional Hospitals Geauga Campus
  • Clinical Instructor, CWRU School of Medicine


by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
I forgot, my regular doctor is also the Geauga County coroner. lol
Dale! I am so happy to hear the good news about your first lab results. Here's hoping that your next round of tests will be the same.

If your regular doctor is also a coroner, do you get a discount if he is needed for some reason? I'm trying to make a joke here to lighten your day, but I don't think that one went off so well.
Pip, I joke about that myself. No discounts but with my insurance every visit to my primary care team is free so it would be hard to discount anything.
+17 votes
This is Saturday in Hood River Oregon.  We ended up here to escape the smoke from forest fires in northern Idaho.  Lake Coeur d'Alene was beautiful, but too smoky to go further north.  Tomorrow we head to Lake Chelan in Washington for this next week, then make our way south through Cali to head back home.  Hopefully we will miss the tropical storm effects there.  Truthfully, I want to be nesting in my own home in Arizona.

Consequently I have done very little on WikiTree this past week.  Just peeking in and answering a few posts and comments.  I am very grateful for the help from Gisele Cormier, my co-leader on the Acadians Project.
by Cindy Cooper G2G6 Pilot (342k points)
Cindy! There are fires in Idaho, too?!? They seem to everywhere. Glad you moved on from the smoke. When the smoke from Canada reached us a couple of months ago, we were told to stay inside because of all those extra particulates in the smoke. Y'all were smart to move on.

I have always wanted to visit Idaho. One of these days! Until then, I'm planning my next trip to Tucson. (Mike says he is getting wind but no rain...yet.)
Coeur d'Alene, ID was beautiful.  I recommend it.  Now we are in central Cali on the way home.  One more night on the road and we'll be in Oro Valley Tuesday night.  A few sprinkles here with about a half inch more to come tonight.  It seems like a nothing burger so far but we were never in the central path (be design).
That is one long drive, Cindy. Y'all be safe on the way home, please! I know you will be glad to get there. (I will be, too, in a few months.)
+16 votes
Here s Richard from the Hildegardis monastery in the Rotterdam below sea level.

First of all. I like the people who put a lot of efford in wikitree and try to make it a happy place to be.

Im active for about four months now on wikitree and some day ago I had my first real help of Hans Baijense. He s amazing and he created beautiful profiles with a lot of history. I think we had some good collaberation.

On g2g my experiences are not so good. And working on profiles there almost no communication or collaberation at all.

I learned all myself, perhaps thats the reason I just can make a nice profile since some days ago.

I put a lot of efford in helping people and I had nothing to gain from it. They don t communicate, most of the time I hear nothing at all. Yesterday there was a person who communicates more like stalking with strange things and sucked all my energy. I worked for hours to help this person. I don t want to connect my family to these strange profiles. Im getting verry confused of errors in the wikitree.

I got healthproblems and Im autistic. I stop working on wikitree for now.

I hope you understand what I wrote, Im pretty confused,

The last thing I like to say is:


by Richard Ameling G2G6 Mach 2 (27.6k points)
I quit wikitree. I got enough of this lonely place. It s clear I don t fit in.

I only going to watch some history from time to time in the wikitree
Hi Richard. Sorry to hear there have been difficulties. Do take a break, but I hope you'll consider returning in a little while. I've enjoyed reading your G2G posts!

Richard, Hans Baijense is an excellent WikiTreer, and you did good by hooking up with him. I am sorry that you are not getting the help you need. But know this, there are many WikiTreers who are generous with their time who are willing to assist. 

Like Jim says, just take a bit of a break from the communication and work on your profiles as you can. I do hope that you'll come back. With all that is going on in this world, you may have just caught people at a bad time in their lives.

Richard, I am sorry that your experience has not been what you wish. Thank you for sharing your both positive and negative experience. I appreciate the effort you put into clear and respectful communication.
+16 votes

Greetings from Rochester, Minnesota USA!

Outside Temp: 91°F with a heat index of 99°F

*Eileen needs 32oz ice water, sunscreen and sunglasses*

Due to the medications that I am on lately, I have been having weird dreams about my first week of nursing school but that's normal when you are starting something new. Monday is the first day of school. 

