Happy April! We're going to fool around and date some profiles this week. Will you join us?

+22 votes

Hey WikiTreers!! We have a fun dating challenge for you this week! 

Your goal is to find dates for as many profiles as you can with the first name of one of your grandparents. For example, my paternal grandfather is named "Frank," so I would enter the following in WikiTree+ under Search > Text Search: 

b0 d0 FirstName=Frank orphan open 

(click here to see what that looks like on WikiTree+. This query will help you find all orphaned profiles with no dates and Open privacy for whatever name you enter)

Post an answer below telling us what name you're working on and how many undated profiles you found with that name.

Then come join us on Zoom on Friday (5 Apr) at 4 pm EDT (2000 GMT), and we'll share our successes! 

You can also join other "daters" on the Friday Date Night Discord channel all week long to get or give help and celebrate those dating victories!

Friday Date Night Logo

<-- Click that button right there to visit the Friday Date Night free-space page to see what you should do when you find a living person or can't find a date. There's a bunch of other helpful info there, too. 

in The Tree House by Julie Ricketts G2G6 Pilot (494k points)

This G2G reminded me of this funny April Fools post https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1010621/what-do-you-think-about-the-new-profile-badges 

Yes!! That was hilarious. laugh

P.S. Share the spread the word!

I'm really happy to see that some of you are continuing to work on this challenge!

I'm planning on posting another one w/ a different "target" starting next week!!
I am adding WikiTree links where every I go.

19 Answers

+18 votes

I'll be dating profiles with the first name of Frank!! 

There are 814 of these profiles that are Open and orphaned. 

by Julie Ricketts G2G6 Pilot (494k points)

Let's see how many of those you get done.  You don't do anything else!! wink

It'll be interesting! laugh

My Scoreboard:

  • Frank: 6
  • Frances: 1
  • Emily: 1
+16 votes
First grandparent I selected is Drury and there are only 11.. He actually went by his middle name of Ernest and I find 259 of those.  Should be able to clean up the Drury list, but only make a small reductions on the Ernest list
by Patricia Roche G2G6 Pilot (870k points)
I love it!! I think I have a Drury somewhere in my branches, too.
+17 votes
I hope to make time for this challenge during the week!

I've picked a fairly fairly common name, Mary, of which there are currently 5,779 orphaned and undated. 60 of these are marked for Ireland, so that's where I'll be starting.
by Feargal Hennigan G2G6 Mach 6 (64.1k points)
edited by Feargal Hennigan
Great plan, Feargal!
+16 votes
I am choosing my maternal grandma's name, Josephine. There are 404.
by Kathy Nava G2G6 Pilot (327k points)
Awesome, Kathy!!
+15 votes
I will go with Melba
by W Robertson G2G6 Pilot (125k points)
That could be a fun one, W! Are there a ton of them?
Very few, but the first one I looked at had undated siblings, so it will be more than the starting number (9 I think)
I love it when you find a whole set of siblings that are dateable. Nicely done!
+13 votes
This sounds fun! I chose my maternal grandfather, Otis. There are only 44! We'll see what I can do with them.
by Robin Shaules G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
I can't believe there are only 44 Otis's! Good luck!!
+14 votes
I’ll choose my maternal grandfather, Melvin. There are 73.
by Eric Perkins G2G6 Mach 3 (31.8k points)
Excellent!! Thanks for joining us, Eric!
+14 votes
I'm going to work on the ten women named Leola!
by Emily Holmberg G2G6 Pilot (160k points)
Yay, Emily! Thank for jumping in. How's it going?
Well.... I started on the first Leola without dates - finally found family member with dates - purported grandparents. I dated the two siblings of Leola's mother, Oval and Opal. OOPS! Oval is a woman married to William - NOT Oval is a man married to WILMA! Changed gender and corrected Wilma's first name - gave them both dates. Found dates for Opal and her husband. Yeah!!

Discovered that Leola's mother Dessie could not be a sibling of Oval and Opal - she is a sibling to their mother Essie! So detached her sister and sister's husband as parents, attached to correct parents - and dated her!

