Question of the Week: What improvements would you like to see on WikiTree in 2024?

+38 votes

imageWhat improvements would you like to see on WikiTree in 2024? Is there anything you'd love to see in the WikiTree Browser Extension or Tree Apps? Tell us your wishlist!

Please tell us with an answer below. You could also answer on Facebook.

You might also be interested in this post about what the team is working on: "What is ahead for WikiTree in 2024?"

in The Tree House by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
edited by Chris Whitten
A feature where  Profile Managers can keep a living person's actual full name hidden, so that when a person profiled in WT dies, it would be easier to change from "Anonymous" to the actual name.

I've certainly wished for this many times!

My understanding is that the profile manager, in specifying that the person is still living, causes the full name of the profile person to be hidden from all except the profile manager and perhaps, the trusted list for the profile.
Allowing the Trusted List to view the full name of a living person does not render that profile to be anonymous. So some profile managers opt to only use "Anonymous" or "Living" as the name in living profiles.

 Futhermore, all biography text scattered around various profiles that currently use names like "Anonymous Smith" does not change to the full proper name when a person is finally marked as Deceased. In short, WT needs a better way for managers to deal with the inevitable deaths of their living profiles.

The descendants of my parents, from the profile of my father's father, before I logged in to Wikitree within this web browser on this computer (I have been working within Wikitree, on another computer before this session), are shown thus:


  1. [private great-granddaughter (unknown - unknown)]
  2. [private great-grandson (unknown - unknown)]
  1. [private great-great-granddaughter (2020s - unknown)]
  1. [private great-grandson (unknown - unknown)] m. [private spouse]
  1. [private great-granddaughter (unknown - unknown)]
  2. [private great-grandson (unknown - unknown)]
  1. [private great-grandson (1990s - unknown)]
  2. [private great-grandson (1990s - unknown)]
  1. [private great-granddaughter (unknown - unknown)]
  2. [private great-grandson (unknown - unknown)]
  1. [private grandson (1940s - unknown)] m. [private spouse]
  2. Phil Busby ancestors (1940s - 2010s) m. [private spouse]
  3. [private grandson (1950s - unknown)] m. [private spouse]
  4. [private granddaughter (1950s - unknown)] m. [private spouse]
  5. [private grandson (1950s - unknown)] m. [private spouse]
  6. Bret Busby ancestors (1950s - unknown) m. [private spouse]
  7. [private grandson (1960s - unknown)] m. [private spouse]


After logging in to Wikitree, the details od each of the living people, in addition to me (I am mostly living), are displayed. But, the details, other that what is displayed above, are not displayed, until I, as the profile manager for each, am logged in.

The formatting did not quite work, in my last previous post above - the great-grandchildren are not shown as being the children of their parents. But, my generation of my family, are those consecutively numbered 1-7, and, the displayed names, show the point that I was making.
If you want to see what I saw (with the correct formatting), before I logged in on that computer, right click on my name above; open the link in a new browser tab or browser window, click on the Ancestors button, click on my father's name, or, his father's name, to open the profile, then, in his profile, click on the Descendants button, and, view my generation of my family. The only name in my siblings, that should be displayed, is my second-eldest brother, who died ten years ago.
I would really like to see the Correct Nomenclature for the Colonies on the continent of Australia before 1901 when the Commonwealth of Australia came into being. At present the auto fill for Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia,  Queensland etc, is totally incorrect, because it does not align with the historical, political and geo-political facts around the evolution of Australia as a nation.

Alison, the Australia Project allows for various forms of location statements in our Guidelines for such.  Even if you disagree with them, those are what we, as a group, have agreed are acceptable.
As for the list in the location dropdown, those come from FamilySearch.

The drop down location list is from Family Search, and trying to get them to change anything takes an immense amount of time.

There is no requirement or recommendation to use the drop down list. As Melanie says the Australia Project has information about locations.
Bret and David; as the profile manager you can see information that others can't.

If you look at the right hand end of the line with person's name where it says public view, click on public view, that is what anyone who is not on the trusted list sees for living people.
M Ross - I do not know why you have addressed your comment to me - you seem to be telling me what I have already said.

What I had said, effectively, is what was requested " Dec 27, 2023 by David Chawes" is superfluous, because of what already exists, and I gave details and examples, to show that.
Could someone who can, please,separate the sub-thread about the location names, from the thread about displayed names of living people, into which thread, the sub-thread was incorrectly inserted?

I have received notification of the response by M Ross, to the sub-thread, and, whilst I have participated in the thread, into which, the sub-thread was incorrectly inserted, I have not participated in the sub-thread, prior to, and other than, this request to have the sub-thread removed from the thread, to which thread, the sub-thread is unrelated and irrelevant.

