Category for mass shooting victims [closed]

+1 vote

Would someone help me create a category  or find an already created category for victims of mass shooting in Las Vegas ?

I have been putting

[[Category:Murder Victims]]


on their profiles. There were 60 victims at this event. The deadliest mass shooting in American history.  Should we create a separate category for the 60 victims??

here’s the shooters profile..I am adding the victims and have 2 left to add. I felt I needed to add a research section in the shooters profile and put the names of the victims.then I proceeded to enter each one of them because the murderer was in the tree, but none of them were in the tree yet. That really bothers me. It happens a lot in America.

Moving forward I found a site that lists all the mass shootings in the US over the last two years and all the victims names and I’m wondering if maybe I should just start entering them? All the victims the shooters are already in the tree just doesn’t seem right, but that’s just me Anyway can someone help me? Realizing I’m still working on putting the wiki tree IDs on the victims name so they can be connected..kindly

WikiTree profile: Steve Paddock
closed with the note: Enough
in Policy and Style by Dee Spencer-Carr G2G6 Mach 2 (23.9k points)
closed by Dee Spencer-Carr

Dee, just to check, are you taking account of the cautions on this page?

"If you are not confident that family members would be comfortable seeing the information on WikiTree do not create the profile "

Do you know the families of the deceased? Have you spoken to them and asked their opinion? 

My personal feeling: Don't do it. 

I’m confused. Don’t do what? Add the category take it away? I have not done anything that isn’t sourcabke to th3 public. No copy written photos etc, so what is it I should not do? Respectfully I removed them from the shooters notes I agreed. So is there something else I shouldn’t do?..

Do not create profiles for these people. 

I looked at the pictures of the victims on the link you added to the profile of Steve Paddock.

Almost all of the people are in the age range to have living parents, living spouses and living children.

It is inappropriate to create the profiles. 

As Jim said there are protocols about creating profiles for recently deceased strangers

For the same reasons it is inappropriate to create profiles for 'all the mass shootings in the US over the last two years and all the victims names'. 

This is not a case of whether it can be done, it's a case of  it should not be done.

I disconnected  them m sorry

2 Answers

+18 votes

Perhaps the victims names could be moved to a free-space page instead of being listed on the profile of their killer. 

We removed [[Category:Cause of Death]] several years ago, and I really do not believe that we need further breakdowns of how people are murdered. This is not Wikipedia and we deal with genealogy and families here. The details and stories of this horrific crime are freely available on the rest of the internet. 

You can choose to tell the story of the end of their lives in the biographies.

Also, if you read the text on the category page for Category:Shooting, it is actually to be used on people who participate in the sport of SHOOTING, not for casualties in shooting incidents. Please remove it from the victims of this crime.

And please DO note the comment by Jim, above. Please read that page thoroughly.

by Natalie Trott G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
Thank you I will remove it asap I apologize for being ignorant.
I’m so sorry to be a bother , I removed the victims from the shooters notes..thank you for helping me. I will remove the Shooter cat from the victims, my mistake. May I ask for help in setting up a space for the victims of this mass shooting in America? Should  I just delete all my work because I am incorrect in protocol? I am begging for no more down votes because I am honestly asking people for assistance here and admitting I am under experienced but learning. Kindly help me or explain if you down vote my question thank you so much for all you efforts

No, you're not ignorant; you were just unaware, but now you know. Believe me; I was new here once and had to learn as well. 

Going forward, maybe use lists of crimes/accidents that occured in the distant past, so that family members may very well be departed from the earth. Disasters Project states that "We no longer work on disasters that occurred less than 75 years ago. This is because we respect the privacy of any family members of the victims who could still be alive today." Perhaps that is the best way to go with such things as mass murders or killings. It's important to consider that these victims have family members who may still be alive and could be quite sensitive about their loved one's death.

+4 votes
I feel I am. I am only using sourced information from mostly FAG and birth records. Again,  I’m pretty green at this so please tell me if I am breaking rules so I don’t continue I have not added any living family members even tho the sources list their names. It’s in the obituary usually so most public can read it  but kindly lmk if I am messing up ok? Kindly
by Dee Spencer-Carr G2G6 Mach 2 (23.9k points)

Indeed, obituaries are public things (in the US, they are mostly paid additions to newspapers or websites, If you see death notices, which often contain only facts like the death date or the funeral details, they are often printed as a service to the community). Usually the deceased, the family or someone representing the family (like a funeral director) will write the obituary and have it published to honor the person's life.

I almost always remove the names of living when I use an obituary. Sometimes when I know it won't be visible due to a privacy level, I leave the names in.  This is to respect the privacy of the living persons. (I see it becoming more common for obituaries to leave out names of living family members and say something like "survived by a son and two daughters.") Anyway, sure the names are "out there," but it is a WikiTree policy not to add profiles of living persons without their permission. (Please see:

Also, using Find a Grave and only Find a Grave as a source is not a great idea. There are many errors in that site, as well as "burial unknowns" etc. (Which, to me, defeats the purpose of finding a grave! If there's no known grave, why add it..but I digress...) Birth records..VOILA. Yes, use those by all means. And use Find a Grave, but not only Find a Grave, if that's at all possible.

Thank you. I am doing that but maybe I shouldn’t be doing anything outside my own branches ? Kindly

Dee, you can work outside your own branches. There are more than enough possibilities on this site to work outside your own branches. As a starting point you might want to research what the different Projects have to offer. I'm sure you can find your niche there also with stuff that happened decades or centuries ago. Just as an example, there is a whole project about the Titanic.

I’m put in my place. Thank you kindly

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