Have now sourced, dated, and corrected her first name to Leolus!

In all that - a total of six profiles that now have dates, locations, and at least one source!
Oh wow!!! Well done!!
+13 votes
I am working on 213 Edna’s
by S Stevenson G2G6 Pilot (258k points)
213!! That's a lot of Edna's without dates. Are you making progress??
The first ten were fairly easy but a lot of undated siblings, spouses and/or parents. So will not be a quick process. Love dating these very old gedcoms. Was able to connect some to their parents or spouses.
That's fantastic!! It is very gratifying, isn't it??
+14 votes
I will be working with Delma, my father's mother's name that she used instead of Edelmer (Edelma), which is her actual name, WikiTree doesn't have any Edelmer orphans, but does have 6 Delmas; interestingly, 1 is male.
by Living Brunson G2G6 Pilot (105k points)
Yeah. If I remember correct I did some sourcing on a guy named Delma…..
That's a nice manageable batch!!

Here is what I have done for Delma:

[[Alvis-2162|Delma Gladys (Alvis) Greathouse]] - Added DOB/POB, DOD/POD, added sources, added spouse, added bio
[[Phillips-906|Rosa Lea (Phillips) Alvis]] - Mother, Added DOB/POB, DOD/POD, added sources, added bio, GEDCOM Junk clean-up
[[Alvis-2167|Melissa Eleanor (Alvis) Nester-]] - Sister, Added DOB/POB, DOD/POD, added sources, added bio, GEDCOM Junk clean-up
[[Alvis-2169|Charles Alvis]] - Brother - Brother, Added DOB/POB, DOD/POD, added sources, added bio, GEDCOM Junk clean-up
[[Alvis-2170|Julia Ann (Alvis)]] - Sister, Added DOB/POB, DOD/POD, added sources, added bio, GEDCOM Junk clean-up

[[Miller-4989|Delma Irven Miller]] - Added DOB/POB, DOD/POD, added sources, added bio, GEDCOM Junk clean-up

[[Jorgensen-316|Delma Marjorie (Jorgensen) Palladino]] - Added DOB/POB, DOD/POD, added sources, added bio
[[Jorgensen-312|Jorgen Daniel Jorgensen]] - Father, Added DOB/POB, DOD/POD, added sources, added bio
[[Matthews-1086|Erma Zelma (Matthews) Jorgensen]] - Mother, Added DOB/POB, DOD/POD, added sources, added bio
[[Jorgensen-313|Carl Jorgensen]] - Brother, Added DOB/POB, DOD/POD, added sources, added bio
[[Jorgensen-314|James Harold Jorgensen (1929-1930)]] - Brother, Added DOB/POB, DOD/POD, added sources, added bio
[[Jorgensen-315|Nina (Jorgensen) Johnson]] - Sister, Added DOB/POB, DOD/POD, added sources, added bio
[[Jorgensen-317|Ethel (Jorgensen) Kopaska]] - Sister, Added DOB/POB, DOD/POD, added sources, added bio
[[Jorgensen-318|Betty (Jorgensen) Knight]] - Sister, Added DOB/POB, DOD/POD, added sources, added bio

[[Gesner-8|Delma Grace Gesner (1909-1966)]] - Added DOB/POB, DOD/POD, added sources, added bio
[[Gesner-3|Albert Gesner]] - Father, Added DOB/POB, DOD/POD, added sources, added bio, GEDCOM Junk clean-up
[[Gesner-16|Ralph Lydon Gesner (1913-1989)]] - Brother, Added DOB/POB, DOD/POD, added sources, added bio, GEDCOM Junk clean-up
[[Kyrakou-1|Riehaletti (Kyrakou) Gesner (1928-2024)]] - Brother's wife #1, Added DOB/POB, DOD/POD, added sources, added bio, GEDCOM Junk clean-up
[[Scott-4098|Virginia Scott]] - Brother's wife #2, added sources, GEDCOM Junk clean-up

[[Hansen-1911|Delma (Hansen) Gough]]
[[Hansen-1908|Beverley (Hansen) Keppel]]
[[Hansen-1910|Grahame Hansen]]
[[Hansen-1909|Roy Hansen]]

[[Kay-753|Delma Ladell Kay (1894-1990)]] - Added DOB/POB, DOD/POD, added sources, added bio

The bold names are the Delma's WT has listed. I could only find DOB/POB, DOD/POD info on 5/6. Since I couldn't complete the Delma list, I took it out 1° for anyone else who was undated & worked them.