150 Answers

+5 votes
Bigger print? Size 11.5 or 12?


Prof. Janet Costa
by Janet Costa G2G2 (2.9k points)
Are you talking about actually printing profiles? The WikiTree Browser Extension's Printer Friendly Bio feature has an option to choose the font size.

The font size varies from screen to screen, at least on my PC. I wear glasses for computer use, and sometimes, reading profiles and especially G2G, is comparable to reading small footnotes (and I read a LOT of those!). Even an enlargement button on the side, as I have in my document research, would be helpful and easier on the eyes. 

Thanks for the comeback!!


Check the settings on your web browser. At least some browsers have a setting that lets you set a minimum font size, and override the settings on the web sites you visit.

Yes I know. Thanks for your answer. And a sincere thanks to all those who responded!!heart

I thought it might just be me. For example, just in reading this forum, I needed to REALLY look hard just to see what on earth that tiny group of yellow letters was after an answerer's name. Got everything else in that line but those itsy-bitsy letters. And they're important!

I spend a tremendous amount of time on the computer, and most of it is reading, not typing. And what I'm reading, no matter how trivial, is important to someone, especially if it's genealogical, be it in Middle English or Spanish handwritten registrations. That's when font size is critical, as the difference between an "a" or an "e" or a "1" and a "7" could alter the info tremendously. The printed word is not immune. 

I'm typing in Courier New (Default), but will read it in the feed in a small sans serif like Verdana which is easier to read.

Maybe that's the answer (boring as it may sound): perhaps sans serif across the board would aid readability.

Again, thanks for all your help!!!!

+21 votes
I would like to have a possibility to add a date as "between then and then". Sometimes you see in an document that e.g. a father of a spouse is still living and in the next wedding you find he's dead. So you clearly have a date range when he died. In my opinion the "between" is more correct than before or after in those cases.
by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
This would be super useful! Often when I have a situation like that, I'm torn between whether to use the "Before" or "After" date.
+11 votes
I would love to see adopted family members included in the degrees of separation calculations.  I have three adopted children who also know their birth families.  They and their family connections are just as valid as any connection due to marriage.
by Colleen Davis G2G1 (1.1k points)
+9 votes

Very simple formatting improvements:

  • Use “curly quotes” instead of "straight ones" when displaying a person’s nickname
  • when presenting birth and death years, e.g. "(1923 - 2000)", replace blank-hyphen-blank with an en-dash (–). (1923–2000) looks better.
by Kenneth Nellis G2G6 Mach 1 (12.7k points)

I object to that one.

"Curly quotes" cause multiple problems, especially when copying and pasting text to HTML.

Straight quotes are far superior and less problematic.
Any web page written to even 10-year-old web standards will have no problem with curly quotes. “Multiple” problems? Throw me another.
+10 votes
Better support for multiple sets (natural and adoptive) parents. If we know both sets of parents, it would be great if we had a proper place to put their Wiki IDs rather than to work it out in the free-form bio section.
by Kenneth Nellis G2G6 Mach 1 (12.7k points)
+7 votes

For the tech people:

I would like to see the API use a version scheme, as is the standard.

See eg and

And.. can we have Swagger docs? That will save some time.


by Michel Vorenhout G2G6 Pilot (321k points)
+8 votes

Better handling with Czech (Slovak and Slavic) surnames. Women have surname ending with -OVÁ, (OVA in older sources), but sometimes are also without this ending. So searching for surnames and suggested profiles should search also with/out this ending.

One of my families is Sassmann, but many (not all) woman were Sassmannová. So I must search twice for one person

by Jan Dudík G2G1 (1.0k points)
+9 votes
Another wish on my wishlist, is, in the list of Descendants, displayed upon selecting the Descendants button on a profile page, separation of descendants in a family, by parent combination, so that, where a parent has had offspring by different partners, the parent combination for each offspring, is clearly shown, so that, for example,

Parent1 married Parent 2 and married Parent3

Offspring of Parent1 and Unknown Parent



Offspring of Parent1 and Parent2



Offspring of Parent1 and Parent 3



I believe that this would make seeing relationships, and, how descendants fit in with each other, and, with other relatives, simpler and clearer.

