Question of the Week: What ancestral location would you most like to visit?

+36 votes

Are there any places where your ancestors lived that you would really like to visit?

Please tell us with an answer below. You could also answer on Facebook or use the question image to share your answer with friends and family on any social media.

in The Tree House by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
edited by Azure Robinson

72 Answers

+27 votes

I would love to go to San Pietro a Maida, Italy. Not only do I have ancestors from there, I have relatives still living in the area and I want to visit them. The language barrier may be an issue. But, I am certain my cousin’s wife Rosa can help me out. She's an English teacher in nearby Lamezia Terme.

I pick that over Gesualdo because growing up I knew they were around as my great-aunt Nicolina talked about them often. I met them and added them on Facebook once I found them and chatted with them there. I've even sent letters and Christmas cards to them. I think it'd be a great idea to finally meet them face to face.

Funny story. I went into the San Pietro a Maida Facebook group one day and asked for help and a cousin replied asking if I was related to my great-aunt, Nicolina. I said "Yes". Turns out she remembered Nicolina from her many visits to Italy. We caught up and have been friends on Facebook ever since! Never tell me the odds!!

With that said, I don't know if I have cousins still living in Gesualdo as most of that side came to America. So, the safe bet would be to go to San Pietro a Maida and visit relatives there.

by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (792k points)
edited by Chris Ferraiolo
Ciao Cousin Chris, let's use air miles to Italy. You can go to San Pietro and I will head to the Italian Alps (Turin) to work on my Giorgio ancestry! Best Wishes for a Happy & Healthy New Year.
Sounds like a good deal to me. =D Have fun in the Alps! I'm going where it's warm!!!
+26 votes
Continuing with the Calabria region of Southern Italy, I wish to someday get the opportunity to visit the village of San Fili in the Provence of Cosenza. As the ancestral home of my maternal great grandparents, it looks like an amazingly beautiful and peaceful town. With more research, I hope to also find some living relatives still residing there to possibly meet (and perhaps shelter with as well)!
by Brian Quesnell G2G6 Mach 7 (78.3k points)
I hope you find them! Maybe you can find the town's Facebook page and see if anyone responds to your questions. Couldn't hurt to try. =D
I really appreciate the advice Chris. I will certainly be trying that out. I am still catching up to technology, being an analog guy in a very digital world.
+24 votes
I would most like to visit Bamburgh and Bamburgh Castle in the UK.  It's not every day that you find that your ancestors had a castle in the family for several hundred years.
by Simon Forster G2G2 (2.5k points)
+23 votes
I am guilty of creating a bucket list location based on misinterpreted information that I collected. Ever since I discovered my connection to Duff Green-21228 I have wanted to stay at his historic haunted mansion in Vicksburg Ms. In reading up on him, I was doubtful how one man could be so prolific in his accomplishments. I have come to the conclusion (only after dob's and dod's were obtained for the Duff Green who owned the plantation) that this must be a different Duff Green who is no doubt related. Somehow, staying at a cousin's nephew or cousin's cousin's haunted mansion, just isn't the same. I guess it is back to Broom's Bloom Dairy for a cheeseburger and ice cream, made at and by the dairy, from an ancestral location that dates back to early 1700's and supports the 9th generation of the Dallam family.
by K Smith G2G6 Pilot (384k points)
edited by K Smith
+22 votes
I have several places that I would like to visit.  I would like to go back to Scotland and do more research there, more specific places.  I would also like to visit North Carolina and Tennessee where my paternal GGrandparents were born.  England is another place I would love to visit for research.
by Tammie Cochran G2G6 Pilot (411k points)
+23 votes
I am privileged and/or advantaged in that all my paternal ancestral locations are within one hour‘s drive from my birth town, and most of my maternal ancestral locations are within one hour‘s drive from my mother’s birthplace - all in Northern and Eastern Germany. So in 2021, we actually started to go to a different place every year. After Erfurt, Halle/Saale and Bad Langensalza, the place to visit for this year will be Arnstadt. It‘s awesome to stand with my mother and brother in front of homes where our ancestors were born and lived and died.

The challenge is not so much geography but time. So much has changed in Germany, not least due to wars, „townplanning“ and other catastrophes. So while I enjoy going to those ancestral locations, I would even more love to go to them in their historical setting. Anyone having a Tardis for hire …
by Oliver Stegen G2G6 Pilot (141k points)
+23 votes
I would like to visit Lancashire, England especially the area around Garstang where my husband's 7 x GG parents lived.

And find a local historian who could explain exactly who was who and exactly which Betty married which John.

