Have you registered for the January 2024 Connect-a-Thon yet? [closed]

+101 votes

imageThe Connect-a-Thon is coming up soon! The goal of our 72-hour marathon: bring the world closer together by adding missing relatives to existing profiles.

The event starts Friday, January 19, at 8 AM EST (1pm UTC) and runs until Monday, January 22, at 8 AM EST (1pm UTC).

Will you join us?

To register, find which team you'd like to play for and click the register link to find their section below. Then click COMMENT in their section to say you would like to participate on that team. If you aren't sure, comment here with a few words about your location and/or genealogical interests. This will help us assign you to a team.

Registration will close at midnight EST on Wednesday, January 17.

Comments below this post will be hidden once they are read.

closed with the note: The registration period has ended.
in The Tree House by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
closed by Eowyn Walker
Count me in for the Lovely Biographies in February. Sticker has been added.

41 Answers

+17 votes
Best answer
Registration is now closed. Thank you to everyone who signed up!
by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
Good luck to all the Teams!

Let's have some fun!!
Eowyn can we have check for a Points Tracker for the Legacy Heirs. Please
+47 votes

Appalachia Roots - comment here to join!

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
Guess seeing my request to join this auspicious group means I'm in?

Will also be looking into the Gregory - 5268 profile to gather more info...which district he represented & try to discern if Uncle Jobie & he might have known each other...even tho' they served several years apart.
sorry I missed joining our group here. But I did join the Team Virginia.  My computer had 50 members already signed up. for Appalachia Roots team  dang
Count me in for the Appalachia Team!
I have quite a few to add Ohio, Pennsylvania. Would love to participate.
Caught up to here (Jan 17, 6:30 EST)
Can’t wait! So much rich history in this area.
Hi, I'm always adding profiles.
Caught up to here (Jan 17, 11:28 pm EST)
First time doing this

Thanks Everyone that Joined Our Appalachia Roots Thon Team! 

Now that registration has closed, please take a few moments to review our Thon Page and make sure you have access to our Discord Channel. 

Have questions?  Leave them on our Thon Page.


Our Source-A-Thon Links:

Appalachia Roots Thon Team Page 

Members List, Resources/Tips

 Our G2G Chat Page - General chat & Q & A 

Discord - Instant Help & Fun & Biscuits!

Please look on our Thon Team Page to see if you are listed with a 

If you have a biscuit next to your name on the Thon Team Page, then we have received your registration for the January 2024 CaT.

+32 votes

Banyan Tree - comment here to join!

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
edited by Eowyn Walker
Sign me up please.
caught up to here
Team captain reporting for duty!
caught up to here (Friday)
Sign me up too, please!

caught up to here (Saturday)

Please sign me up. Thanks!

caught up to here (Tuesday)

i want to join
Caught up to here (Jan 5)
interested to join
+36 votes

Canadian Connectors - comment here to join!

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
I'd like to help
My first time.
Caught up to here (Jan 17, 6:40 pm EST)
I wish to participate again with Canadian Connectors. Marilyn Astle
I don't know how it works but I am very enthusiast about participating

Add me to the roster please and thank you.
Caught up to here (Jan 17, 11:33 pm EST)
Hi - I registered with this team because I am particularly interested in members who share the same family name as myself, many of them settled in Newfoundland as planters and cod fishermen.  I also wish to extend the one name study when profiles are available.
Happy to have you Paul!!! I have a Snook in my tree... but not related to you.. yet! LOL.
Greetings Christine

Good news, kindly let me know the profile id of your Snook, I would be delighted to add the person to my family name study.  

I will be away for a while, I have a meeting to attend.

happy hunting

+31 votes

Cornbread Catchers - comment here to join!