And, whilst the dates of marriages, relative to the dates of births of the offspring, might be able to be used as a guide, in the absence of what I suggest, that could lead to erroneous assumptions, where a parent has a child with a person to whom the person is not married at the time of the birth, including (but not limited to) where Parent1 divorces Parent2, while Parent2 is pregnant, and, marries Parent3, before Parent2's child is born.
by Bret Busby G2G6 (9.1k points)
I have 19th century ancestors with multiple spouses, never mind the current crop, and a grouping feature under descendants would be helpful to keep parentage clear.
+7 votes
I would really love a messaging inbox where a copy is sent to (besides email). I get so many notifications that go to my email and if I'm not diligent on keeping up on them, I miss them.
by Melanie McComb G2G6 Mach 5 (58.3k points)
+6 votes
A place on the person profile page to put someone rank and branch of military they were in and years they served.
by Chris Wine G2G6 Mach 5 (57.5k points)
Can that not simply be entered in the Biography part, with the source citation(s) included in the <ref> <source citation> </ref> format?
+7 votes
I wish that the no more siblings, spouses, and children indicators were easier to use. I usually don't use them because I find them annoying to select, but this leaves unappealing yellow links on my managed profiles.

Specifically, I wish it was possible to edit these flags directly from the person page on managed profiles without clicking on the edit tab, similar to how you can add parents, siblings, spouses, and children by clicking the yellow links on profiles that you manage.

 Also, I wish that if "No more children" is selected for both of a person's parents, "No more siblings" will be selected automatically for that person. Likewise, if "No more siblings" is selected for a person, "No more children" will be selected automatically for both of their parents. (Obviously, this can still be unselected if it was selected in error, and unselected it for one party will also unselect it for the other.)

Additionally, I wish that the "No spouses" and "No children" flags were selected automatically for people who died before a certain age (maybe 12). Of course, they can be unselected in the event of child marriage or pregnancy, but it would be a lot more convenient to not have the yellow "Spouses?" and "Children?" links show up after creating a profile for a dead baby.
by Tessa Bradley G2G6 (8.9k points)
+9 votes
PLEASE Get rid of up and down arrow votes system. IMO it’s causing some members to NOT ask questions hence making mistakes by avoidance..kindly.

.ps I know I’ll get down votes for this sorry, but it’s my opinion and personal experience in WT.  kindly…
by Dee Spencer-Carr G2G6 Mach 2 (23.9k points)

I voted you up because I totally agree with you laugh

Dee, I don't often down vote questions or answers. I would not downvote this answer because your answer is your opinion and you along with everyone else are expected to have an opinion.

But I disagree with you, when a person asks a question it is useful to know if the person is new to WikiTree or if they have many years of experience.

If the person is very new, the answer given will likely be very different than an answer given to someone with more or much more experience. Often more recent members are encouraged to read the many help pages about WT how to's and what not to do.

If I ask a question I hope that a person will answer who has more experience than I do about the particular topic.

I also know that there are some people who like to be contrary just because... though there are many less such occurrences now than there was 4 years ago before the G2G discussion rules were updated.

I was quite surprised at how nasty, critical etc some people were when I joined in 2019.
Hey M.

I'm sorry, but how can one see if someone is an old member or a new member from the downvoting system?

My issue is that G2G is presented as a forum where also announcements are made, but it uses a software package for questions only. It kills the conversation really imho.

Michel, contributions that members make to G2G are tracked, next to your name it says G2G6 Pilot, which means you have accumulated over 6,000 G2G points, actually 291,330 points, by asking questions or answering questions in the G2G forum, upvoting an answer or picking a best answer to a question, or having an answer you gave picked as best answer. 

You can look at exactly how these points were accumulated by clicking on G2G profile under your WT ID drop down on your profile page. This tells me that you have been active in G2G conversations and that a significant number of people thought your questions and answers were useful. I can also see on your profile when you joined WT. Someone who joined recently and has not been at all active in G2G to date would have 100 points. 

This is how points are awarded and I'm sure you already know this. Asking a question is 30 points. Answering a question is 100 points. Voting up an answer posted by someone else is 10 points. Having your question voted up by someone else is 30 points. Having your answer voted up by someone else is 30 points. Having your answer selected as the best by someone else is 300 points. Selecting an answer made by someone else to your question as the best answer is 30 points. Voting down a question or answer costs points.

There are many members who are very active in G2G, they answer questions everyday, their answers help people to understand how WT works, they provide advice on how to find sources, many people actively research and look for sources for members who ask questions such as: 1. my grandmothers name was Mary O’Rourke she was born in this place at this time, my grandfather’s name was William Rodgers, how do I find a marriage record? 

There are also questions asked quite regularly such as: 2. why do I need to look for records about my family, I know who they were, where they lived, died etc this is really stupid and I’m not going to do it. 

If I look at the G2G level next to their name and see that it says G2G Rookie I know the person is a new member or has not been active in the forum since they joined. Answers to that question usually explain how WT is set up and why sourcing is important. 

The people who answered either of these questions have provided valuable information and deserve a pat on the back or an upvote for their answer. 