Along with the 1 Delma & her siblings I couldn't do, there was 1 2nd wife who I found a marriage source only for.

That's amazing, Pat!! Really well done!

I'm excited to update our stats after the next WikiTree+ refresh. :-)
+13 votes
I'm working on my maternal grandmother's name "Gertie" -
there are 21. What a fun challenge.
by M Mason G2G5 (5.0k points)
Fantastic! Glad you're enjoying it!!
+13 votes
My maternal grandmother was named Nellie.  There 185 Nellies. What a great idea this was!
by Deena Cross G2G6 Mach 5 (52.1k points)
Thanks, Deena, and I will *not* be saying, "Whoa, Nellie!"

(sorry ... that was super corny!!)
+11 votes

My maternal grandmother's name is Jewell.

The following search returned 14 profiles:

I looked at the first entry in the list and she is the daughter of a family of 14 children based on the father's obituary. Three of the children are missing in the list of siblings, and 9 of the 11 children listed have no dates. These profiles were created from a gedcom import on 22 Sep 2010 (that's 13 years, 6 months and 13 days ago without any dates on these profiles). Her profile was last edited 4 years ago to add a birth location of United States.

by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)

Dive in, Tommy!!! And good luck! laugh

+13 votes

I'll start with  Paulina (n=23), then take on Henrietta (n=102). 

Both my grandfathers, however, were John (n=6223). Cough cough.

by Jillaine Smith G2G6 Pilot (928k points)

Looks like you have your early-morning work cut out for you, Jillaine! lol 

I have all the confidence in the world that you're up to the task. laugh

Still working on Paulina, because of course these undated profiles are not isolated; they're typically part of a whole undated family.
Oh, they for sure lead to rabbit holes!!! But just think about the number of rabbit holes you're closing up. :-D
+12 votes
I have added dates to the family of the one profile found for Osias (old French for Isaac). There are 156 people with the name Russell so I will try and work on some of them.
by Liza Gervais G2G6 Pilot (410k points)
Thanks, Liza!! And good luck. That's a *lot* of Russells!
Osias - 1 - done

Russell - 4 so far

Plus additional family members
Good progress!! Dating is not quick work.
Got one more done plus his sister
+12 votes
I've chosen Beulah for dating.  That gave me 71 profiles to work on.
by LaMyra Morton G2G6 Mach 4 (46.7k points)
How's the dating going, LaMyra?? Are our Beulahs less lonely now? :-)
Well, the list got a little shorter.  There's only 57 undated Beulah's now.  But I went off on to siblings, spouses and other relatives, gedcom cleaning and trying to connect to other family members that also had WT profiles.  So the list got shorter, but there are still plenty needing help.

I've returned to creating 1880 profiles for blacks in Arkansas for the time being-at least until Thon time, but I may be still be doing that during Thon.
You made good progress! Thank you!
+12 votes
Since my grandparents are from Europe. I settled on Americanized name Arthur my father used this instead of Attilio Jr. Arthur has 489 orphans. So far I got 12 have dates and I am not their profile mangers.  See you soon
by Anne Fiordalisi G2G6 Mach 7 (79.9k points)
That's a large task, Anne! How's it going?
+12 votes
There's only two Velvas, but was unable to find any for sure sources for either.  So on to Clarence...
by Jody Rodgers G2G6 Mach 5 (56.3k points)
Hi, Jody! That's unfortunate!! I hope Clarence is more productive to work on.
+10 votes
Finally got into the G2G challenge with my maternal Grandmother's name.   I dated 2 Hazels  and a third Hazel and her 7 siblings.
by Donna Baumann G2G6 Mach 6 (62.3k points)
Nicely done, Donna! The Hazels should be about done, yes??

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