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
edited by Eowyn Walker

Sign me up!  Go Cornbread Catcherslaugh

Ready to go again.  Donna
caught up to here
Yep, count me in for the Cornbread Catchers again
Yes, sign me up again.  Yay, Cornbread Catchers!
Please sign me up
caught up to here (Friday)
Sign me up with Cornbread Catchers.
I am going to help with the thon!
caught up to here (Friday 29 Dec)
Sign me up
Caught up to here (Jan 1)
Yep, sign me up, please. Go Cornbread Catchers!
Sign me up for the Cornbread Catchers, please!
Caught up to here (Jan 3)
Team page caught up through here.
Sign me up...I'll try to get as many connected as I can get
Sign me up please to Cornbread Catchers.
Team page updated through here
Caught up to here (Jan 5)
Count me in again with the Cornbread Catchers:)

I want to participate with Team Cornbread Catchers.


I’d like to join the Cornbread Catchers again this year.
Cornbread Catchers, count me in!
Sign me up to team cornbread catchers.
Welcome! Caught up!
Sign me up with the Cornbread Catchers.  Thanks!
Commenting here to join. You guys are my cofavorite team with Team Roses / USBH, whom I participated with last time, so it's your turn!

Thank you for all that you do.
Team Page updated through Porter.
Here to join cornbread catchers, in case it got overlooked. Thanks
I’ll help. Is this an adding new people?
Never mind the question. I’ll figure it out.
Caught up to here (morning of Jan 17)
I'm a cornbread catcher!
I'm in.
I'll give this a try!

The Team page is caught up. You can check there to confirm that we've got you. 

Thanx!  Definitely in… Too darned cold to do anything else!  :)
I would like to join next weekend's Connect-A-Thon
Agreed. Team page caught up!
Yes GIgi it is adding a new person. For example: If you have a profile of a Father already and need to add a child, spouse, mother, or father. Then they are connected. Sorry for the late response.
I’m in again!
Glad to have you. Put you on the team list.
Caught up to here (Jan 17, 11:37 pm EST)

Thanks everyone for registering for the Thon. If you are able, please join us on Discord for the chat. We'll be there to celebrate your finds and commiserate on tough research; help you stay awake or suggest other places to look for records; and share live event reminders and shoutouts about winning prizes. We look forward to seeing you there! Debi & Kelly

I am a cornbread catcher from way back.  Bring on the way back machine Sherman!
Come play with us in Discord, Cindy, but you'll be unofficial. You missed the deadline for registration (midnight last night)
Get well! Next time hopefully you will be felling great and can join us! Best Debi and Kelly!
+30 votes

Flying Dutchmen - comment here to join!

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
Count me in as well
Caught up to here (Jan 5)
me too!!!!
Caught up to here (Jan 10)
Ik kom ook meedoen
Caught up to here (Jan 16)
Ik doe mee
Would like to participate again thanx
Caught up to here (Jan 17, 6:43 pm EST)
Ik doe ook graag mee :)

Edit: Oh, kan niet meer zie ik. Nou, ik zal alsnog mijn best doen ;)
+32 votes

French Fries - comment here to join!

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
edited by Eowyn Walker
Add me to your team !
Caught up to here (Jan 3)
Please register me! Thanks!
Caught up to here (Jan 17; 6:44 pm EST)
I'm in but do not speak French.

No problem, Joan, you are welcome and don't have to add French profiles to bring points to the team. wink

Caught up to here (Jan 17, 11:38 pm EST)
Joined French fries by accident, sorry.
Guess i'm joining (hopefully it's not too late)
Erwann, c'est effectivement trop tard pour que votre candidature soit validée. Ce sera pour la prochaine fois! Au passage je vois des ancêtres bretons du côté de votre mère qu'on pourrait peut-être connecter aux miens.
+36 votes

Germany Genies - comment here to join!

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
Please add me to the Germany Genies for the January 2024 thon.
I'd like to join the Germany Genies please
I haven't done this in quite a while but I'm up for it my fellow German Genies. :)
I'd like to join for the Connect-a-thon.  I just started on WikiTree and have many profiles to add, a great number of which are for my German ancestors.
GrĂĽĂźe aus Australien - bin bei den German Genies gerne wieder dabei...
Hi Christine,

Too bad!  I've deleted your registration.


