Is this the grandfather of Elias Gabrielsen, Norwegian politician

+4 votes

According to Gerhard Emil Gabrielsen (born 1857 Hetland) was the son of Gabriel Olsen Kleppe.

The attached profile is of Gabriel Olsen (born 1835 in Kleppe). Gabriel was a sailor, and has families in at least two countries.

According to and Gerhard Emil Gabrielsen is the father of Elias Gabrielsen.

Elias Gabrielsen was a Norwegian politician, trade unionist, and newspaper editor according to and

I have found no birth/baptism records for either Gerhard or Elias.

Given that Gabriel was 21 and in Stavanger when Gerhard was born, and given that his next family was in England in 1871, is it possible I have found the father to Gerhard, and grandfather to Elias?

Gerhard and Elias were also sailors.

WikiTree profile: Gabriel Kleppe
in Genealogy Help by Chris Willoughby G2G6 Mach 2 (24.6k points)

1 Answer

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Hi Chris,

The wedding record you mention clearly states Elias' address as Doksmuget 2. There are hundreds of newspaper listings ( for labor unions contact addresses that lists entries like these:

Smørarbeidernes forening: Formand Elias Gabrielsen, Doksmuget 2. Kasserer J. Mydland, Kaisegaten 2. Sekretær Nils Gundersen, Risbakken 23.

So there can be no doubt that the Elias Gabrielsen that you have the wedding record for is the same as the Elias of the Wikipedia article.

However, Gerhard Emil Gabrielsen is not Elias' father. His baptism record is here (#3):

  • Father: Ole Karl Olsen (b. 1855)
  • Mother: Elen Serine Aasmundsen (b. 1855)

To confirm that this is actually the correct Elias you can look at the confirmation record (#12):

As you already found, Elias is already living with the Gabrielsen family in 1891, so he must have been adopted shortly after birth.

His mother, Elen Serine, died in labor and was buried the day after Elias' birth: Curiously, she died on 30 November, five days before Elias was born. She is also recorded as a widow in the burial protocol.

His Father, Ole Carl Olsen Folkvord, died on 10 Oct 1889. He is recorded dead in his hometown in 1891. The protocol states that he was a sailor and died in Cette, France.

by Roy Østensen G2G6 Mach 1 (11.5k points)
selected by Chris Willoughby

I had some issues finding the baptism for Gerhard Emil. But I found the confirmation record:

The parents of Gerhard Emil Gabrielsen, born 14/2 57 are recorded as:

  • Father: matros Gabriel Olsen Kleppe
  • Mother: Henrikke Snell

The NB under the entry translates as "Can not be found recorded as baptised in the Ministerial protocol. His baptism ??? by godparents after ??? Sagens attestation of 27/3-71."

"NB. Findes ei anført som døbt i Ministerialbogen. Hans Daab bevist ved Faddere efter Pastor Sagens Attest af 27/3 71."

NB. Not recorded as baptised in the ministerial book. His baptism proven by witnesses according to Pastor Sagen's vouch of 27 Mar (18)71.

I have seen similar instances where the baptism has not been found at the time of confirmation, and the usual verification method is by getting the witnesses/godparents to state that they were present at the ceremony.
Thank you so much!

That was obviously more complex than I anticipated, and it seems I have yet to master the Norwegian archives.

Would Gabriel have attended Gerhard Emil's confirmation? I know nothing about confirmations. Is it possible that Gerhard did not have a baptism because he was born illegitimate?

The confirmation for Gerhard Emil is on 1871 April 16, and the Gabriel Olsen Kleppe I have created the profile for was married in Liverpool on 1871 September 11. Plenty of time to sail to Liverpool, I assume.

Thanks for all your hard work!

The article at states:

Det står tilbake å fortelle at Gabrielsens hustru Marie, født Endresen, står trofast ved hans side. De har bare hatt en datter, men hun er død. Deres pleiesønn er Elias Gabrielsen.

which confirms what you have discovered (their daughter was Ellen who was born, and died, on 8th October 1884).

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