This week and last week... people have been dying either at my workplace or somewhere else. 

I met a Catholic priest several times who has a very interesting journey. He was African American and in the military. He decided to become Catholic and became a parishioner at a Catholic parish in San Francisco, CA. He decided to enter the Order of Preachers, the Dominicans and became a priest. He loved being a chaplain in the hospitals. He died yesterday. Here is an article about him

For awhile he was very angry in San Francisco when I met him and then when he moved to his last assignment in Portland, Oregon, I believe he was nicer. He encouraged me to get married and move here to Minnesota. He used to be at Mayo Clinic as a chaplain.

Everything has come full circle around here.

by Eileen Robinson G2G6 Pilot (210k points)

Eileen, I hope those are either good dreams about school or at least just neutral. I am so sorry to hear about the death of your friend, the Dominican. Such is life for those of us who live long enough. crying

+14 votes

On this day:

917: The Battle of Achelous is fought

1983: The Yugoslav politician Aleksandar Ranković dies

2018: The Swedish activist Greta Thunberg starts her "school strikes for climate"

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
And, also tonight, I am going to read up on Aleksandar Rankovic! Definitely out of my area of knowledge. Thanks, Professor!
+13 votes
Hello everyone! It is Sat afternoon here in Ottawa. Humidity has been making it feel too hot for me to be outside today and the last few days. Right now it’s 26°C feeling like 32°C (90°F). Way too warm for me.

I haven’t been doing much this week. I had an awful dizzy spell or vertigo on Monday morning. I could feel it coming on then I could barely move and felt very nauseous. I was standing almost sideways when I tried to walk. It lasted at least 5 min, maybe more, and once the swaying feeling finally passed I was left with a really bad headache at the back of my head. I ended up spending most of the day laying down in bed. I did wake up with the headache Tues morning but I have felt better since then.

For genealogy I have been helping expand the CC7 of Christian Roy, one of the RAWKee’s this month. His direct lines are all there but the tree is very narrow so I have been going back adding siblings to various levels of grandparents. His ancestors were French Canadian and that is where I love doing research.

Stay well and try to stay safe!  Try to do something each day that makes you happy! (((Hugs)))
by Liza Gervais G2G6 Pilot (411k points)
What's going on with the vertigo, Lisa? Have to had this before? Glad to know that you are feeling better!

You ready to crank up for school again?
No idea what happened to get vertigo and I’ve never had anything as bad as it was. Usually if I start feeling a bit dizzy or off I will eat a heaping tablespoon of peanut butter and then feel fine in 10-20 minutes.

School - The school year starts on 28 Aug for the French Catholic school board and on 5 Sep for everyone. (The French Catholic schools need to be finished before 24 Jun for St-Jean-Baptiste day like in Quebec while the other schools finish a week later.) Besides, no back to school for me. My kids are all done with school (ages 24-30) plus they all live in their own places.
+10 votes
ok i am very late this weekend..  lots of family doings    

Kevin looks like maybe sept 4  which is our 47th anniversary might be our venture to Lone Jack  that is Labor Day  is the museum open?
by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (848k points)
edited by Laura Bozzay

Oooo, if you go I want to hear all about it, Laura!  heart

Let me know when, I'll make it happen. It's about a 3 minute drive for me.
thanks  I should know time we plan to leave here sept 4 am..  my guess is 8 to 9 am         ron said earlier than that he may decided to do this on Sat or Suday will know after he has a chance to do his research.
I.m scheduled to work that Sat 9-2-23
I will let him know.  He is still checking his schedules.  He is a video and film producer/director and works sometimes on weekends.  He is trying to confirm his shooting schedule with a client that often requires weekend shoots because of their schedules to have equipment available.  I will try to push for Saturday
it's about 3,5 hours for us,,,   we normally have youngest granddaughter overnight on Friday  and do something fun for her on Saturday.  we need to see if we can switch her to Sunday night since no school on Monday She is 6 so not interested in history yet.  She likes the zoo, the Science Center, the Aquaruim, Magic House and Myseum.  And 3.5 hours in the car is no fun for her or us if she is not happy...

hopefully I will have answers by tomorrow afternoon,,, I'll send you a PM from your profile, that  way Pip can close the chat. since weekend is over.

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