The family name is variously Standing , Standen and Stanning , the many branches of the family intermarried for at least 100 years, cousins married cousins and they all have the same first names, James, John, Elizabeth and Betty,

One branch came to Canada, and their descendants travelled with Joseph Smith to what became Salt Lake city and were founding members of the Mormon church.
by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (771k points)
+21 votes

15 years ago my husband and I went to a few different countries on a holiday following my retirement.  The icing on the cake was to be the opportunity to stay in a property owned by the Chester-Master family in England and talk about family. We were also scheduled to visit Scotland where my Keillor ancestors hail from, and some still live there.

Unfortunately, my husband became ill just after we arrived in England, and we had to cancel the rest of our holiday and return home.

I dream of returning to these places. Even though I was born and bred in Australia, I have a very strong bond to the places of my Ancestors. heart

by Leigh Chester-Master G2G6 Mach 7 (76.9k points)
edited by Leigh Chester-Master
+27 votes
First, England to do research on my Baldwin of Buckinghamshire ancestors, then to Germany to do research on my Nickels, Rathgeber ancestrey, then back to Posnan Poland to do research on my Koput ancestry, then to the Italian Alps (Turin) to research on my Giorgio ancestry, then to the French Riviera to collapse and die after all that research!
by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
Oh Carol - if you plan to die at the end of that trip, we all hope that it‘s still a looong way in the future. Don’t go just yet! ;-)
Hi Oliver, with all this travel and research, it should give me another at least 10 years which would put me at nearly 90! It would be time well spent and a great way to go! My Sincere Best Wishes to you for a Happy & Healthy New Year!
Relax, guys. I can bring her back to life with this potion. Now to roll the dice.... you bring me back, try a Mind Meld, or some other Star Trek, Dr Who or other such reanimation technique! If it's from Dr. Who, please make sure it is David Tennant or Matt Smith who do the work. They would definitely reanimate me!
Sounds like D&D to me :-o

Oh the fun we have at WikiTree! Best genealogical wishes to you for a better 2024 as well!
Cousin Carol, the universe put you and me on the earth to accomplish a certain number of things; and we are so far behind we can never die! (Seriously, I hope you get there )

@Chris, Tennant for me!
The ladies sure do love David Tennant. Well, he is cool. I think we have plenty of means to revive Carol. =D Pop culture is full of them. There's also "bringing her back due to editorial mandate".
For sure, cuz!

(P.S. I would love to have seen D as Hamlet...)
@Chris F

@D Armistead

OK, cousins, let's add Michael Sheen, Javier Bardem, Liam Neeson to my list of persons to bring me back.

D, I would love to see DT as Hamlet, but here is a true 'bragging rights' story relevant to Shakespear. In 1978, a friend and did a tour of England and Scotland to celebrate completing nursing school the year before. One of our stops was Stratford and we attended 'Loves Labours Lost' at the Royal Shakespeare. One of the main characters was portrayed by a you Alan Rickman!!! Before he was famous! He was notable and compelling way back then!

Cousin Chris...'editorial mandate'? For WikiTree or slogging through these nursing papers?
I am directly related to the Baldwins of Buckinghamshire England. John of Milford, 1620-1681 CT.

.I was to see the Dundridge Manor house last June a but a car accident prevented it.

 I really couldn't find out much information if it's open or the gardens. I know about the Church close by, with the dedicated windows. Do you have any information?  I may have cummunicated with you before?
+22 votes
I am 1/8 Barbadian through my great grandmother Claudia.  I would truly like to go to Barbados sometime.  I understand the history and what happened with the riots and hurricanes but GG Claudie is a part of my past I would like to see in person.  Barbados.
by Jacqueline Dobson G2G6 Mach 5 (50.3k points)
Although all of my paternal relatives were on various islands in the Bahamas, I too have a Barbadian ancestor, Martha Gilbert Lowe, my 7th great grandmother,

so take me with you (at least in spirit) when you go. I visited Barbados on a surfing trip when I was younger but I had no idea that an ancestor of mine was born there.
+20 votes
1st place - 1850 To  Falling Waters, Braxton County, Virginia(West Virginia) It seems like most of my relatives lived back then. I have lots of questions to ask them, and maybe a gentle reminder to record births and deaths in Sutton.

2nd place to Washington DC - Sometime around the 1920's before the fire that destroyed the census records and warn them about the fire.

