USBH Weekend Sprint: Help us spring clean by adding new family members

+13 votes

Welcome to US Black Heritage Project's Weekend Sprint!

Who can join? Every WikiTreer!

The weekend is over, but please come back to this category as often as you'd like and add family.

Goal: To work together to add family members to our lonely single profiles.


  • Answer below that you would like to participate. 
  • Go to the category called Family Tree Size One and choose a person to add family to. If it's a yellow locked notable, please skip that person unless you are on the USBH Notables Team.
  • Research that person and add as many family members as you'd like to. Please don't forget sources! And you can add maintenance categories for others to continue working on the new profiles.
  • Add {{African-American Sticker}} to any profiles with Black heritage. 
  • Remove the Family Tree Size One category from the profile after you've attached family.
  • We will not be tracking individual scores, but you can keep track of your own contributions and comment on your post at the end of the weekend just for fun. New family profiles added do count for the USBH Connecting Challenge. Use the challenge tracker.

Every new profile added helps us create connections.

Before:   5969 people need family added

After: 5876 Great work everyone!

in The Tree House by Emma MacBeath G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
edited by Emma MacBeath

Reminder: This page has directions for how to use WikiTree+ to find profiles in the USBH Family Tree Size One category that you created/manage or that are from a specific county/state.

Thanks for this, Christy! That's what I'm doing. I'm working on profiles I created that are in the category.

12 Answers

+12 votes
One of my favorite sprints! I love creating and connecting profiles. I've already started on one that's super easy--sources already on the profile with family named.
by Emma MacBeath G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
+10 votes
I'll try to knock some out! It's the least I can do, since I've been creating a lot of tree size one profiles!
by Kate Schmidt G2G6 Pilot (126k points)
LOL. Haven't we all? thanks, Kate!
+11 votes
I'll definitely help. Feel free to work on any I created because I haven't had any luck finding family for them.
by Miyako Jones G2G6 Mach 4 (42.3k points)

Thanks, Miyako! I'm working on one family right now with three generations who used the same names for every kid. crying

Sounds challenging. I know I've been confused when people reuse names.
+11 votes
I'll be glad to help out this weekend where I can!
by Melanie McComb G2G6 Mach 5 (58.3k points)
Thanks, Melanie!
+10 votes
Yes, let's get these people some family!! I'll be working on some over the weekend.
by Katie Bryant G2G6 Mach 6 (64.2k points)
Thanks, Katie!
+10 votes
I'll work on some.  There are a bunch of profiles I created from the 1880 census project that I categorized as Needs Profiles Created, Needs LNAB, or Family Tree Size One.  

I don't have any paid accounts, so for Tree Size One profiles, I have probably exhausted Family Search.  I'd love to see others add to these!  

It's a lovely day today, so I don't want to be glued to the computer, but I'll find some time!
by Jaki Erdoes G2G6 Mach 7 (70.1k points)
Thanks, Jaki! And yes, that's the beauty of the maintenance categories. We can pass the work on to the next person who can help.
+10 votes
I'll try to work on some that I've added from the 1880 Census.  I had a whole group of convicts that were working on a railroad in Pickens County, SC, who were all family tree size one.
by Suzanne Dyck G2G6 Mach 2 (23.2k points)
Thanks, Suzanne!
+10 votes
I'll help! I love connecting.
by Karen Lowe G2G6 Pilot (196k points)
Me too. Connecting is my happy place. Thanks, Karen!
+11 votes
Chiming in late. I'll try to do a few at least before the end of the weekend.
by Kristen Stiefel G2G6 Mach 1 (10.6k points)
Thanks, Kristen!
+9 votes

Good morning!  I've been working on adding family members to profiles I created from the 1880 Census for Schoharie County, NY.  I think I may have created a duplicate. Nancy Thompson Thompson-92074 was the daughter of William Thompson Thompson-92040. He appears right next to Andrew and Nancy Cain [[Unknown-675062]] in the 1892 Census for Schoharie, and also in the same household as the Cain family in 1870. It seems likely that Nancy Thompson married Andrew Cain.  The main argument against this is that the 1870 Census lists a Mary Cain same age as Nancy, and has husband Andrew Cain's children listed.  That record is full of spelling errors.  I suspect Mary and Nancy are the same person, incorrectly entered.  Relationships not given.

Is there enough evidence to merge the two Nancys?  Anyone interested in taking a look?  Links to these census records can be found in William Thompson's profile.  

Thanks so much!

by Jaki Erdoes G2G6 Mach 7 (70.1k points)
Jaki, I went through the census records on Ancestry past 1892, They are all Nancy C, and in 1910 she is living with her son William Cain, I am pretty sure they are the same person. It won't be the first or last time a name isn't entered correctly on a census, thanks for catching it!
Great, thanks, Denise!  In the meantime, I discovered I conflated her brother George Thompson with the George in the 1880 Census.  Her brother died in 1878, so I created a new Family of One!  (Unless the date on the tombstone is incorrect!)
Jaki, I added some sources to Nancy's profile including her death date/record.

Best of luck on the other George!
Thanks, Denise!
+8 votes
I can help clean up a few (especially since I've added several more this weekend working on 1880!)
by Amy Johnson G2G6 Mach 6 (63.9k points)

Aha! you are the culprit for the new additionslaugh Thanks, Amy!

+7 votes
Have three no luck with first two. Working on notable Jehu Grant adding more info to his profile he's no longer a family of one will be adding more family later today and ongoing.

Thanks Emma and thanks Christy for the link!
by Denise E G2G6 Mach 8 (89.1k points)
Thanks, Denise!

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