Do you have any WikiGames questions?

+20 votes

Hello WikiTreers!

WikiGames Image 1Our first ever WikiGames event kicks off starting with our Opening Ceremony, Monday, August 21st at 8am EDT/Noon UTC.  You can watch live (or afterwards) here! The goal is to support our mission to grow and improve our single-family tree as well as increase the number of connections.

The WikiGames themselves take place August 25-27, starting at 8am EDT/Noon UTC on the 25th.

There will also be Video chats every four hours. Unlike our marathon events, to win door prizes you need to be present in the livecasts.

Do you have any questions? Let us know by posting an answer below! (comments at the top will be hidden once read)

in The Tree House by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)

5 Answers

+13 votes
I would like to know:

UTC times of challenges so I can try to work out Australian Eastern Standard Times?
by NG Hill G2G6 Mach 9 (92.0k points)
They start each day (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) at Noon UTC and go to 11am UTC the next day.
It took me a bit NG- I didn't even know what UTC was, but apparently it's a base time and you add your time to it. So I'm in Perth which is +8 hours. If you are on the east coast I guess that is UTC plus 10hours.
Yes, East Coast of Australia UTC +10, which means most of the competition is my sleep time!!!
Yes, I did work out that the live sessions are 4am. Lol. Not that keen...

So if the slalom starts at 8pm, how long do we get?
Thanks for the tip Judy! My start time will be Friday 9.30pm in South Australia.
Don't forget that the time for each competition is 11 hours each with an hour long chat in between.
I believe that each event goes for 23 hours (not 11), so for me in South Australia, the first event starts 9.30pm Friday evening and finishes 8.30pm Saturday evening with an hour before the next event goes for another 23 hours, is that not correct?
That's what I thought too, otherwise most of it will be done while I'm asleep! LOL.
Yes. It is 23 hours long. Sorry
+10 votes
For the Sourcing Slalom, will points be awarded if working from a project's "Needs Sources" category like this one: The profiles that I've seen don't also have the general "Unsourced" category. (I also asked this in the Discord. Asking here because not everyone is in Discord.) Thanks!
by Amy Johnson G2G6 Mach 6 (64.0k points)
Good question, I'd just been looking at a similar unsourced category.

My guess is that for the sourcing challenge as long as you click the challenge tracker button it'll probably be fine.
Azure and I further discussed it in Discord. Specifically for the USBH "Needs Sources" category, it won't count because those profiles already have one source. (They aren't technically "unsourced.") Your mileage may vary with other project-specific categories.
+6 votes
1. Can you confirm how the team score will be calculated for the wall climb challenge? Is the team score the highest cc7 from one of their assigned  athletes? ( as opposed to their cc7s added together)

2. Is there an individual score for the wall climb? Is somehow is it calculated?
by Michelle Ketcham G2G6 Mach 2 (25.2k points)
1. The highest cc7 from one of the assigned athletes.

2. I do believe we will be able to have individual winners for the wall climb but I won't be 100% sure until I see how Aleš set up the scoring for it. We can do it for the WikiTree Challenge.
Hello Eowyn,

Can you confirm that your answer at (1) is correct, as i don't remember anything being said about that in the YouTube videos. It will certainly alter the way (as a team) we go about the task once it starts on Sunday.

thanks, Allan
I can confirm #1 is correct.
+7 votes
I just want to add a little feedback about not being able to track my score progress, and compare with others and see who my score rivals are.  

This has taken a great deal of incentive and fun out of the competition for me personally.  Others may see it differently.

I dislike being negative, but felt I needed to add my feedback, for any future versions of this type of challenge.
by NG Hill G2G6 Mach 9 (92.0k points)
Hi NG, we opted not to show them this time because we want the gold, silver and bronze award announcements to be a surprise. :-)

We'll get feedback after this weekend though and see if we  should do it differently in the future.
P.S. Pat, I hid your link. We are trying not to share the numbers for this weekend. Thanks! :-)
+5 votes
Are the other challenges suspended during the Games? Please see this thread:
by Nancy Thomas G2G6 Pilot (219k points)

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