Caught up to here (Jan 17, 7:30 pm EST)
First time doing this. It seems super cool. Any tips/ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Me too, I am Part of the German Genies!
@Betsy: this would be our stand-in for Christine, so please ignore the tiny delay in registering
+31 votes

Globetrotters - comment here to join!

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
edited by Eowyn Walker
Caught up to here (Jan 1)
Can’t choose between team motherland or team adoptedland so Globetrotters seems like the perfect middle ground. Plus I’m curious to see where this team will go.
Caught up to here (Jan 5)

I've been recommended to join your team.  I look forward to the challenge
Welcome Jennifer.
Caught up to here (Jan 17, 11:39 pm EST)

This is my 2nd event.  How will I know if I'm doing it correctly?

Never mind.  I found where I got credit smiley

Great! Just let me know if you get stuck or have any questions.

Also, note that the Globetrotters have their own G2G thread now. You can find us at: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1691951/globetrotters-connect-a-thon-chat-thread-january-2024

+31 votes

Kiwi Crew - comment here to join!

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
Sign me up to the Kiwi Crew again, please
Caught up to here (Jan 5)
I'll try to do a bit! I'd like to sign up.
Caught up to here (Jan 10)
I'd like to sign up
Caught up to here (morning of Jan 17)
I would like to join the team too please.
Caught up to here (Jan 17, 6:45 pm EST)
Ready to go, look forward to celebrating our wins... thanks
Caught up to here (Jan 17, 11:40 pm EST)
+39 votes

Legacy Heirs - comment here to join!

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
edited by Eowyn Walker
Caught up to here (Jan 3)
YES, for sure.  Hey LISA, I would like to participate! Please sign me up.
Count me in :)
I may be busy that weekend, but I'm sure I can squeeze in some Wikitree time!
Caught up to here (Jan 10)
Thank you Legacy Heirs and Lisa and to all the organizers

Great, Legacy Heirs smiley

Count me in, too!
Caught up to here (Jan 16)
Did we have to achieve a certain amount of Bounty points to get a Bounty Badge?
Hi Alice! There aren't bounty points in the Connect-a-Thon, that's part of the WikiTree Challenge. :-)
+31 votes

Little Team on the Prairie - comment here to join!

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
edited by Eowyn Walker
Sign me up! Little Team on the Prairie.
Caught up to here (Jan 10)

You are on the roster! Welcome back, Katrina!

Count me in for the Little Team on the Prairie!

You are on the roster! Welcome back, Shaun!

I would like to join the team during the Connect-a-thon

You're on the roster! Welcome back, Mary!
Caught up to here (Jan 17, 6:48 pm EST)
Hi - I know it's past the registration date but I'd still like to be a part of your team for the connect-a-thon!
Please check Discord, Terri.
+37 votes

Mighty Oaks - comment here to join!

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
edited by Eowyn Walker
Please add me

Steve Whitfield
Sign me up with the Mighty Oaks please. I'll be adding to my own tree in Lancashire/Yorkshire and to my OPS in Cumbria.
Please sign me up for the Mighty Oaks


Please add me in for this. It will be my first event! Nick
Please add me to the Mighty Oaks team. I’ll be working in Cumberland mainly and connecting some Huguenot ancestors
Please add me to Mighty Oaks. I will be working on the area around Eastwood, Notts.
I'd like to join the team this weekend.

Caught up to here (Jan 17, 6:55 pm EST)
Please add me to the list!
Caught up to here (Jan 17, 11:41 pm EST)
+29 votes

Musty Dustys - comment here to join!

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
edited by Eowyn Walker
Sign me up as Capt.
Please count me in!
Caught up to here (Jan 1)
+35 votes

Nor'easters - comment here to join!

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
edited by Eowyn Walker
I would like to sign up. I’m not sure i can contribute much as i am on vaca and will be travelling that weekend. But if i can pop open my laptop for a few minutes i will do what I can.