If the person who asked the sourcing question chooses to ignore the answer and doesn’t source the profiles they manage, we might see another question from them later. It might say some person put a big orange banner on my profiles it says Unsourced, I already said I wasn’t going to do that sourcing stuff and I want the banner removed. This is a question that might get a downvote. 

If someone else answers and says I agree this sourcing stuff is stupid and I don’t do it, that answer could also get a downvote.

But if you or someone else answers and explains why sourcing is important in a way that convinces the person that profiles should/ must be sourced, that answer also deserves an upvote and could easily get a best answer. 

It isn’t a downvoting system, it is a way of thanking people who make helpful contributions to G2G, and yes on occasions a way of letting people know that what they said or asked was in some way inappropriate. And it is possible to accidentally upvote or downvote an answer or question, or for someone to think that clicking on the vote button is a way of bookmarking a question or answer. 

And apologies for the length of this answer. 

M, I wish I could give your reply the star of best answer. Thank you for that detailed explanation, I had no idea how points were awarded on G2G. And I found your answer so helpful that I just bookmarked it in my WikiTree bookmark's folder heart

Thank you Vicki, I like to know the details about everything.
M. The downvoting system is perceived as a downvoting system. It is a direct negative way of saying something, as there is no compulsory explanation required. There is also no way one can track easily on which answers or questions you get a downvote. The downvotes I got/get is mostly because I disagree, as a Biologist with Ethical training from a privacy aware country, with all the DNA focus/companies/sharing around here. The effect is simple: I keep away from all those conversations/questions. I also see quite a lot of members only using comments as those cannot get any votes. Is that what we want?
+5 votes
I also wish that the preferred first name would be shown instead of the proper first name for public and open profiles on the category pages. This is because it can be confusing to see the proper first names of people who went exclusively by nicknames or middle names or who changed their names. This could be a setting so that people can see the proper first name instead if they wish.
by Tessa Bradley G2G6 (8.9k points)
+6 votes
Perhaps a way to group folks with the same surname by locality.  i.e. Indiana born Felty names or even those born in a particular county.  Thanks for offering to consider  suggestions.  Bev
by Beverly Enslow G2G6 Mach 1 (16.6k points)
+8 votes
Another wish on my wishlist, is this; in the "Add Spouse of" process, on the screen where the date and the location of the wedding, are entered, as those details are automatically copied to the profile of each of the two spouses, adding another text input box on that screen, for the source citation for the wedding, so that the source citation for the wedding, is also, simultaneously copied to each of the profiles of the two spouses.
by Bret Busby G2G6 (9.1k points)
+5 votes
I wish that there was a way to link family members when one or more are locked. I can see why someone doesn't want just anyone to edit a profile, but complete profile lockdowns create unnecessary brick walls. Requesting to be on a trusted list just to link two existing profiles is cumbersome and I seldom get a response from a profile manager.
by G Gingerich G2G1 (1.7k points)
+9 votes
I'd like to see improvements on the G2G search. It's almost impossible to find posts even if you search litterally by the subject of the post. For instance, if I look for "Question of the Week" I'd expect to see the latest Questions of the week, or the most relevant results of that weekly posts. But you'll get anything not related. Just in result #7 I get a post about "Question of the week" but it's from 2016!

Other improvement would be a more intuitive organization of menus, with relevance of the most used and with independent buttons for G2G, Apps and WikiTree+

And I want to have more tags to follow, 30 or 40.
by Vicki Blanco Borchers G2G6 Mach 7 (74.5k points)
+6 votes
I would love a "SHOP" button on the main page to connect us to the Wikitree shop on  It would be so much easier to get to!
by Christine Miller G2G6 Mach 6 (67.6k points)

Yes Christine, great idea! You can only get there if you have the link. Which is winkyes

Good idea, but actually, there are multiple WikiTree shops on different sites, so we'd need a Shop page that links to all of them:

(I think this one is at least semi- sorta- official.)

(This one is mine.)

(I have no idea who runs this one.)

There are probably more.

+4 votes
I’d like it if the system remembers and prompts a location based on the last one used.

“Do you mean Woodlawn New South Wales? Oh you mean Woodlawn, Louisiana? Huh. Your family lived and died there for generations? First I’ve heard of it. Okay.”

[repeat 40 times]
by Philip Williamson G2G Crew (320 points)
+5 votes
I was wondering if it is possible to add a burial/cemetery location similar to how FamilySearch is set up where it is a data entry field?  I just see a lot of requests for new Cemetery Categories and it seems like using a drop down like FamilySearch has for cemeteries would be easier to maintain long term.
by Kirby Drake G2G6 Mach 2 (25.2k points)

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