3rd place I would like to warn the military the day before the Japs destroyed Pearl Harbor.
by Chris Wine G2G6 Mach 5 (57.5k points)
Third place is a fixed point in time, Chris. I am so sorry.
Yeah I know but with the budget I am on I will be lucky to get back Cleveland Ohio, Wait,, I am going Cleveland next week for my surgery and to eat all that yummy hospital tasty food, and all those non sugary drinks, must not forget those nurses waking you up in the middle of the night, and those beautiful gowns they make you wear.

Technically it would not be that far.

1st  Cruise to Alaska: forget genealogy and take pcts for you all.

2. Visit DC to annoy my congress women and tell here how much I dislike her views on politics and Senator w/o getting arrested. I would then go to the one  like and complement him.

3. Visit Johnstown Pa, Clarksburg WV, Bulltown WV, Charleston WV.

But since I have to pay off my debt to society, I guess I will go up to the local library or maybe downtown Canton to get on :)
I see what you did there. #wibblywobbly
+20 votes
In pursuit of trying to discover who my biological father was I would like to visit the parts of Ireland my  Ancestry DNA test tells me I have paternal line relatives from - so County Mayo and County Galway especially Island Eddy and Island Inishmore ( sadly I am not a good sailor so would have to wait for calm weather )
by Anon Sharkey G2G6 Pilot (132k points)
+22 votes
I really do not have much of a lofty goal. I only want to travel 455 miles to the original home in Baylis, Illinois of my paternal grandmother, Pearl McCleery Lovelace. She kept a wonderful scrapbook of her childhood home, family and friends. She often told me how happy she was there. In the 2000 census, it shows only 200 people living in Baylis, and I would love to find some of my McIntire family.

I think it would be great fun take her scrapbook there and find some of her family. I have wonderful photos, but no names for them.
by Alexis Nelson G2G6 Pilot (871k points)
+18 votes
My original Ancestors William Hilton & Ellen Mainwaring were from Witton, Cheshire, England, I'd like to go there! Perhaps see, if the Place that they lived is still standing, after all they lived in the 1550s. William was Yeoman, so perhaps it still is?
by Jack Hilton G2G6 Mach 4 (41.0k points)
i live near Witton so send me some details and  I'll see what I can find
+19 votes
100% Cornwall!
Pretty well every ancestor on my dad's side is from Cornwall. Though I'm not sure how I would go being from North Queensland. Brrr... freezing!
by Gaz Thomas G2G5 (5.1k points)
i would like to join you in Cornwall.  i would like to go to redruth, gwennap, camborne.
Some of the warmest weather I've experienced in UK has been in Cornwall, and although my last two trips to Devon have been when parts of it have been affected by flooding, it's so much better than where you live, where it seems a constant.

Perhaps you could start by visiting Tasmania, in winter, for awhile, to acclimatise, then the UK in Summer will feel lovely (as it generally is).

Worrying about the weather is preventing the trip of a life-time.

Sadly I only have a Aunt who lived in Cornwall, my ancestors never crossed The Tamar, it seems... but I've visited several times.
it would surely be better than wisconsin in winter! my great-grandfather migrated from redruth as a young man in the 1850s.
+18 votes
I would like to visit Chicago. My grandfather Thomas H. Gravestock was a saddler and emigrated to the USA with his family in the 1880s living briefly in New York and then Chicago. He became an American citizen, volunteered to fight in the Spanish/American War as Saddler/Sergeant of the 1st Illinois Cavalry, and died in 1904. He was a member of the Fraternal Society, the Sons of St George, in Chicago, and I would like to investigate this further.
by Richard Gravestock G2G Crew (740 points)
+19 votes
Scotland. I have always wanted to go there but especially now that I know I have ancestors from there.
by Angela Newcom G2G6 (9.2k points)
+18 votes
I would love to visit Ireland, England and Scotland. These are the places most of my known ancestors come from.
by Jo-Anne Riolfo G2G6 Mach 1 (12.5k points)
+18 votes
Paisley, Renfrewshire Scotland as both my husband's father's side and my Mother's Mother's side came from there.
by Sue Glen G2G Crew (740 points)
+16 votes
I would like to visit North Macedonia.  My paternal grandfather was from there, although he always referred to it as Yugoslavia (at the time).  Through years of research I narrowed it down to Resen, North Macedonia, and finally through DNA I have connected with relatives still there.  My father's first cousin is there, as well as extended family, and she remembers my grandfather quite well.  My sisters and I have booked reservations to visit in September.  Can't wait.

Second place is Poland, where my paternal grandmother's parents came from.  I am still trying to narrow down the exact locations (I think I have one), and hopefully find some DNA matches still there, then that will be next year's trip.  Very exiting!
by Lynn Wentworth G2G3 (3.3k points)

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