I would like to signup for this weekend’s Connect-a-thon
Please sign me up for the connect-a-thon
Would love to join! :)
I'd like to join!
Sorry for being so late to register. I am in, with the Nor'Easters as always!
Caught up to here (Jan 17; 7 pm EST)
Almost missed it!  Looks like Chris W. and I have the tardy habits!
I'm in! This will help me fill in the siblings of my grandparents and great-grandparents.  Big farm families to complete. And with the weather so cold, great reason to pariticpate.
Caught up to here (Jan 17, 11:43 pm EST)
+38 votes

Nordic Noir - comment here to join!

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
edited by Eowyn Walker

Sign me up

Caught up to here (Jan 10)
Caught up to here (Jan 14)
I would like to connect with Nordic Noir, thanks!
Caught up to here (Jan16)
I’m on..
Caught up to here (morning of Jan 17)
Great :)
I'd love to join the Nordic team in this Connect-a-thon


Hej! I'm in! The incomparable Team Nordic Noir!


Caught up to here (Jan 17, 7 pm EST)
+34 votes

Northwest Terriers - comment here to join!

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
Caught up to here (Jan 17, 11:44 pm EST)
Wish there was more notice to join.  Sometimes people don't  always sit and watch their emails 24 hours a day.
Hi Pam! We keep the registration open for about a month and there are reminders in the weekly newsletter. I'm sorry you missed out on this one! Hopefully you can join in the next Connect-a-Thon in April.
I'll look again in April.   I seen the announcement in my email today that was sent out yesterday.
I'm sorry you missed the entry, Pam. The Connect a Thon happens every January, April and July. Check G2G a month before for registration. It is usually pinned to the top of the G2G feed.
Hello, this is my first connect-a-thon. How do we use the recognition sticker?
Angie,  You copy the entire recognition sticker code and paste it into your profile below the biography heading.
Thank you, Karen!
tyvm for telling me everyone. i have just did it but need to out it belie Bio.  Woof
+28 votes

Seamróga agus Fòghnain - comment here to join!

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
edited by Eowyn Walker

Scotland Twisted Thistles and Ireland Irish Seanchaithe will have separate teams for Connect-a-Thon.

Sign me up please :)
Please follow one of the links to the Scotland team or Ireland team answer.  They are not doing a combined team this Thon.

Hi, I *think* I'm signing up for the combined team, at least according to the list. But let me know if the instruction from Dec about separate teams is still valid for January and if so, please transfer me to Ireland Irish Seanchaithe - the website won't let me delete this and sign up there instead. 

Use the link above for ireland team. Then you can join there
Hi Linda - as I said, the website would not let me delete the first response and it wouldn't let me register twice. I'd already tried clicking just the Ireland link. So not sure what to do now....
They should pick it up when they review the entries today
Nup, they didn't pick it up, so I guess I'll have to wait till next time. But you really should update their entry if it's no longer a team, so no one else makes the same mistake that I did. Either that, or allow deletion of comments so I could have signed up elsewhere.
The post was made very early. We can't make admin change things. They were notified at the beginning, before any g2g was made, that the combined team was active for source a thon only.  There are other issues as seen in a different g2g about people being shown on wrong teams also.
+28 votes

Smoking Snakes - comment here to join!

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
edited by Eowyn Walker
Hello! Captaining again :)
BTW - loving the new structure. Way less chaotic.
caught up to here
Count me in!!!!!! Lets go Adriana!
Caught up to here (Jan 17, 7:14 pm EST)
Pls count me in!
Caught up to here (Jan 17, 11:45 pm EST)
+29 votes

South African Springboks - comment here to join!

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
edited by Eowyn Walker
Caught up to here (Jan 14)
I'm in
Caught up to here (Jan 16)
Sign me up!!  Keith.
Caught up to here (morning of Jan 17)
Count me in please
I'd like to join the Springboks this weekend connecting the unconnected
Caught up to here (Jan 17, 7:15 pm EST)
add me to april connect  a thon please
Hello Fiona,

There will be a new G2G post for the April Connect-a-Thon closer to the date.  If you follow the tags Announcements or Events, you'll see it in your feed.



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